The expressions of everyone in the tent shifted as Sarah recounted everything that she saw and heard. Sarah did her best to not make any assumptions about what had happened, however she couldn't stop the rest from coming to their own conclusions. But… They hadn't seen Noone's expression when he carried Tobias back.
Sally's anger hadn't subsided even slightly since Sarah finished recounting the event.
"So Noone escaped into the city, and you just let him go?" Sally said venomously. Sarah just glared at her, but Sally merely scoffed in return.
"I think it's clear that this occurred because of Noone." Sally continued. "He obviously had planned to escape from the beginning. It was most likely because of this that Tobias ended up in such a poor position." Despite her thoughts being fueled by hate, if Noone was there he probably wouldn't even be able to disagree with her.
Sarah on the other hand wasn't so willing to throw Noone under the cart.
"Then why would he carry him back despite his life-threatening injuries!" Sarah growled. "And on top of that he brought the drider too! It's obvious they were ambushed!"
"The drider which Noone decided to take with him back into the city despite his life-threatening injuries, you mean?" Sally laughed. "And on top of that, why would he take Tobias's axe?"
"Sally! Not another word out of you!" Raelith hissed. "No matter what happened, we can only trust Sarah and the other witnesses who saw what happened. But until we can find Noone, we will have no way to verify any of it. Everything that we weren't there for is just speculation." She sighed. "On top of that. The wounds on Tobias's body are consistent with those of a drider. As far as I can tell, there are no indications that he was in conflict with Noone." She sighed again.
"There's only one entrance and exit into Stone-Eye. Right general?" Raelith looked over at the general who had been standing quietly by the side this whole time. He merely nodded.
"Good. Then we will stay for now and continue with the subjugation. As long as he doesn't die before then, we will eventually find him in the city." Raelith ran her fingers through her bright blue hair. She looked down at the body of Tobias.
"This is no way for a mighty paladin to be seen…" She whispered.
Raelith knelt down next to Tobias's badly damaged corpse. She laid her hand on Tobias's chest and spoke a short miracle.
Suddenly a white light was cast over Tobias's form. When it faded, Tobias's body had been healed from all his wounds, and the blood which had soaked into his clothes and hair magically disappeared.
Other than his broken armor… it looked like he was merely sleeping.
Sarah couldn't help but feel that Tobias looked extremely peaceful at this moment.
This was her first time seeing a healing miracle used on someone who was already passed. She was unsure how she felt about it, but seeing Tobias's form return to normal… She shook her head.
"Alright General Armuu. You heard our plans. What do you think?" Raelith turned to face the general who had waited patiently through the whole process. He too had been curious as to what could have gotten the best of the Paladin.
"As you wish. If you have no way to contact the order I can-"
"It's alright. We have our own ways." Raelith cut him off, causing him to frown. He said nothing though. "Please have Tobias's body moved to the medical area. We need to preserve him since we don't know how long the subjugation will take. Sarah. Come with me."
Raelith spoke swiftly and did not give anyone time to question her before she exited the tent.
Sarah was quick to follow behind, but as she slipped out of the door, she took a final glance back. In that split-second she made eye contact with Feylin.
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From the beginning, Feylin had stood silently at the edge of the tent. When Tobias was brought in, his whole body had frozen. He didn't move when Sally had attacked Sarah. He didn't react when Sarah recounted her story of what occurred within Stone-Eye. And he didn't catch the glances that Raelith shot towards him throughout the entire scene.
Instead he just stood there, staring at Tobias. His gaze becoming harsher and fierier. He had been listening when Sarah told her recounting, but Feylin felt there was more to it. He wasn't sure why he was so sure, but something inside of him told him that Noone had something to do with Tobias's death. If he didn't, why would he have fled?
As Sarah passed through the door, she saw a glimpse of the coal which burned in Feylin's eyes.
Once she was gone, he looked at Sally. Their eyes met and, in that instant, they knew they had similar thoughts.
Sally left the tent soon after followed by Feylin.
Despite not necessarily agreeing with Tobias on numerous things, and butting heads with him on a number of occasions, Sally had known Tobias for years. She had studied in the Burian for a decade and had become used to his presence.
She may not have always gotten along with him, but now that he was dead. There was a repressed anger which burned in her heart. She couldn't help but curse the fact they didn't bind up Noone when they had the chance. Maybe if Tobias hadn't been so soft-hearted… he might still be alive.
Perhaps it didn't make perfect sense. Perhaps her emotions were getting the better of her. But in this moment Sally and Feylin both swore to hold Noone accountable for what occurred. For the death of Tobias.
On the outskirts of the encampment, Sarah and Raelith sat on a felled tree which laid a good distance away from any prying eyes. As soon as they were alone, Raelith quickly approached Sarah and wrapped her up in a large hug.
"I'm so sorry. I know that you must be in shock right now, and then having to deal with Sally. I'm so sorry, and I'm right here." Raelith whispered into Sarah's ear.
After 2 centuries of life, Raelith had dealt with countless deaths. Both sudden, and the expected. Although she had found that sudden deaths were almost always more expected than expected deaths.
The rest might not be able to see it, she was easily able to look into Sarah's eyes and tell just how much the last hour must have affected her. Despite the harsh front which she had been putting up earlier, Sarah quickly crumbled into Rae's arms.
"Y-You don't think Noone had anything to do with it right? He wouldn't…" Sarah let the question trail off. After traveling with Noone for so long. Watching him learn their language. Training with him on endless occasions. She couldn't imagine Noone doing something like that… but then again… sometimes he had this look in his eyes…
"No." Rae said after a moment's hesitation. "I don't think he did."
Sarah nodded into Rae's shoulder. She was unable to keep tears from building in her eyes, and soon they fell silently into Raelith's shirt.
No matter how much she had done so far, the truth of the matter was that Sarah was still a young woman. She knew of no other way to react to sudden loss.
The two sat by themselves for an hour, talking between gentle silences.
"What do you want to do now Sarah? I know that other vengeance paladin you found invited you to travel with her from here… if you want you can do that. I won't stop you, and I won't let anyone else either." Raelith eventually said.
Sarah did her best to collect her thoughts, but as she tried to think about her next move, the image of Tobias's ever-gentle face appeared in her mind. Eventually she only shook her head.
"I will come with you to the capital city. I want to see Tobias properly buried…" She choked on the last word, still not quite believing what she was saying.
Raelith merely nodded.
After another long while, Sarah finally headed back into the encampment, leaving Raelith alone to contact the grand-priest.
Raelith pulled a ring out of her pocket.
It had been the ring Tobias always wore. A direct communication with the grand priest.
I guess I can't put this off anymore." She sighed. Kneeling to the earth, the ring glowed in a gentle white light and suddenly Rae's mind was connected to another many many miles away.
The grand-priest.
"What happened…." The wizened voice asked as soon as he realized it was not Tobias contacting him.
He sounded tired.
Sally's anger hadn't subsided even slightly since Sarah finished recounting the event.
"So Noone escaped into the city, and you just let him go?" Sally said venomously. Sarah just glared at her, but Sally merely scoffed in return.
"I think it's clear that this occurred because of Noone." Sally continued. "He obviously had planned to escape from the beginning. It was most likely because of this that Tobias ended up in such a poor position." Despite her thoughts being fueled by hate, if Noone was there he probably wouldn't even be able to disagree with her.
Sarah on the other hand wasn't so willing to throw Noone under the cart.
"Then why would he carry him back despite his life-threatening injuries!" Sarah growled. "And on top of that he brought the drider too! It's obvious they were ambushed!"
"The drider which Noone decided to take with him back into the city despite his life-threatening injuries, you mean?" Sally laughed. "And on top of that, why would he take Tobias's axe?"
"Sally! Not another word out of you!" Raelith hissed. "No matter what happened, we can only trust Sarah and the other witnesses who saw what happened. But until we can find Noone, we will have no way to verify any of it. Everything that we weren't there for is just speculation." She sighed. "On top of that. The wounds on Tobias's body are consistent with those of a drider. As far as I can tell, there are no indications that he was in conflict with Noone." She sighed again.
"There's only one entrance and exit into Stone-Eye. Right general?" Raelith looked over at the general who had been standing quietly by the side this whole time. He merely nodded.
"Good. Then we will stay for now and continue with the subjugation. As long as he doesn't die before then, we will eventually find him in the city." Raelith ran her fingers through her bright blue hair. She looked down at the body of Tobias.
"This is no way for a mighty paladin to be seen…" She whispered.
Raelith knelt down next to Tobias's badly damaged corpse. She laid her hand on Tobias's chest and spoke a short miracle.
Suddenly a white light was cast over Tobias's form. When it faded, Tobias's body had been healed from all his wounds, and the blood which had soaked into his clothes and hair magically disappeared.
Other than his broken armor… it looked like he was merely sleeping.
Sarah couldn't help but feel that Tobias looked extremely peaceful at this moment.
This was her first time seeing a healing miracle used on someone who was already passed. She was unsure how she felt about it, but seeing Tobias's form return to normal… She shook her head.
"Alright General Armuu. You heard our plans. What do you think?" Raelith turned to face the general who had waited patiently through the whole process. He too had been curious as to what could have gotten the best of the Paladin.
"As you wish. If you have no way to contact the order I can-"
"It's alright. We have our own ways." Raelith cut him off, causing him to frown. He said nothing though. "Please have Tobias's body moved to the medical area. We need to preserve him since we don't know how long the subjugation will take. Sarah. Come with me."
Raelith spoke swiftly and did not give anyone time to question her before she exited the tent.
Sarah was quick to follow behind, but as she slipped out of the door, she took a final glance back. In that split-second she made eye contact with Feylin.
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From the beginning, Feylin had stood silently at the edge of the tent. When Tobias was brought in, his whole body had frozen. He didn't move when Sally had attacked Sarah. He didn't react when Sarah recounted her story of what occurred within Stone-Eye. And he didn't catch the glances that Raelith shot towards him throughout the entire scene.
Instead he just stood there, staring at Tobias. His gaze becoming harsher and fierier. He had been listening when Sarah told her recounting, but Feylin felt there was more to it. He wasn't sure why he was so sure, but something inside of him told him that Noone had something to do with Tobias's death. If he didn't, why would he have fled?
As Sarah passed through the door, she saw a glimpse of the coal which burned in Feylin's eyes.
Once she was gone, he looked at Sally. Their eyes met and, in that instant, they knew they had similar thoughts.
Sally left the tent soon after followed by Feylin.
Despite not necessarily agreeing with Tobias on numerous things, and butting heads with him on a number of occasions, Sally had known Tobias for years. She had studied in the Burian for a decade and had become used to his presence.
She may not have always gotten along with him, but now that he was dead. There was a repressed anger which burned in her heart. She couldn't help but curse the fact they didn't bind up Noone when they had the chance. Maybe if Tobias hadn't been so soft-hearted… he might still be alive.
Perhaps it didn't make perfect sense. Perhaps her emotions were getting the better of her. But in this moment Sally and Feylin both swore to hold Noone accountable for what occurred. For the death of Tobias.
On the outskirts of the encampment, Sarah and Raelith sat on a felled tree which laid a good distance away from any prying eyes. As soon as they were alone, Raelith quickly approached Sarah and wrapped her up in a large hug.
"I'm so sorry. I know that you must be in shock right now, and then having to deal with Sally. I'm so sorry, and I'm right here." Raelith whispered into Sarah's ear.
After 2 centuries of life, Raelith had dealt with countless deaths. Both sudden, and the expected. Although she had found that sudden deaths were almost always more expected than expected deaths.
The rest might not be able to see it, she was easily able to look into Sarah's eyes and tell just how much the last hour must have affected her. Despite the harsh front which she had been putting up earlier, Sarah quickly crumbled into Rae's arms.
"Y-You don't think Noone had anything to do with it right? He wouldn't…" Sarah let the question trail off. After traveling with Noone for so long. Watching him learn their language. Training with him on endless occasions. She couldn't imagine Noone doing something like that… but then again… sometimes he had this look in his eyes…
"No." Rae said after a moment's hesitation. "I don't think he did."
Sarah nodded into Rae's shoulder. She was unable to keep tears from building in her eyes, and soon they fell silently into Raelith's shirt.
No matter how much she had done so far, the truth of the matter was that Sarah was still a young woman. She knew of no other way to react to sudden loss.
The two sat by themselves for an hour, talking between gentle silences.
"What do you want to do now Sarah? I know that other vengeance paladin you found invited you to travel with her from here… if you want you can do that. I won't stop you, and I won't let anyone else either." Raelith eventually said.
Sarah did her best to collect her thoughts, but as she tried to think about her next move, the image of Tobias's ever-gentle face appeared in her mind. Eventually she only shook her head.
"I will come with you to the capital city. I want to see Tobias properly buried…" She choked on the last word, still not quite believing what she was saying.
Raelith merely nodded.
After another long while, Sarah finally headed back into the encampment, leaving Raelith alone to contact the grand-priest.
Raelith pulled a ring out of her pocket.
It had been the ring Tobias always wore. A direct communication with the grand priest.
I guess I can't put this off anymore." She sighed. Kneeling to the earth, the ring glowed in a gentle white light and suddenly Rae's mind was connected to another many many miles away.
The grand-priest.
"What happened…." The wizened voice asked as soon as he realized it was not Tobias contacting him.
He sounded tired.