Explore The Recently Updated Erciyuan Novels (Translation Completed)

Kuroko's strongest ball god

230 chapters
 Ultraman's I really didn't want to rule the world

318 chapters
Diary of Raising a Mermaid

108 chapters
Naruto Star Shadow World

1393 chapters
I'm the Dean of the Yokai Academy

164 chapters
The King of the Halberd Eater

271 chapters
The reincarnation was defeated

939 chapters
 I can't be so dirty when I came to Hokage

619 chapters
 The World of Zombies: Start to send the bell to Jiu Shu

309 chapters
Rebirth as a priest in Japan

641 chapters
Douluo's Change of Life with Sword

828 chapters
 Two-dimensional world shuttle

857 chapters
 The Cat on the Pirate White Beard Boat

277 chapters
My main god is Huiye

648 chapters
 Godslayer will eventually join the chat group

535 chapters
The Light Control of the Second Element

434 chapters
 Naruto: I will never go offline

1063 chapters
 The 300 Heroes of Comprehensive Manga

903 chapters
Douluo I can control time

273 chapters
Crazy Daughter Country

517 chapters