Explore The Recently Updated Official Circles Novels

Douluo: Rebirth of the Mandala Snake, many children and many blessings

175 chapters
Douluo: Twin martial souls, the body-stealing evil soul master at the beginning

193 chapters
Douluo: Spore Martial Spirit, infecting Soft Bone Rabbit at the beginning

175 chapters
Douluo: Accepting Huo Yuhao as a disciple, the martial soul awakens infinitely

102 chapters
Douluo: I'm in love, Ning Rongrong, why are you anxious?

126 chapters
Douluo: Contract with Wang Donger at the beginning, Tang San is anxious

119 chapters
Douluo: I, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, become stronger in one-on-one combat

133 chapters
Douluo: I have a zombie planet

197 chapters
Douluo: Wuhun Evil Sword Immortal, absorbs infinite resentment

157 chapters
When a person becomes emperor in Douluo, he accepts Yunyun as his concubine at the beginning

121 chapters
Douluo II: Wuhun Palace is reborn and sweeps across the world

152 chapters
Douluo II: Rebirth of the auspicious beast, blocking Tang San at the beginning

174 chapters
Douluo II: Rebirth of Huo Yuhao, Capture the Goddess

143 chapters
I write a diary in Douluo, and the Pope gives me a concubine

114 chapters
The Innate Fire Spirit of the Wild Age

188 chapters
Dou Po: Rebirth of Xiao Yan, many children and many blessings

169 chapters
Changed to a priest, but the damage caused by his skills exploded

120 chapters
Douluo: Awakening the fallen blood angel, the god blocks the killing god

105 chapters