Explore The Recently Updated Translated Josei Novels

Honored Prince’s Wife: Princess from Thousand Years Ago

3 chapters

6 chapters
I Am Being Chased by a Perfectionist Man

27 chapters
I Don’t Like The World, I Only Like You

18 chapters
I Had Enough! Let’s Break Up

5 chapters
I Want To Be Your First

3 chapters
A Silently Emanating Spring Light

86 chapters
After Becoming the Golden Finger of Long Aotian Male Protagonist

74 chapters
After Rebirth, I Just Want To Concentrate on Raising My Baby

60 chapters
Because Pushing Didn’t Work, I Decided to Pull Away

25 chapters
Broken Engagements And Curses

2 chapters
A Court Blacksmith, whom was Condemned for being an ‘Iron-Smelling Woman’, was Picked up by a Friend

62 chapters
A Lifetime of Longing

2 chapters
Age of Lazurite, Tower of Glass

10 chapters
All Stars are My Gourmet Fans

21 chapters
The Male Lead’s Wife in the ’80s

80 chapters
The Male Lead is Forced to Work Hard

73 chapters
The Jilted Male Lead Hires a Mother for the Cute Shapeshifters

37 chapters
The Ideal Mary Sue

81 chapters
The Lover’s Prattle

94 chapters