Explore The Recently Updated Shoujo Ai Novels (Translation On Going)

The Patriarch of Cultivation of Immortals was at 80

198 chapters
Zuodao Changsheng: I can transfer the price

143 chapters
Conquer beautiful fiancee

184 chapters
I, Scorpio Lone Star, like to make friends

1323 chapters
Lord of the Tricks

523 chapters
Zhentiandi Road

122 chapters
Joyful Zen

752 chapters
Harvesting Yin

221 chapters
mind master

725 chapters
Cultivation of Immortals Starts from the Roots

183 chapters
Beginning to win the big elder

1435 chapters
The little monk returns to the vulgar

337 chapters
Shenzhou Town Demon Records

808 chapters
In the beginning, I can integrate everything

58 chapters
The Great Desolate Stygian River

94 chapters
Gou on the road of longevity

80 chapters
The Legend of Hoe Immortal

107 chapters
The sword of immortality is repaired above

79 chapters
Journey to the West: The Road of Loose Cultivation

119 chapters
The last vixen

7 chapters