Explore The Recently Updated Official Circles Novels (Translation On Going)

Douluo: More sons and more blessings, starting from Jiehu Ayin

193 chapters
i really don't want to play basketball

193 chapters
Siheyuan: The Happy Life of Li Xiaoshi

213 chapters
Douluo: Huo Yuhao is reborn, his martial spirit is so impressive

160 chapters
The sixth professional football player who started with Manchester United

162 chapters
The master who came out of the real world

111 chapters
Sir, why is your painting style so normal?

131 chapters
Douluo: Desire to die, the secret room of martial souls

68 chapters
Full-time Mage: The Emperor Wolong

115 chapters
Dou Po: At the beginning, she was taken home by Queen Medusa.

167 chapters
Douluo Continent full of heroic spirits

300 chapters
Marvel's Spider-Man: Across the Universe

211 chapters
People are devouring, I will kill the protagonist of Myriad Realms

105 chapters
Douluo: I am painting Jianghu in Peerless World

153 chapters
Hokage: This is the era that belongs to my Nara family

56 chapters
Meiman: Starting from Gale Tianyi

88 chapters
I, Yue Buqun, my understanding is against the sky, I just want to cultivate immortality

75 chapters
A dream journey starting from Naruto

87 chapters
Ultra: I made up my martial arts skills, did Leo take it seriously?

60 chapters
At the beginning of the death entanglement, Curry followed me to slam dunk

245 chapters