Heavy Object

Heavy Object






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Proposal: You are reading the novel Heavy Object by author KAMACHI Kazuma.

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The story has content about the genres Action, Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Mystery, Sci-fi, Seinen that is extremely attractive and engaging.

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In the end, war couldn’t be extinguished. But, there was a transformation. Even in the heart of a worthless accomplice in murder who was indifferently continuing his task, there was a transformation. The massive weapon “Object”.
This was a weapon that changed the whole definition of war. An exchange student named Quenser, who was dispatched to the battlefield, met at the base a girl with a strange aura. The girl, dubbed “Elite”, is the pilot of “Object”. The near future. This diminutive boy had come to take on the role of standing up against the strongest weapon “Object” for the sake of the girl. This was the motive for their first meeting.
