Explore The Recently Updated Game Novels

Real Players of the Department of Life

159 chapters
i kill boss in survival game

171 chapters
Alliance: I'm such a sunshine boy

109 chapters

144 chapters
E-sports god online sprinkles sugar

104 chapters
I! NS game designer

136 chapters
I am an alchemist, it is impossible to set off Ragnarok

141 chapters
Game Design: Players are moved to tears

177 chapters
I want to be the Grand Duke of the Abyss

161 chapters
Lord: Skeleton soldiers are weak?I am infinitely talented

118 chapters
Playing A Li at the beginning, a song that surprises everyone

162 chapters
Let you play a car racing game, and you are a sword king? !

181 chapters
I rely on cards to play through the end of the world game

148 chapters