Explore The Recently Updated Erciyuan Novels

Harry Potter and the Dragon Prince

309 chapters
Kuroko's strongest ball god

230 chapters
The Strongest God

263 chapters
 Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

318 chapters
Pacific Rim Godzilla beats monsters violently

283 chapters
Marvel: Start at ease with great effort

239 chapters
The King of the Halberd Eater

271 chapters
 The World of Zombies: Start to send the bell to Jiu Shu

309 chapters
 The Cat on the Pirate White Beard Boat

277 chapters
 I don't want to be a hero

401 chapters
The Light Control of the Second Element

434 chapters
Douluo I can control time

273 chapters
I'm the Sword Master in Konoha

293 chapters
Eat soft rice in a high school

315 chapters
I Can Break the Dimensional Wall

443 chapters

494 chapters
Pirate's Thought Fruit

454 chapters
Everyone Knows I'm a Good Man

371 chapters
The Villainess Female Supporting Character Raising Her Bun

280 chapters
I have a lot of wives

451 chapters