The ambassador came from the three kingdoms at the same time as the spring visit, but you're touching the same face.
I thought it might change a little, but the only change is that Mr. Hardelia brought his husband here.
I heard he was the squadron leader of the horseback squadron, but did he leave it to his deputy?
"I can't say no to the king asking me to study diplomacy for a moment."
I'm telling you that, but you must be happy to be able to work with your wife.
"Well, the countryside is a good place, too, so it could be a lot of inconvenience. It's Torrell from the fort at the foot who leads the Sylvania horseback squad, so I think you should visit."
That would be enough for a martial artist. The strength of the Sylvanian army should not be so easily seen.
"By the way, are you doing well?
"After all, there seems to be only the first item and the craftsmen are confused. Unlike cotton, the problem is that the fibers are thin. We hear you rebuilt it from ."
Torresti's craftsmen must have raised their arms to make a loom of cotton textiles, but if Torresti had done so, I wonder if other countries would have told them not to know.

"Still, the outlook stands. Interesting thing is he said the fibers are tougher than the cotton. Even the king leaned on his neck wondering how he had spinned this thread."
"Is Crabble too? The king of Tornia actually took it and tried to pull it off, but he was stunned by its strength."
There are stronger fibers in toughness, but you can't grow them. I've heard spider threads are the strongest, but I just don't mind spinning them, either.
Mu and the others came to the ambassadors with a plate with the dough stabbed on the skewer.
When the magicians hand out their tea, they can't help but immediately move their eyes to the ayame dough in front of them.
"That's novel food. This is?"
"The prison hall along the way is a good resting place for pilgrims, so I've been trying to make this happen."
He sees me pinch the skewer and start eating it, and he puts it in his mouth the same way.
Ah, the flavour spreads in my mouth. I guess a bit of bitterness is where the dough burned.
Sadie started talking about the Kingdom of Sylvania's plans for this year while it was delicious.
You guys don't seem to be obsessed with eating much. Most of the time, plans are only planned, so changing them is the usual thing.
"Everyone wanted to know how to make that. Tea shops seem to be in every kingdom."
"Now that the Sisters of the Wizard are making it, please write me a recipe. But that is the food of the common people, and to the royals..."
"That being said, it was well received inside. At the berth of the detention center, I heard that you are offering one to the pilgrims, but Dear Emilda and the priests are delighted. It's not as expensive as that. I want to keep going."
When Sylvania takes care of pilgrimages, they have a good reputation.
Marianne and the others said they were going to the station to help them find free time, so Ayame dough comes out well for the fort snacks, too.
I love it, so good, but don't you get fat if you eat too much?
"The ambassadors seem to like the distillery."
"Are you still out today?

Since the facility was built as a way to hide the silkworm farming, there is no problem with visiting.
The ambassadors should know that spinning silk threads is going in the village of Mictus, but I was surprised to learn that no one was going out to the village of Mictus to see the job.
I know it's an open secret in a way, but just seeing yarn spinning doesn't mean silk yarn spins. You must be weighing yourself down because it makes no sense to look at it more than you don't know the supply of raw materials.
Still, you're watching the distillery through your legs. About that time, the Dwarves living in each kingdom seem to be able to make it fine, but it will be a question of how much they understand that distillation of alcohol is important to temperature.
We'll be able to do something similar, so I guess we'll visit the northern village again and again to make sure it tastes good.
"Is it that hard to make brandy?
"I'm a trial and error, too. In a few years, you might be able to make better liquor than we do."
"The Zairas will be pleased. It's too strong for me, but I'm surprised there's a lot of people who like it."
I was a little surprised when Mr. Talnes brought a bunch of little bins, but on second thought, some people are living normal lives.
When I took the No. 2 squeeze out of the barrel (Tal) and stuffed it, I remembered that I was happy to go home.
Let's split up two talls for the common people. I guess wholesale to the pedestrians would be delightful.
One day, Mr. Lady came to visit us.
He must have come to see his granddaughter's face because he told us about the souvenir and left the hall immediately.
Because you're a surprisingly sweet grandfather.
"By the way, what's in the box?
I came in here with a slightly larger crate, but you didn't tell me what was in it.
When I opened the crate using my hip knife, there were six bottles of wine inside.
Give one to Sadie and he'll be watching. The label depicts one leaf of a tree. It's a handmade label, but it's an illustrative talent inside.
"It looks like wine made from mulberry nuts. Marian, give me a glass."
"I guess you're going to say you've managed to do something. How's it taste? If it's a substitute for selling, it's fine."
When you take the wine from Sadie and unplug it, pour it in half into three glasses and let everyone taste it.
Don't smell slightly sweet. The problem is the taste......
Taste it by including it in your mouth and rolling it over the bottom.
That's sweet. It also feels good that the pain I anticipated is not the same. It has a strong acidity, but it is not as juicy. I think I can have as many drinks as I want with this.
"The fort's wine depends on this! Marianne, go out to the north village and buy every barrel."
"It does taste good. But because it has a good taste, you need to be careful about drinking too much."
With that said, he poured the rest of the wine into our glass.
Were you going out of the hall looking for a glass to carry out Sadie's words?

"You won't be able to decide how much of the fort you want until you know how much you've taken. It's a question of being a queen."
"I want one barrel...... Then you know what the banter is saying. Half of us and the cats. It would be good to divide the other half between the three kingdoms and the people."
That's pretty concessional. A little more because the tax rate is 20%. It seems like I should say that I should buy it for that amount.
But don't worry about the price of this one. If it's too expensive, Sadie's going to buy it all out.
Mr. Marian is back.
Sitting in his usual seat by the fireplace, he told me what his story was with Mr. Lady.
"By accident, you seem to have forgotten. He told me in awe, holding my grandson."
Lady's story is that if you sell for a third of the price of wine, you'll get enough. Then I guess it's good for half the price. There were three mulberry wines made from regular wine tar.
Sadie smiled when I heard you had one in the fort and left it in the warehouse.
The second one seems to have been packed into a bottle of wine suitable for the village. He must have brought me six of them.
As for the remaining barrel, he said he was thinking of packing it in a bin and selling it.
"If that's the case, we have too many points... Marian, I want you to pay half the price of wine for more than 20%. If you can do three barrels each year, pack the tar you carry in a bottle and present it to the three kingdoms. You can catch as much value as you want for valuables."
You've spoken to me with a wicked merchant-like smile, but the value seems uniform and good. Ask Mr. Talnes to bring the bottle.

The new mulberry fruit wine seems to have sold to fly.
Three kingdoms also handed out a few copies at a time, so there were no more than ten left in the fort. I guess that's all you're saying about starving for new booze.
One day, Torresti's ambassador told me that the thickness of the silk thread had been determined.
"It seems that we have come to the conclusion that our kingdom can weave if it is the intermediate thickness of the prototype. Please, I want you to spin the yarn with intermediate thickness."
The ambassadors of the other kingdoms were surprised, but when they saw him immediately ear to his squire, they must have run a fast horse into the country.
"That's Torresty. Looks like we're having a rough time in our country. If so, will the silk thread not come around for us this year?
"I'll give you eight of the same three types as last year. Torresti will be given at least 24 threads of intermediate thickness. We'll be able to give it to you in the early winter. You'll be able to see the cloth next spring."
The ambassadors are nodding at my words. I don't know what shape it's going to take, but the silk deal is finally going to be realistic.
The purchase of traded goods in silver is seen to break down sooner or later due to the depletion of silver mines. If it is silk, the system of cooperation between kingdoms is likely to last as long as it can be maintained.
Besides, we won't think of fighting each other by connecting economically closely. The problem is the horseback riding nation, but the Great Wall and the earth bases are taking shape somehow, so we've also had the aim of creating an alliance to deal with it.
The name of the Cathedral Knights is just right for the name of the coalition of the four kingdoms.
I hope this time of peace continues.

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