Explore The Recently Updated Translated Official Circles Novels

Red Mansion Soldiers

298 chapters
The First Corrupt Official of Ming Dynasty

438 chapters
Douluo: Peerless Blood Angel

313 chapters
Daqin: Incarnate as a general, cast an immortal dynasty

231 chapters
Dou Po: Rebirth of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, more sons and more blessings

411 chapters
Mystery: The Fool's Witch Angel

224 chapters
Douluo: I Don't Want to Be a God, I Actually Became a God

363 chapters
The Great Thief of the Three Kingdoms, save Mrs. Du at the beginning

240 chapters
You only care about the strategy

269 chapters
Crash the heavens, I really don't want to be a villain!

207 chapters
What?Altman is tenured?

497 chapters
Grow up together

447 chapters
The days when I ransacked the house in Jinyiwei

390 chapters
Daming Zhu Di: Father, why aren't you dead? !

412 chapters
Red Mansion Reader

335 chapters
Travel to Warhammer 40K with Gray Wind.

477 chapters
British writer.

356 chapters

335 chapters
Beauty Roundup: Scientific Exorcism

460 chapters
Becoming a Phantom Thief from the World of American Comics.

229 chapters