Nestor, the leader of the burgeoning clan "Bounty Hunter", tongued.
Deep Impact - A convoy of airships Anra Mangyu appeared above the site of the meteorite's fall, the battleground of the event.
That shouldn't have been a surprise, but there are many cannons attached to the airship.
I've heard of ships carrying artillery against pirates and ghost ships in previous events. I also heard through Bandit that there was a vehicle called an airship.
But I've never heard of a cannon attached to it that could be used in this event. I didn't know how to counterattack if I was attacked by them in the first place.
There were players who messed up in the eastern country when the sake drinker appeared in the eastern country, but it is said that the airship also came at that time. However, there were no artillery cannons, only players and NPCs coming down from there.
I thought it was possible this time, but if there were a large number of airships and they were armed, I would scream that I hadn't heard of them.
This is terrible.
Not only Nestor, but most of the players in the New Demon King's army thought so.
That said, we can't afford to lose without doing anything.

"Don't panic! Wizards use Meteoswarm to shoot down airships!" Those who can fly, get aboard the airship! "
Nestor screams.
We don't know if a limited number of methods of attacking from the ground into the sky will be able to reach us. But if they attack from above the airship, they hit us. Meteoswarm has a long chanting, a wide range of attacks, and an attack on random places, but it's not a bad bet given the size of the airship.
It's hard to get into an airship like this, but you can get into it with pets, summoning magic, and even flying with vampires.
When they heard that, the players started using Meteoswarm, which they didn't usually use.
It could involve allies, but you've decided you're doing less damage. Furthermore, Tamar and Summoners immediately tried to move to an altitude higher than the airship.
And Nestor took a gun about his own tall out of his bag.
Nestor's clan "Bounty Hunter" is a clan that is looking for a bounty for the event in this virtual reality, meaning a bounty hunter. Even at previous events, it has been said that the total prize amount of members is higher than any clan.
Nestor is a rare leader and uses the long gun, Voltex, in a skill set that focuses on ranged attacks. She used a long-range gun, the same magic gun that Esha had on her Belsave 666.
Sniping, magic, and cooking and medicine stats that break the limit will reach you from this distance without any damage.
Nestor thought so and put the gun in the air. And I set my sights on it.
"Nestor, run!"
Immediately after hearing the voice of the clan's co-leader, I saw an effect like a magic circle lining up against me.
Nestor pulls his face back and immediately jumps back out of the place. After an action-packed movie, he rolled off the ground.
Shortly after, a laser-like attack hits Nestor directly.
The players who couldn't escape collapsed into a bummer because their defenses had nothing to do with it. Some of them were clan leaders, and some of them left the battlefield on a clan basis.
"Shit! That's the Destroyer! You're kidding!"
A single hit Special Attack has flown in from the Airship.
Nestor could do something similar, so he took it upon himself to look at his rivals, but the range was not the same anyway. The change comes even after deducting the part where the cool time is long.

I was on guard in the previous battles, but there was no Destroy attack. Unfortunately, I thought it would be easier, but suddenly this was it.
It seemed that other players besides Nestor felt it, and the old Demon King's army showed a sense of vigilance.
The airship that launched that attack also released cannons.
A shell that explodes with gunpowder, not magic. It doesn't seem to fly as far as Destroy, and the airship draws radiation and falls a shell.
As expected, it wasn't a hit-and-kill, but it was still very powerful and had a wide range of attacks. It also has knockback capability, and if the rear guard takes two shots, it will be defeated.
Waiting for the bullets to run out - no one expects that.
The other side had a player to watch out for, Hayato.
A person who possesses only production skills, is close to the NPCs, and even defeats the "Shooting Star" Ronios in a pair.
The problem is that its production capacity is said to be such that consumables such as weapons, medicines, and food are uninterrupted. According to some accounts, he was feared by the NPC of the New Demon King's Army and was kidnapped. It was rumored that the old Demon King's Army could not be serious because of this.
Today, the old Demon King's army attacked with a large number of airships.
I don't know if you rescued them or if you didn't participate in the event to build the airship. Either way, there was no doubt that Hayato had participated in the event.
"If you find Hayato, defeat him! You'll be replenished forever!"
What should I do in this situation? Since Hayato is the leader of the clan "Daedalus", he could be removed from the battlefield if defeated. But it's hard to defeat them.
At the very least, it would be good if the Meteoswarm hit the airship, but for some reason there was no sign of the Meteoswarm triggering.
I was wondering what was going on and I got a voice chat in Nestor.
Ness, do you read me? Our clans are retreating.
"Ox? What are you talking about?"
Ox, the leader of the clan "Rampage". Rampage has a bounty hunter-size member in the big emerging clan, but he has made a point of not knowing what it means.
“You can't beat that airship. It's a waste of time to fight."
"Damn it, if you get out of here, you'll take the territory."
"Unlike you, the bounty has nothing to do with it." If you can win, you can create one or two territories. "
This event ends with a bounty based on the number of territories you have captured. As for the Nestor who wanted the bounty, I didn't want to be robbed of any of it.
Of course, Rampage was quite a pain in the ass. Already unlikely to win, but even less meaningless.
"Well, listen, if that airship emerges on any other battlefield, are you going to give up? Even if you lose, it's bad if you don't find a way to fight it, right?"
"It could be used on other battlefields, but it would be subtle to be effective." But this place is more effective than anywhere else without cover. The same goes for the cannons, but the wizards are being targeted. "
Nestor rushes to check his surroundings.
Looking down at the crater from the center, spears and arrows mingled with the cannon attack to accurately defeat the chanting player.

"It's impossible to shoot them down with Meteoswarm." If you set up Voltex, you'll be shot. "
I tasted it with myself earlier. Destroy won't be around for a while due to Cool Time, but if we can get to them, they can get to us. We should think they're still targeting us.
If so, we'll get directly on board ─ ─
"Look at that. You think we can get close to the airship?"
Now look at the sky.
A lot of players are flying around, but no one is getting close to the airship.
"I wonder if there are any flyable people over there..."
"Of course. Especially those on the dragon and those on the griffon are like fighters." There are other things like Phoenix and Pteranodon, and what else is the Nine-tailed Fox? They're rampaging, and the sky's a snort. "
Perhaps Ox is only talking about a small part of it.
In Nestor's eyes, there are giant bats, a giant crowd of goths, and more. I managed to get close to the airship, but this time I was killed by a ranged attack from the airship.
It was almost impossible to approach the airship.
“We can't win here unless we have an airship. That's why we're retreating. I can be at work in the afternoon if I leave now."
Suddenly being told something realistic, Nestor was relieved of the poison.
"Oh, I get it. Then I will check the strength of the opponent as much as possible. Take it seriously on another battlefield."
"All right. Bye."
When the voice chat ended, Nestor let out a big breath.
Shortly thereafter, many players disappeared from the area. The clan member who is allied with Rampage must have disappeared.
New players will be replenished on the battlefield, but not as powerful as Rampage. I knew I couldn't win anymore, but as I told Ox, I needed to figure out how strong the opponent was.
Nestor was a little distracted, but he sent a voice chat.
"Pasha, can you hear me?"
"Oh, that's unusual, how dare you contact me." What do you want? Amnesia of the Massacre
When I sent a voice chat to Pasha, the leader of the clan "Angel of Despair", I was told that I was out of breath.
That's the name of Nestor. Pasha was the only one who said it, but it didn't make any sense.
"The Ox guy retreated. I heard you gave up on your victory here."
"It can't be helped." Even those who crawl out of the "Naraka" have difficulty changing this view. Then you can't just be human. "
"... would it be possible for you to fall into the sky?"
“It means opening the door to another dimension. I think I should stop. There will be two [Earths Embedded in Heaven]."
"... okay. I don't think I can win either, but I want to keep an eye on the opponent's hand as much as possible." I'm going to shake it up as much as I can, but can you help me? ”

The Angel of Despair is a strange group that is not obsessed with winning or losing. I came here because it seems interesting, but I can see that the information that comes from it is highly accurate for some reason, and I am seriously collecting information.
Besides, I called out in anticipation, but I didn't feel like it was too early.
“Of course I don't mind. In that case, you should aim for the [color of an innocent and pure soul] in [all evil in this world]."
"... do you mean a white airship? You mean the one in front of you, right?"
“Yeah, there's probably someone there who's been making a difference.”
"... you mean Hayato, right?"
"Yes, it's the only thing made of wood from the world's trees - it's fantastic, it's an airship named Anra Manju, but it's built in a completely different color... Fufu, paradox is the order of things in this universe." Maybe that person is also [on this side]...! "
Nestor thought to himself, "I'm not." More than that, I was grateful to find out where Hayato was.
"Also, because it's an airship that released the 'Thunder of God', there's probably a 'King of the Rogue' as well."
"Someone used Destroy." I see, then it's very likely that you're aboard... I see. Get in there. Can you draw attention to the empty ones if you can? ”
If you wanted to see what was in their hands, you should be aiming for a spot of urgency. And a player named Hayato was at the rush point of the old Demon King's army. It's a game, but you need to know what happens when you aim for the pinnacle.
"With the soul contract, let's fulfill that wish." Besides, there are people I want to dance with at this ball. I'm not going to be a wall flower like this. "
Nestor thanked her by asking her to do what she liked, and then gave her instructions to gather the clan members.
Hayato was looking down from the deck of the airship at a deep-impact battlefield.
Even if they called me a coward, I couldn't help but pretend that this time. Hayato will use every means to ensure victory.
To the left and to the right of Hayato were Esha and Dhithe, but Esha began to drink melon juice, saying, Have you removed it? I drank the trumpet lavishly.
Did you take it off?
"There are other players with magic guns similar to mine." I put my gun in the air, so I hit the Destroy, but I was struck. You're doing pretty good, aren't you?
"Is that the Destroy from before?" It's awesome to wipe, but do you have a magic gun? "
Ditte nods at the words.
"Some of the items found in the dungeon are extremely rare gear." Nestor, you have "Voltex". Esha, you're less powerful than Belzave, but you're pretty strong. "
Hayato looked at the battlefield thinking, "Heh," but didn't know where Nestor was.
However, a large number of players suddenly disappeared. The waiting player is refilled, but Hayato tilts his head.
It was Ditte who answered the question.
It looks like the clan 'Rampage' and its allies have withdrawn.
Huh? Why?
"I guess you realized that you can't win." They're efficiency-conscious clans, so they don't waste time. ”
Oh, I see.

"Also, in yesterday's battle, the opponent became a suspicious demon." You might not really have to fight. "
Suspicious Dark Ghost? Why?
"If Amanda beats Lunaria in yesterday's battle, the event will end with her victory." It was supposed to be a great opportunity, but Amanda withdrew immediately. This means that no matter how hard you try and take the territory, you won't win. ”
Hayato convinced himself by saying, "Is that so?"
Despite the fact that her stats had improved considerably after acquiring territory other than the Magic City Under, Amanda was like a fugitive from the enemy.
Hayato and the others who know the situation understand why it happened, but most players who don't know the situation will have their eyes wide open.
I didn't know about Hayato, but yesterday a lot of rumors circulated.
There were speculations that some quests would have to be completed to win this event, that it would not be settled until the last day, and that this was a Demon King Awakening event.
Of course, the correct answer was that someone had been kidnapped by the new Demon King's army and the old Demon King's army hadn't really come out.
If there's anything else you need to do to win on the battlefield, you're not fighting. There were many players who thought so, and this time, they were investigating a lot without participating.
As for Hayato, I felt a little guilty because of the person who created the cause, but I decided to think positively that this was also a strategy, and I decided to check the situation.
On the ground, the Dark Ten Knights of the Demon King's army and the clan "Slaughter" led by the maid were defending the area stone.
As expected, we can't attack with artillery. It seems that the opponent also knows that many players will engage in close-quarter combat if it is a safe area.
However, it is not that it is really safe there. We can defend ourselves against cannons, but we have the strongest maid in close combat. The other maids had different weapons, but they had strong members for close combat.
The cooperation between the maids and the Dark Ten Knights of Gilles was so perfect that no one could get close to the area stones.
Players attacking Area Stones ignoring their maids are being dealt with by the NPCs in the eastern countries.
NPCs with skills similar to Ninja, Kunoichi, Shrine Maiden, Yin Yang Master, etc., are not able to compete on their own, but they are destroying their opponents in a solid battle.
Originally, Benituru and Simon would instruct their members, but they were in the sky.
Benitul is not here because he is in an aerial battle with Lunaria in a giant crow.
Simon stays on the airship, but stands on the handrail and holds a bow.
Kimono hanging, hair tied together at the back, even in unstable places, the stance does not move, even the stance looks divine, but the attack is the demon itself.
Hayato prepared ordinary bows and arrows that do not have the proper nouns of the five stars. However, since the bow material is made from wood from the world's trees, and the arrows are made from sacred and demon trees, the damage bonus from the material is severe.
As expected, you can't defeat a high defense outpost with a single hit, but you can continue to defeat an opponent with low defense with a single hit.
I couldn't fly that far, but the speed at which I could turn on the arrow and its accuracy was a remarkable word. It feels like the moment you hold it will stop, but the next moment, the arrow will be released and you will turn the next arrow without confirming that it hits. And the arrow that was fired pierced the opponent with certainty.
Because of this, long chanting magic such as Meteoswarm is not used.
And the aerial battle was even worse.
Maris and Surya joined us this time, but Maris seemed to have improved her training skills to 200 in no time, allowing her to control many pets at once.
Elder Griffon's lancelot riding is the usual thing, but Pteranodon, who tamed on his way to the floating island in the sky, and Phoenix, who tamed without Hayato's knowledge, and Cucumber, who tamed in the eastern country, are joining the battle as the original Kowloon Fox.

And the Dragon Garland on Surya. The acrobatic flight slashes into enemy territory, keeping the target from escaping. Which player was running around scattering the Spider-Man.
There were many other members who were irrelevant, but it seemed to me that Hayato was a good ally.
You can win by flying the airship around the opposing area stone and firing cannon fire from there.
Hayato thought so, but it didn't seem that sweet.
In time, there were players higher than the airship.
The altitude of the airship seems to be limited, and the Hayatoes cannot go up any further. However, the players seemed to be able to go to higher altitudes.
It is close to the opposing area stone, so the distance is far away, and they cannot reach each other. Hayato gazes at what he is going to do.
There are only three people who look like Hayato. The three seemed to be standing on the bowl, and the other was Pasha, the leader of the clan "Desperate Angel".
The two women on the left and right were twins with the same faces and the same equipment, but their hair and equipment turned white and black. The white one is the side tail with the hair tied on the right side, and the black one is the other way around.
This clan is also a famous and enthusiastic fan of some of the big emerging clans. The players in the battle were making noise like a festival.
With that, he opened his mouth, looking like a stand microphone at the umbrella in Pasha's hand.
"Listen to the singing of the fallen angel and temporarily release your soul. I'll deliver the soul to the [Straw] myself...!"
Some kind of loudspeaker sounded clear on the battlefield.
"Darkness, it's called chaos-"
I don't know what the lyrics mean, but the voice is great. And on the left and right, the twins are dancing sharply in an unstable place on a bowl.
For the time being, the dance and song support effect seemed to be effective, and the surroundings were buffed with status improvement. I felt that clan members and fans of the Desperate Angel were more buffed than supportive.
Esha held the gun facelessly.
Can I shoot you?
"Fine, but you can't get there, can you?" But I don't think there's any point in giving it a support effect here. "
If it's pure combat, the support effect is important. But right now, it's not a pure fight. It was a unilateral attack by the Hayato people.
Thinking that it meant something else, one of the airships was ahead of the airships of the Hayatoes. Noato, Kiss of Death, and the NPC's Brunnhilde.
A voice chat arrives from Noato.
"I'll come back when I've been invited."
"Oh, I see."
"Hmm, where the stars that ran for thousands of years met... it's not bad to eat your destiny here...!"
“Making it easier”
“Make it into a cotton pan”
Nice to meet you.

I don't know how to defeat it, but Hayato thought he didn't have to ask.
I didn't have to ask.
When the airship that Noato was aboard approached a certain distance, music and the voice of Noato could be heard. I don't know what the lyrics mean.
When the singing battle began, some players started fighting in support of each other. You've already given up fighting here.
Well then, let's go destroy their area stones.
Hayato's statement that he did not read the air at all was the right opinion, and there was no complaint from the familiar.
But another word came out of Esha without complaint.
Apparently, it was a happy event.
Esha holds a gun and turns her body toward the stern of the airship.
Hayato and Diete looked at you.
There was a man with a long gun and several players. Hayato thinks that Parsha and the others may have come this far by some means while they were distracted.
Then, looking at the man's gun, he was convinced that it was Nestor.
I'm a clan bounty hunter!
It looks like she was going to introduce herself with the gun in her hand, but Esha attacked with a bellsave and canceled it. Nestor hid behind the propeller pillar of the airship, but Esha attacked.
I don't mind!
Shouting so, Nestor hid his weapon with the other players. Nestor is a rifle-shaped gun, but other players also seem to have small guns, so they fought back.
The Hayatoes hid behind the pillars supporting the propeller while Esha attacked, and the battle began on the deck.
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