Character name pronunciations, appearances
Kysael- Kye-say-ehl, silvery wheat hair and silvery blue eyes, short, toned
Dragon- Drah-gun, almost black hair and lavender eyes, tall, broad, softly muscular
Kelose- Kee-low-ss (Almost said like gross, but instead of gr its l.) Not as tall as Dragon, ripped muscles, brawny, tan, white hair and blue or golden eyes.
Mafrien- May-free-ehn, taller than Dragon, white hair and red eyes with gray skin, then black hair with orange/yellowish eyes and dark tan skin
**Race cities and rankings**
Celestial Peak- Skyelves, Light Realm, ranked 1st
Barrenwilds- Darkelves, Dark Realm, ranked 2nd
Irasil- Mountain Elves, Light Realm, ranked 3rd
Lykra- Wraiths, Dark Realm, ranked 4th
Atlesian- . Ocean elves, Light Realm, ranked 5th
FaeIsle- . Sprites, Light Realm, ranked 6th
The Warrens - Wolf-clans, Gray Realm, ranked 7th
Havengrove- . Woodelves, Light Realm, ranked 8th
Riviv- River elves, Light Realm, ranked 9th
Dolinmuul- Dwarves, Gray Realm, ranked 10th
Lotar- . Orks, Dark Realm, ranked 11th
Karok- Barbarians, Gray Realm, ranked 12th
Elsael- Mixed races, ranked 13th
Elrien- . Humans, Gray Realm, ranked 14th
Elusil- . Humans, Gray Realm, ranked 15th
Arthene-. Humans, Gray Realm, ranked 16th
** Family Ties:**
Corila and Bera were friends, leading Berette and Darah to be friends.
Kassiel was a cousin of Garin's, and Kassiel delivered Darah. Berette and Dragon had been present at Darah's birth.
Garin and Darah married, making Kassiel a relative to Darah. Darah loved Kassiel and thus gave Kysael a similar name.
Darah was originally of the Cedar clan.
**Extras - Elven and Wraith Clans, Ranks**
* Woodelf Clans:
Fir: The Royal Woodelf clan, the King's family. Ranked 1st
Huntsmen: Drakul and Dragon's clan. Ranked 2nd, Nobles.
Maple: Berette's original clan. Arkasil of Knowledge is also part of this clan. Ranked 3rd, Nobles.
Aspen: Ranked 4th, Nobles.
Oak: Ranked 5th, Nobles.
Cedar: Darah's original clan. Ranked 6th. Aristocrats, but not nobles.
Hellebore: Tarak's, Showyn's, and Kelose's clan. Ranked 7th. Aristocrats, but not nobles.
Ash: Garin's, Kassiel's, and Erister's original clan. Ranked 8th.
Ivy: Ranked 9th.
Willow: Ranked 10th.
Pine: Ranked 11th.
Birch: Ranked 12th.
*Wraith Clans:
Upside down crown: Royal Wraith Clan, royal blue. Ranked 1st
Mask: Noble Inbreeding clan, storm blue. Ranked 2nd
Lightning: Noble Inbreeding clan, slate gray. Ranked 3rd.
Claws: Aristocrat clan, sky blue. Ranked 4th
Crescent moons: Aristocrat clan, baby blue. Ranked 5th
Vines: Lower clan, teal. Ranked 6th
Waves: Lower clan, dull gray blue. Ranked 7th.
**Extras - Character Power Ranks, top 11 (Of living characters)**
Coal, ranked 1st
Kysael, ranked 2nd
Mafrien, ranked 3rd
Kelose, ranked 4th
Dragon, ranked 5th
Moserre, ranked 6th
Drakul, ranked 7th
Verdius, ranked 8th
Vintice, ranked 9th
Kirinae, ranked 10th
Coalus, ranked 11th
Character name pronunciations, appearances
Kysael- Kye-say-ehl, silvery wheat hair and silvery blue eyes, short, toned
Dragon- Drah-gun, almost black hair and lavender eyes, tall, broad, softly muscular
Kelose- Kee-low-ss (Almost said like gross, but instead of gr its l.) Not as tall as Dragon, ripped muscles, brawny, tan, white hair and blue or golden eyes.
Mafrien- May-free-ehn, taller than Dragon, white hair and red eyes with gray skin, then black hair with orange/yellowish eyes and dark tan skin
**Race cities and rankings**
Celestial Peak- Skyelves, Light Realm, ranked 1st
Barrenwilds- Darkelves, Dark Realm, ranked 2nd
Irasil- Mountain Elves, Light Realm, ranked 3rd
Lykra- Wraiths, Dark Realm, ranked 4th
Atlesian- . Ocean elves, Light Realm, ranked 5th
FaeIsle- . Sprites, Light Realm, ranked 6th
The Warrens - Wolf-clans, Gray Realm, ranked 7th
Havengrove- . Woodelves, Light Realm, ranked 8th
Riviv- River elves, Light Realm, ranked 9th
Dolinmuul- Dwarves, Gray Realm, ranked 10th
Lotar- . Orks, Dark Realm, ranked 11th
Karok- Barbarians, Gray Realm, ranked 12th
Elsael- Mixed races, ranked 13th
Elrien- . Humans, Gray Realm, ranked 14th
Elusil- . Humans, Gray Realm, ranked 15th
Arthene-. Humans, Gray Realm, ranked 16th
** Family Ties:**
Corila and Bera were friends, leading Berette and Darah to be friends.
Kassiel was a cousin of Garin's, and Kassiel delivered Darah. Berette and Dragon had been present at Darah's birth.
Garin and Darah married, making Kassiel a relative to Darah. Darah loved Kassiel and thus gave Kysael a similar name.
Darah was originally of the Cedar clan.
**Extras - Elven and Wraith Clans, Ranks**
* Woodelf Clans:
Fir: The Royal Woodelf clan, the King's family. Ranked 1st
Huntsmen: Drakul and Dragon's clan. Ranked 2nd, Nobles.
Maple: Berette's original clan. Arkasil of Knowledge is also part of this clan. Ranked 3rd, Nobles.
Aspen: Ranked 4th, Nobles.
Oak: Ranked 5th, Nobles.
Cedar: Darah's original clan. Ranked 6th. Aristocrats, but not nobles.
Hellebore: Tarak's, Showyn's, and Kelose's clan. Ranked 7th. Aristocrats, but not nobles.
Ash: Garin's, Kassiel's, and Erister's original clan. Ranked 8th.
Ivy: Ranked 9th.
Willow: Ranked 10th.
Pine: Ranked 11th.
Birch: Ranked 12th.
*Wraith Clans:
Upside down crown: Royal Wraith Clan, royal blue. Ranked 1st
Mask: Noble Inbreeding clan, storm blue. Ranked 2nd
Lightning: Noble Inbreeding clan, slate gray. Ranked 3rd.
Claws: Aristocrat clan, sky blue. Ranked 4th
Crescent moons: Aristocrat clan, baby blue. Ranked 5th
Vines: Lower clan, teal. Ranked 6th
Waves: Lower clan, dull gray blue. Ranked 7th.
**Extras - Character Power Ranks, top 11 (Of living characters)**
Coal, ranked 1st
Kysael, ranked 2nd
Mafrien, ranked 3rd
Kelose, ranked 4th
Dragon, ranked 5th
Moserre, ranked 6th
Drakul, ranked 7th
Verdius, ranked 8th
Vintice, ranked 9th
Kirinae, ranked 10th
Coalus, ranked 11th