"It looks like it's a rich crop this year."
"The peasants will be happy. According to Finna and McLamb, we don't seem to have to buy cereals from other countries……"
Sadie is listening as she nods to me with joy. Marian staring at her like that has a spilled smile, too.
Food self-sufficiency comes from staple foods. Soba and potatoes can be harvested quite a bit, but I'm a little unsure about eating them every day.
Still, Soba seems to be popular with the pilgrims, and I hear he hits Soba like every day in a dormitory and tea shop he made a little far from the monastery. Topped with pheasant and boar meat caught in the Aldes seems to be a popular secret.
Now I want to do something about the beans and get them. I think it would be best if I said souvenir.
"It seems that countries also have a wealth of crops. Mr. Builder told me that he had loaded some wheat onto a trading ship and headed for the far west kingdom."
"Maybe the west was a murder. We had a hard time with the murder, but we have grain in the deal. The deal could be the only way to save the hunger."
Sadie's talking about Mr. Marian, but if the deal does flourish, there will be a move to sell thin profits. Maybe grain trading is such a big deal.
"By the way, aren't banters going to start yet?

"Is it silk thread spinning? I'll do it a little later. The pilgrims are still coming. I'm thinking I'll start when the first snow falls. Don't worry, Mr. Balter's brother, Mr. Mayville, is getting ready in Mictus Village."
I'm sure it's hard to do when you have eyes.
Looks like they built two long rooms for about two classrooms along the mountains of Mictos village, one in an office and a warehouse, and the other in a spinning yard.
The spinner woman seems to owe us quite a debt because she's a farmer who used to protect where she ran away at night.
I thought it wouldn't matter now, but it seems that Mr. Mayville put a lot of emphasis on it. But I asked him to pay his salary properly.
There is certainly not much work in the village of Mictus in the winter. I hear the men work in silver mines, but I've heard they knit fine in houses without workers.
"I hope it goes well"
"I'm going to give it a try. In the first place, even the thickness of the silk-weaving yarn is supposed to be tested by making a prototype."
Until we make yarn. Let the three kingdoms do their best. It has now developed from hemp to cotton textiles. Because there is such an improved loom technology. I'm starting to look forward to seeing which of the three kingdoms weaves first.
"With that said, I don't see Mu around these days?
"I'll be my mother soon. I'm letting you rest in your room now."
Is that what you're saying? Finally, Mu is going to be a mother too. It was small when it first happened, but the moon runs fast......
"So you decided what to give?
"Because Marian makes a whole line of clothes for babies in yarn...... I have a house, and my husband's a good lady."
I guess that means you're blessed. Maybe we should be blessed with a ring to it.
I wish my old bandit buddies were just as happy, but I'll ask Lady to check around. You're one of those people who lurked with us and waited for our enemies.
"You just have to ask the person. We've been living like sisters for a long time."
"Right. You will have everything you need right after birth. And then it seems like it's going to be hard inside."
You've heard that before. Chris' old days will give you even if Sadie keeps her mouth shut, so something else is going to happen.

Originally, it seems that the cats lived hunting around the mountains, so they don't usually have any extras.
Mew is usually in black, too, and whether she has two summer and winter clothes.
I live in a fort, so maybe I could dress a little more stylish? When Sadie gets in trouble and talks to me, let's call it trendy clothing in Wang Du. Because my eyes are full of babies and I don't have many gifts for my mother at heart.
A few days later, Mu became a mother. The girl's baby is cute as a cat child. It looks like he was named Iris, but it looks like Chris is going to see it every day.
Will I be in a relationship like Sadie and Mu's in the future?
Teegel went out with him, and he said he was stroking Iri's head, so maybe he'll grow up like a brother and sister.
When the first snow falls, the pilgrimage's legs also come a long way.
Also, a harsh Sylvanian winter arrived. The ambassadors say everyone will return to their kingdom this winter. Maybe my tenure as ambassador has expired.
I guess a new ambassador will be on assignment next spring.
"I'm nervous about the Hardeliers, but they were busy. If you leave, you'll be lonely."
"I have three kids, so it's going to be a busier fort. There will always be more."
Marianne keeps knitting even as she talks about it.
I relax and look at the map and Sadie is putting up an easel by the fireplace to hold the paintbrush...... but what's next? You have no idea without a hint. I don't think he can understand the title of the painting in the old work.
"I wish I could spin it well…………………."
"I was sometimes surprised to show you how to do it, but it's pretty threaded. The production of cocoons in the hidden village seems to have stopped in three degrees, but still piles in the cabin. Ariel said he'd build another cabin in the winter."
"Cat people will also earn a steady income from livestock and silkworm farming. The land is not suitable for field work."
Looking northwest, Mr. Marian muttered, but Soba can do better, can't he? Lady and the others are happy to take the potatoes...
There, Mu brought the baby, so Sadie and the others' faces smile as soon as possible.
He's here with us, Chris and I are running by the fireplace where we are.
Chris looks just like Sadie when he jumped on my lap. Is it because Teagel's hair and eyes are brown, like mine?
Marian praises me for his bright face, but it just seems a little too quiet to me.
Will your brother be quiet when your sister is like that? Even compared to Mr. Zairas' place, his parents are special over there, and Torrell's place seems to be well marked by his wife.
"Is Chris happy to have a sister, too?
"Yeah. When I hug you, you go straight to sleep."
I'm happy to answer Sadie.
Because I'm a cat... But when you grow up, you're going on a journey. The elders said once they would make the journey through the Ardennes, and their solidarity and spirituality as Cats would be cultivated on that journey.
Besides, it seems certain that your physical abilities as a group of ninjas can be polished by a journey that takes about two years.
Mu told me he was going through several journeys before he joined us.

With more kids, I enjoy sitting on a bench facing the courtyard, a little cold but out of the hall, enjoying the pipes.
Light infantry men are waving a one-handed sword at their Marutai opponents in the courtyard.
It's a big deal because I practice all the time. I've got a habit of retreating and practicing every other day, and I'm almost done with it.
The guards of this fort have about two detachments of light infantry and one unit of ninja under Mr. Lady, but besides that, they also have the sisters of the magician, and they can fight quite a few cat aunts who work underneath them.
I feel good about the little fort. There will be plenty of people overflowing in castles made in places like Wang Capital. I don't have the confidence to live in such an environment.
"How about Lord Banter?
"No, I'll stop it. I'm just fine every other day."
The Squad Leader who invited me is smiling bitterly when he hears my answer.
You're a serious person. You must have seen me wandering. Still, I can sense that it has changed quite muscularly compared to my body before I came here. My ankle, which was about to rise to its roots in a half-day march, is now strong enough to run around Noyama.
Well, when I was thinking about going into the hall, the gate opened and the carriage came into the courtyard. It's a regular carriage, but in ten days, it will be buried in the snow and no longer loaded around here.
I wonder who the visitors are at a delicate time?
When your man came down and started unloading from his luggage, he decided to hurry back to the hall. Because standing here is going to catch a cold seasonally.
Pour more burning wood into the fireplace to keep the room warm and waiting.
Informing the visitors, Mu and the others take the children to the living room upstairs.
Sadie missed the kids and shook them back at me.
"Who am I supposed to be?
"Come on...... I came here in a carriage, so it doesn't seem to be sudden news."
Batan and the hall door opened and two men came in carrying large leather bags.
It's Mr. Mayville and his eldest son. That……….
"Master Banter, we're done. In the meantime, I've carried twelve bundles of stuff of three thicknesses. We are still spinning yarn with this type, but it would be helpful to unify it early."
Dosari was placed on the table with an unmistakable silk thread.
Seeing the sheen of pure white, Sadie and Marian's eyes shine.

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