Explore The Recently Updated Translated Wuxia Xianxia Novels

Cultivation of immortals begins with the appearance of ancestors

840 chapters
This censor can handle it, he really sprays when something happens

222 chapters
Biography of the Immortals

497 chapters
Cultivation of Immortals: Start with blind thinking

562 chapters
The Legend of Mortal Cultivation of Immortals

98 chapters
The female partner engages in introversion in Xiuxianwen

1483 chapters
Honghuang: I am an iron-eating beast, and I was overheard by Houtu

931 chapters
I dressed as the group pet of all the Yuanying bosses

461 chapters
Kunlun one millet

374 chapters
The cannon fodder master has become a real boss of the sect

763 chapters
Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

342 chapters
My prehistoric times are too hard

555 chapters
I'm not really cultivating

510 chapters
Create myths from heaven

236 chapters
Hong Huang: Comprehension against the sky, comprehend the three thousand ways of the stars

148 chapters
Acting as a god and Buddha: starting from Guanzi

255 chapters
I'm sorry, I'm a little better

232 chapters
I use Tiangang and Earth to prove my immortality

138 chapters
I cultivate immortality for ten consecutive guarantees

271 chapters
After becoming an undercover agent of Xianmen, I won by lying down

184 chapters