Explore The Recently Updated Official Circles Novels (Translation On Going)

Red Mansion Soldiers

298 chapters
Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

760 chapters
With the help of the Yang family's marksmanship, I penetrated the world of martial arts

160 chapters
The First Corrupt Official of Ming Dynasty

438 chapters
Martial Arts: Gain a Jiazi internal force at the beginning!

600 chapters
Misery: my feet step out of the flames of war

518 chapters
Daming: Spoilers about the future, Zhu Yuanzhang collapsed

449 chapters
Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

878 chapters
Douluo: Peerless Blood Angel

313 chapters
My father Zhu Gaoxu

988 chapters
you elf, are you legal

509 chapters
Daqin: Incarnate as a general, cast an immortal dynasty

230 chapters
He was expelled from naturalization at the beginning and slipped to Europe to become the king of the

501 chapters
NBA: I am a master dealer

500 chapters
Dou Po: Rebirth of the Amethyst Winged Lion King, more sons and more blessings

411 chapters
The poorest Premier League star, the whole network begs for money

228 chapters
After being divorced, my identity as a poet was exposed

1134 chapters
King Xiang of the Red Chamber

620 chapters
Lord Moyu was forced to open

1025 chapters
The actress is both teasing and coquettish, all the way to the top

163 chapters