Explore All The Recently Updated Translated Novels

Immortal Cultivation: When You Do Things To The Extreme

353 chapters
Metropolis: Me! Extremely villain

274 chapters
Genshin Impact: Playing Fu Nina, Aha Was Numbed By A Knife

427 chapters
Pokemon: Double Comparison, This Ash Is So Happy

352 chapters
Pokemon: Red's Legendary Road

281 chapters
Online Game Doomsday God Level Unboxing Technique

210 chapters
Online Games: I Became The Master Of Time

210 chapters
I Ask You To Collect Rags, But You Recycle Second-Hand Mushroom Eggs?

210 chapters
To Cultivate Immortality, You Need Luck

400 chapters
You Work Hard To Become Immortals, And I Will Go Home To Marry A Wife And Have Children.

379 chapters
Yunlan Sect Has Been Signed For Three Years, And Anti-Inflammation Comes To Your Door This Day

236 chapters
Abyss Invasion, I Am In Charge Of Dark Authority

210 chapters
Online Games: My Eyes Have Mutated

210 chapters
Online Game: Sorry, I Only Have 100 Million Points More Blood Than You.

210 chapters
National Government: A Hundredfold Improvement In The Opening Myriad Worlds

329 chapters
I Am The Strongest Player In History!

209 chapters
Douluo: Modify one word and all the characters will be ruined

266 chapters
Random gold fingers every year starting from Douluo

250 chapters
The rookie at Super Seminary wants to retire every day

219 chapters
From scrap mecha to science fiction paradise

215 chapters