Ch38 - Second personality

Translator: Abo Dammen
The author has something to say:
I don’t know science, so there would surely be a bug, please don’t take it seriously o(*////▽////*)q
Thank you for your support!
When Asher Rigel heard the question, he didn’t panic and instead grinned. “Why do you ask? What, you believe I’m monitoring you?”
“There are just too many chance encounters.” Lu Tao’s expression was apathetic. “Although we used to be partners in combat, our personal relationship never went beyond the professional one. This was revealed to me through the itinerary Fei Li sent me. We’d never even been to a banquet together before.”
Asher lifted his brow. “That’s because you used to be a workaholic who avoided banquets at all costs.” Otherwise, I’d have learned your partner’s name a long time ago.”
“I’m not convinced by this reason.” Lu Tao gazed at him without oppression in his eyes, yet it put pressure on him. “You still haven’t explained why you’re monitoring me.”

“Okay.” Asher shrugged, looked around, and said, “It’s not convenient to chat here. Actually, I need to take you somewhere.”

The next morning, he drove Lu Tao to the military hospital. They walked through rigorous security and into an office where Lu Tao met his superior, Major General Mo Si, his former attending doctor, Gerson, and another guy in his 50s. Lu Tao knew he was Tian Qi, the one who rescued him from the gates of hell, based on the information he had gathered. The rear door was pushed open again after they sat down, and the person who came in was Lu Tao’s secretary, Fei Li.

All of the people in the room looked quite serious, and even Asher managed to hide his usual grin. Finally, Lu Tao broke the stillness by asking, “What is it?” He paused, then said, “It seems to be related to my condition?”
“That’s correct.” Gerson was the one who talked. Even after you were released from the hospital, we continued to keep an eye on you, General Lu Tao, because your condition seemed to have oblique ramifications. It is not that simple.”

Lu Tao’s expression did not change in response to this phrase, and he answered calmly, “What oblique ramifications do you pertain to?”
Gerson hurriedly said, “Please relax first, it is definitely not a life-threatening hidden meaning. Your life is now quite safe and healthy, but in terms of memory…” He seems to try to describe the situation in milder terms. Tian Qi raised his head and stated, “According to my study and judgment, as well as the data acquired over the previous few days, it is concluded that you are not amnesiac owing to the toxin damaging your memory, but rather the toxin aroused your second personality.”

His direct explanation seems to have dropped a tiny bomb into the office. Except for Gerson, everyone else appeared surprised, and Lu Tao grimaced heavily. Mo Si was the first to react, “Why do you think so?”

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Gg. Kljc Hl cfjais bqfcfv tlr iluta rmgffc. C rfdefcmf bo vjaj fwfgufv bc atf wjrrlnf rmgffc, jii bo ktlmt kfgf jmdelgfv ogbw Oe Kjb’r qjra, jr kfii jr vjaj joafg tf kjr qblrbcfv. Pa lcnbinfv qfgrbcjilas, lcafgfrar, fwbalbcr, ragfcuat, jcv rb bc, jii bo ktlmt kfgf delaf vlralcma.

“Po la’r jwcfrlj, j teuf mtjcuf lc qfgrbcjilas lr cjaegji, yea lo rbwfatlcu sbe vlvc’a xcbk bg kjrc’a jvfqa ja yfobgf yea mjc vb cbk, jcv sbe mjc’a vb atf atlcur sbe erfv ab yf fzmfiifca ja ja jii, atfc atfgf’r j ylu qgbyifw.” Kljc Hl aegcfv ab ojmf Oe Kjb, tlr gfwjgxr ralii ragjluta. “P gfdefrafv atja Zbrr vlgfma Crtfg Elufi ab ajxf sbe ab rfnfgji mbcafrar lc ktlmt sbe wluta rtbkmjrf sbeg rxliir. Tbeg gfreiar jgf fzmfiifca, yea atfs jgf cba atf rjwf jr atfs kfgf qgfnlberis. Kjxf, obg fzjwqif, atf rmbbafg gjmf.”
Lu Tao’s physique was completely relaxed. “I’ve studied the information, and I’ve also used a scooter in the past,” he explained.

“But you’re not skilled, and you certainly can’t run 120 kilometers.” Tian Qi said, looking across at Asher.
Asher said, “Indeed, Lord General. We’ve competed before, and I’ve always won this one. And manipulating mechas is also my forte, but I also lost the competition to you two days ago.”

“Both of these activities rely on balance,” Tian Qi explained. “In the past, you didn’t get the best balance. What you are most powerful at is combat competition and weapon application.”
“My shooting performance is no different than before,” Lu Tao frowned.

“That’s correct. The issue of balancing is rather enormous. The cerebellum is in charge of equilibrium. This cannot be aided by a toxin that may cause memory loss.”
Lu Tao said, “If your inferences are correct…”

Tian Qi interrupted him, “It’s not an inference, but a conclusion based on science and data.”
Lu Tao straightened up and replied, “Okay, even if I was triggered to have a second personality instead of amnesia, I don’t believe this would affect my balancing abilities. My body, after all, hasn’t changed, has it?”

“That is not always the case.” The physician’s expression was one of grave concern “Even if two people with split personalities share the same physical form, they will have vastly different interests, skills, and personality quirks. General Lu Tao, there is no big problem with your body in terms of your ability to balance. The reason why you can’t get the best is because of your previous personality. If you feel that you can’t achieve the best, you simply give up and choose to strengthen your other skills. According to Asher Rigel and Fei Li, you used to believe that mastering and controlling weaponry, as well as strengthening your own strength, was the most essential thing while fighting the enemy.”
“I know you may not be persuaded by me,” Tian Qi continued slowly, “but let me ask now, have you remembered your prior memories at this time?”

Because the toxins dissipated gradually, the memory would be restored gradually, never overnight. Gerson had informed Lu Tao before he was released from the hospital that he should gradually be able to remember the past in 6 months and not to worry about the things he didn’t remember.
It had been two months since he had been poisoned.

“Although I don’t recall anything, I had some unusual emotions,” Lu Tao murmured as he closed his eyes.
Tian Qi rushed to open the light-screen keyboard and began recording, “Please describe it.”

“I’ve met two people, and my initial impression of them was not favorable. I looked into the information and discovered that our past relationship was not amicable. This, I believe, is the friction left by my previous memories.”
Tian Qi promptly took note of it and then said, “Are there just two?”

Lu Tao nodded.
“Can you tell me who those two are?”

“One is my partner’s father, and the other is my partner’s brother,” Lu Tao explained.
Tian Qi halted the movement in his hand, fixedly gazed at him, and said, “Please explain the scenario of the encounter in as much detail as possible.”

The eyes of everyone in the room landed on his face; he wasn’t anxious, just a bit ludicrous, but he recounted the scene of the two encounters seriously. Tian Qi remained quiet after speaking, then abruptly stated, “Please pardon me for what I’m going to say.”
“Please speak,” Lu Tao said.

Tian Qi said, “The discomfort in your heart is not because of the influence of past memories, but because of jealousy.”
Lu Tao was stunned, a little incredulous. “…Jealousy?”

“Jealousy, indeed. A jealous disposition toward those who come into intimate touch with one’s spouse is a common symptom of extreme possessiveness.”
When Lu Tao heard this statement, he realized it didn’t make sense. “Impossible. I know that they are Xiao Jin’s father and brother. Apart from family affection, there is no other relationship between them. Why would I be jealous?”

“Jealousy doesn’t make sense, especially for someone who is possessive. And your partner might’ve shown attachment to his relatives in front of you before meeting you. Jealousy makes you plant the seeds of rejection in advance, so it is obviously the ‘first’ meeting, but your impression of them is still not good.” Tian Qi added, “And you have a strong possessiveness towards your partner, which is completely different from your original personality. According to my verification, General Lu Tao, you were very indifferent to your partner in the past.”
He paused. “Very indifferent that it made your partner feel discouraged and wanted to file for divorce.”

After hearing the last sentence, the lord general’s calm expression became tense, and he lost his voice. “Xiao Jin…applied for a divorce?”
This time, it was Fei Li who answered him, “Yes, Lord General.” He added, “And before your return trip, you should have also decided to divorce your partner, because you agreed to go to a place.”

No one answered his question. After a long silence, Tian Qi interjected, “So our current inference, or conclusion, is that the toxin did not make you lose your memory, but rather triggered your second personality, which is now you. General Lu Tao, have you ever been in a trance or confusion since you woke up?”

Lu Tao said, “No.”
“That’s it.” Tian Qi turned off the light screen. “If there’s no accident, your current personality will disappear after the toxin completely disappears, and it may even include all your memories during this time. But I need to do another check on your body to make sure the result is correct and to make sure that the toxin doesn’t have any other side effects.”

The doctor’s calm words floated in Lu Tao’s ears, and he looked as if he had suffered a severe blow. After a long time, he murmured, “Disappear?”
“Yes.” Tian Qi said, “This is beyond human control.”

There was some sympathy in the doctor’s eyes. “Actually, I didn’t agree with telling you about this. Although your current personality appeared temporarily, I still feel that this is not very good news for you now. However, I need to extract more data from you to document the evolution of this toxin, so I must inform you. And now the military suspects that the werewolves may have come into contact with the Zerg, because the toxin in you has the characteristics of two races.”
“The zerg can bring diseases, and the blood of the werewolf can contaminate human genes. If they are combined to deal with humans together, then the future fate of human beings…”
The doctor looked at Lu Tao with a straight face. His tone was firm, “We can only be glad that there are no serious consequences for this now. But if the enemy’s target chooses a general with an unstable mind, it will cause a catastrophe. In order to prevent this from happening, we must solve this problem as soon as possible. And you, General Lu Tao, are now our only sample.”
Translator’s Feed:
Quick disclaimer!
This isn’t how DID/split personality works. Please don’t take this seriously.

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