Explore The Recently Updated Translated Official Circles Novels

Northern Dynasties

1083 chapters
king of sprint

384 chapters
Sword of the Red Chamber from Heaven

645 chapters
Happy life in the world of film and television

1073 chapters
Douluo: Peerless Light.

669 chapters
I may be a fake Ultraman

4247 chapters
Daqin: Who does this throne give to me?

1062 chapters
Siheyuan: Why is my crossing so ugly?

1065 chapters
New Lubu War

326 chapters
So lazy, how can you become a fairy

482 chapters
Live in the world of film and television

1789 chapters
Start with detective Li Yuanfang

1337 chapters
Life in a different world begins with hidden strength

220 chapters
Full-time mage: My wife Ning Xue, inherits the Water Dragon King

106 chapters
The Conan World's Contribution Transcript

127 chapters
Evolutionary routine starting from babies

160 chapters
Douluo: Modify one word and all the characters will be ruined

230 chapters
Douluo: I have traveled through time, what more golden fingers do I need?

47 chapters
Random gold fingers every year starting from Douluo

226 chapters
After her inner voice was exposed, the female supporting actor completely failed in the drama

269 chapters