Explore The Recently Updated Fan-Fiction Novels (Translation Completed)

Miss Planeswalker, Are You Free to Fall in Love?

193 chapters
Comprehensive Manga: Crazy Buy Buy Buy Buy

113 chapters
Legendary Swordsman in Armored Iron Attack

198 chapters
Xishu Trip – Douluo

146 chapters
Star Railroad: The Warden's I Interrogated Kafka

163 chapters
I just want to be a quiet Tianlong person

137 chapters
How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police

145 chapters
Naruto I am Bleach Jinchuriki

119 chapters
Douluo's Beginning with Devouring the Deep Sea Demon Whale King

123 chapters
Obviously I'm the trainer

118 chapters
My closet is connected to Two-dimensional

191 chapters
Lou Bai's Yu-Gi-Oh Bizarre Adventure

170 chapters
Douluo: Ruotuo save me

148 chapters
I, Shirou, the Hou Palace King

137 chapters
The Genius of Mond Joined the Chat Group

131 chapters
Douluo's Opening Sign in Buu's Physique

136 chapters
My Mom Chanedo

114 chapters
People in Douluo: Play As Aizen and Summon Ten Blades

186 chapters
Siheyuan: Break the Stick and Become a Billionaire

181 chapters
Zombie: Disciple of Uncle Nine, Kill Shi Jian at the Beginning

138 chapters