Ch34 - Madam General

Translator: Abo Dammen
Lu Tao was undoubtedly a bright figure at the military command. In five years, he went from being an average soldier to being a general, setting a new world record. His biggest accomplishment in the past was saving the inhabitants of a tiny planet. His most renowned feat was single-handedly wiping out hundreds of wolf-race murderers in a single combat. After each of his victories, his name would be front and center in the newspapers. That’s why, despite his brief stay on the Imperial Planet, he was well-known to everyone.
Women, on the other hand, were drawn to him because of his outstanding beauty. In particular, he had a picture of himself in military garb; his attractive eyebrows and icy attitude were enough to make anybody scream. Some female celebrities said outright, “My ideal type is General Lu Tao,” and he even had a “fan circle” to gather his images or information in secret.
He announced his marriage in one of his official interviews, but he didn’t state who his spouse was or whether they were a female or a “new female.”
Some minor publications even went to dig it up, but they didn’t uncover any relevant information. They just made up some sensational rumor and published it, which sparked a heated debate.
Because they couldn’t discover their target, many people believed that General Lu Tao’s claim that he was “married” was really a ruse to appease his fervent supporters. In fact, he may not even be married.
But suddenly he appeared in front of everyone, stretched out his arms and embraced the young master of the Cheng family, whom everyone believed had fallen into the dust, and announced the words “my legal partner.”
This shocking announcement stunned bystanders, particularly those who had previously made insulting and ridiculing comments. Really, it was inconceivable. Qi Mianmian’s eyes were stretched beyond imagination, her lovely eyeballs practically falling out of their sockets.
Cheng Jin was likewise taken aback, not only taken aback but also agitated.
What to do? Lu Tao saw him dressed like this!

And he also said the relationship between them was on the spot. In this instance, Cheng Jin was simply disgracing him, right?
Cheng Jin hid his head once more and held his skirt with both hands. His cheeks were flushed with humiliation, and his thoughts were racing. Lu Tao placed his hand on his shoulder and gently squeezed it. “You didn’t even tell me you came here?” he whispered in his ear.
Cheng Jin shook and responded, “S-Sorry…”
When the lord general saw his small wife’s scarlet ears, his mouth became dry. Qi Mianmian interrupted him before he could say anything by asking, “Y-You guys are really legal partners?”
With his eyelids raised, Lu Tao looked about. His gaze was frigid, yet his tone was calm. “What? Do I need to show you my marriage certificate?”
A flush of redness followed by pallor spread over Qi Mianmian’s face. Suddenly, a voice came over and said, “I heard there was a disagreement about the results of the competition here. Let me take a look.” It was YouSi Kui.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Ciatbeut TbeVl Bel, atf fivfg bo atf Tberl ojwlis, kjr rlwqis j wlclrafg bo atf Jglwlcji Ojk Gfqjgawfca, ktjafnfg kbgv rtf rjlv mjgglfv j ugfja vfji bo kfluta jmgbrr atf Pwqfglji Uijcfa. Yatfgr mifjgfv atf kjs obg tfg ab qjrr. Vtf vlvc’a pera rtbk eq atfgf ys tfgrfio; rtf kjr jmmbwqjclfv ys j ilaaif ulgi. Ktf ulgi, bc atf batfg tjcv, kjr vgfrrfv lc j wjlv’r jaalgf lvfcalmji ab Jtfcu Alc’r. Vtf rffwfv ab yf sbecu, wjsyf pera 15 bg 16 sfjgr biv.
The attire did nothing to enhance her sexual allure; if anything, it made her appear more adorable.
Cheng Jin eventually ventured to lift his head, but when he did, he saw that not only was his husband there, but so was Asher. Asher grinned at him as their gazes crossed, and then said hello to Eureka behind him. Cheng Jin blushed as he smiled at him, still cognizant of what he was wearing. He concealed from his husband unconsciously.
The leader expressed his welcome and provided a quick summary of the recent events. Upon hearing this, YouSi Kui gave a little nod and chuckled, “Show me the two completed items.”
She was given the scarf and socks. She gave it a quick once-over before declaring, “In this competition, the socks win.” She then turned to Qi Mianmian with a smile on her face. “Do you have any objections, Miss Qi?”
Qi Mianmian was haughty, but she wasn’t foolish, and she didn’t dare to cause problems in front of YouSi Kui. “No objections,” she answered, pouting.
You Sikui smiled and said, “Okay, then give the present to Xiao Cheng Jin.” She walked up to Cheng Jin. “Xiao Cheng Jin, your handiwork is excellent; I was wondering if you could complete knitting the other half of the sock and give me the pair?”
“Of course I can,” Cheng Jin said, thrilled and eager to be honored in public. He even gave birth to a little amount of knowledge. “D-Doesn’t the Madame still want a customized outfit? I can design one for you as well.”
YouSi Kui was a bit taken aback. “You can make dresses as well?”
“Mhm, a bit…” Cheng Jin braced himself. “It’s a hobby in my spare time.” In the end, he didn’t dare to directly say that he was “Mrs. Ruilla” in public because his previous actions were considered to be on the borderline of illegal, and if he was reported by a conscientious person, he might have dragged Andy down. Although Andy used him to make money, it would have been difficult for Cheng Jin to get through the difficulties in his situation without Andy’s help.
If he could please YouSi Kui this time, he could introduce orders via her in the future, and his labor fees wouldn’t be exploited.
“Looking at how nicely your socks are knitted, you must also have the talent to accomplish something else,” You SiKui stated warmly. “Thank you in advance.”
“Don’t mention it.” Cheng Jin said quickly.

Cheng Jin was a little excited as the gift voucher was delivered to him, almost forgetting that he had made a fool of himself in public. YouSi Kui said, “Let’s keep playing. There are still numerous events going on today. You’re not here very often, Xiao Tao. You can try the scooter competition. I think you can win the championship.”
Lu Tao replied, “Asher brought me here just to try the scooter.”
YouSi Kui smiled. “That’s good. Asher, where’s Ah Li?”
Asher responded, “He lost the mecha competition, so he’s sulking.”
“Tut, it’s progress.” YouSi Kui smiled, beckoned to everyone, and left with her little granddaughter Shi Shiran.
Onlookers who had been watching the commotion scattered and moved to other venues. Qi Mianmian also stormed out in rage. Lu Tao’s eyes once again landed on his wife’s face as he scanned his body back and forth and said in a solemn tone, “Shouldn’t you have explained it once?”
Eureka came over excitedly just as Cheng Jin was going to explain. “Xiao Cheng Jin, can we make a deal now?”
Lu Tao scowled, and his tone was hushed. “What deal?”
Cheng Jin flushed and waved his hand rapidly. “No, it’s not like that. Eureka wants to buy my dessert voucher. We’ve already made a deal.”
The lord general’s jealousy flared up again as he looked at the tall and powerful guy in front of him. “You fought so hard to get first place only to hand over the prize to him?”
“It’s not ‘giving,’ it’s selling,” Cheng Jin emphasized.
“No can do.”
Cheng Jin was taken aback and terrified. “Why not?”
“I gave you all the awards I earned in contests; you should give me all the rewards you win!” Lu Tao exclaimed, leaning closer to Cheng Jin’s ear and lowering his voice. “You can ask me for money if you need it, and I’ll give you as much as you need.”
Cheng Jin was taken aback. For a brief period, he felt that what he had stated before was perfectly acceptable, but he was apprehensive. He had, after all, promised Eureka. Eureka was also concerned. “Hey, dude, how can you not follow your promise? We’ve already agreed earlier. Xiao Cheng Jin, would you give it to me? I’ll pay 100,000—no, 150,000 to purchase it!” he said.
Eureka Rigel made a threatening stare. He even made a fist. Cheng Jin wasn’t worried that Eureka would beat himself up. He hesitated for a while before saying, “Eureka, I only want 50,000, but can I give you this voucher one day later? I-I’ll take my husband for a tasting first and then pass it on to you. He was a little worried, “C-Can I pass it on? “
“You can,” Asher, who had been watching the excitement, replied. The blonde man smiled and said, “Lord General, you don’t like sweets, so why do you have to fight my didi? He’s a child who will cry if he doesn’t eat dessert all day.”
Eureka blushed, raised his fist and waved in front of him. “Who are you calling a child?”
Cheng Jing was a little surprised. “Eureka is your younger brother?”
Asher smiled. “Yes, my didi.”
Cheng Jin couldn’t believe that the man who was as handsome as a deity and the other man whose facial features could only be described as rough, were actually blood brothers. He even raised an impolite question, “Same father and mother?”

“Of course.” Asher didn’t blame him for his rudeness at all. He had been questioned so many times that he was used to it. “After a DNA test, we are indeed brothers with the same mother and father.”
Looking at the faces of the two people, Cheng Jin had a deeper understanding of the phrase “Beauty and the Beast”.

Lu Tao eventually consented to the dessert coupon transfer, and Eureka had no objections to Cheng Jin’s judgment. They began to walk to the scooter competition venue. Around the hour mark, Cheng Jin had tracked down Lian Wu and was about to ask him what service he needed when Lian Wu suddenly panicked and almost ran away. Cheng Jin got hold of him, preventing him from fleeing. Lian Wu was helpless and could only say, “I don’t need your service anymore. In fact, I lied to you. That bead is all yours. I took it off my clothes because I wanted to humiliate you once.”
Cheng Jin was taken aback. Even though he hadn’t considered it, he had some reservations. “But you certainly had two in your hand at the time…

“I got another one from my husband.” Lian Wu had to explain himself fully. “His father was the one who discovered this kind of ore in the first place. After turning the ore into crystal beads, he kept one as a souvenir and sold the rest, so he had money to settle on the Imperial Planet. He later gave the bead to my husband, and my husband gave it to me…”
Cheng Jin released the hand holding his arm and said dumbly, “Then can I… can I change my clothes now?”

“Sure, of course. You were allowed to change it long ago.” Lian Wu grumbled and rubbed his arm, but seeing the Lord General not far away, he didn’t dare to linger any longer and rushed away.
Cheng Jin walked back to his husband and whispered, “I’ve finished my agreement. I’ll find a place to change my clothes first.” He came in Lian Wu’s car, so his previous clothes were still at Lian Wu’s home. Now it seemed that he would have to locate someone from the YouSi family to borrow a change of clothing. He was ready to locate someone when Lu Tao grabbed his arm.

Cheng Jin was a little puzzled. “What’s the matter?”
The general pretended to be calm and said, “No need to change.”

Cheng Jin blushed and asked in a low voice, “Don’t you think it’s v-very embarrassing for me to dress like this?”
Lu Tao’s brow furrowed. “I simply think it’s adorable.” Then he used his fingers to pull at the lace on Cheng Jin’s clothing.

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