Explore The Recently Updated Science Fiction Novels (Translation On Going)

edge of pure land

174 chapters
Finally contacted Earth, you said not to answer?

111 chapters
Global Evolution: I transplanted the heart of the Supreme God

372 chapters
I'm trapped in a block

242 chapters
I'm a villain, not a devil

224 chapters
People are devouring the stars: Me! Picking up attributes makes you stronger

184 chapters
I open a restaurant in Mysterious Recovery

221 chapters
Werewolf: There’s a hole in my helmet

138 chapters
Imperial Mausoleum Treasure

397 chapters
Zhao Defang's road to the virtuous king

1738 chapters
My years as a fortune teller

10100 chapters
the last priest

4505 chapters
Uncover the mystery of ghost marriage in Snake Village: Snake Wife

1396 chapters
I Ching Code

2 chapters
Tomb Raiders Discovery: The Ghost Spell of Pangu

100 chapters
Mission traceability

50 chapters
The Secret History of Xuanmen

411 chapters
How can you pay 500 yuan for a natural disaster live broadcast?

386 chapters
The Mysterious Resurrection of the Past of the Republic of China

210 chapters
A lord who doesn't know how to farm can't dominate the world!

200 chapters