The world of mortals is rolling and the avenue is ruthless 我曾浪荡无依,居无定所。 我曾枯坐一生,毫无所获。 我曾仗剑天涯,快意恩仇。 我曾执子之手,与子偕老。 人生百态,各有千秋,韶华易逝,红颜易老。 那年……我双手插兜,志向高远。 今朝……我不悲不喜,顺其自然。 强则避、危则跑、需则种、求则依——仙道贵生,无量度人。 仙路之上白骨皑皑,任你惊才绝艳,横压一个时代,亦不敌我长生仙尊分毫。 ——**《活着》节选 小说关键词:不老泉主:从道童开始长生无弹窗,不老泉主:从道童开始长生txt全集下载,不老泉主:从道童开始长生最新章节阅读
When witnessing the martial artist smashing the bluestone with his palm he jumped three feet Wu Xuan real man should carry three-foot sword and set his ambition to be immortal Master want to learn martial arts When witnessing the immortal plunge his sword into Qingming soaring up ninety thousand miles