Drizella wave her hand in the air as a papermachi talisman appear. She set it down on the table as she look up at Ning Bi Yu and the maid next to her.

\"How can Yun Xuehau be so sure that this talisman is my maid's talisman?\"

\"I never said that this talisman was your maid's and I have my own reason for bring this talisman up.\"

Ning Bi Yu give a soft sigh as she take another drink. She said, \"What did my maid do for you to be angry.\"

Drizella glance at the nervousness of the maid by Ning Bi Yu's side then to the other maids standing behind. She handed the talisman to Ning Bi Yu as she said, \"Have you ever seen this before.\"

Ning Bi Yu pick up the talisman and examine it carefully.

The talisman looks like a talisman that mortals would use. It was rectangular in shape, dyed in bright yellow, with two straight marks running horizontally.

\"This is something from the mortal realm. How could it be here?\"

Drizella scan her surprised face and laugh out loud like a mad dog. She said still laughing, \"Sorry... sorry... you don't have to play innocent in front of me. I thought you would construct a good play for me to watch but watching this innocent act gives me the crawls. Please be yourself and don't hold back.\"

Ning Bi Yu force a dumb look on her face then the next second she look down acting timid. With sad looking eyes like a puppy, she voice out shakingly, \"I don't know what you mean. Yun Xuehau, you are scaring me.\"

Her expression almost got the heart of Drizella. It took her a few second ti shake Ning Bi Yu's fake expression out of her heart before continuing, \"Its fine if you want to pretend but you should know the consequences of touching what is mine.\"

Drizella snap her finger and the talisman change shape, \"What about now. Do you know what this is.\"

The talisman in her hand inverse from being yellow (outside) to red and red (horizontal lines) to yellow.

Ning Bi Yu face turned scornful with glaring eyes as she face Drizella again.

Xiao Lizi was surprise at Ning Bi Yu's face but as she turn to look at her young miss, there was still a wonderful smile hidden behind the veil.

Drizella: \"Now that's a better look on you.\"

\"What do you want? And what is up with that smile?\"

\"Now. Now. My lovely smile have nothing to do with anything, right?\" Drizella said as she touch her place her hand on her check and flash a smile.

Ning Bi Yu's whole group give her distasteful look and Xiao Mimi coughed twice trying to hold her laugh in. While Xiao Lizi jab her stomach to stop her.

Ning Bi Yu's face was ashen as she voice out through clashed teeth, \"Enough joking and say what you want. Anyway you have no evidence against me.\"

Drizella dropped the smile, \"True, I have no evidence against you but you have already admitted to your crime.\"

\"Crime? What crime? I just said that you have no such evidence to accuse me of using this on your so called disciple.\"

\"As I said before, you have already admitted to your crime. And your right, I have no evidence against you but not your maid.\"

Ning Bi Yu fling her eyes wide open but thinking things through again, she settles down. With a different kind of smile from her normal innocent or weak smile, she hold the talisman paper in front of Yun Xuehau/Drizella and tear it apart.

Drizella sigh, \"I really don't know why the princes are so fascinated by an idiot like you. I can use your words as evid...\"

\"Hmph. Do you think the Heavenly Emperor and everyone else is going to believe in you. Guess again, with such a terrible reputation, who would believe you. Beside, we have number on our side, if we said \"we don't know a thing\", what can you use to backup your claim,\" the maid beside Ning Bi Yu arrogantly said with chin high up.

The others agree as they also nodded their head.

Drizella sigh again, \"Please teach your maid proper manners or else you as the owner would look bad. Anyway. Let me finish what I want to say. Even if, I use your words right here and now. It won't amount to much. Also did you check if that really is the right talisman.\"

Drizella wave her hand again as another talisman that look identical to the shredded one reappear. She wave her hand on the shredded talisman and it appear anew without tear marks. Next, the talisman didn't burn instead it steam and turn into little bubbles. Those bubbles merges together to create a single bubble.

Inside the bubble was like a . were you can hear and see little people talking. Those little people were all the people in the room and the conversation was the one before.

\"Would you look at that. Not one but two evidence against you and your maid,\" Drizella said looking innocently at them.

\"You...You!\" Ning Bi Yu was fuming with anger then she thought of something.

\"I can just say that you force me to say those words. We'll see who everyone would believe.\"

\"About that... this talisman felt like it has a wasp of spiritual energy left from one of your maid. To add, I could be said to have power equal to the Heavenly Emperor. Even if they don't believe me wholeheartedly, it doesn't mean they won't heed to my words.\"

Ning Bi Yu fown as she contemplate on what Yun Xuehau said. Yun Xuehau is the only niece of the wind god and water god. She was the fruit of the two gods beloved siblings.

According to some rumors, the previous wind god and water god fell in love. They were so in love that they were willing to give up their godhood to be together. After many ups and downs, they were finally together but it was short lived, leaving behind nothing but their child. Their love story was so touching that it spread through the heaven and made every girl wants to have a romance like theirs.

Ning Bi Yu: \"Fine! What do you want in return?\"

\"Its easy, I want you to form a contract with me. The contract would be you being my eyes and ears while I am away. You cannot betray me and cause harm to my people. Do you agree with me?\" Drizella said.

\"What choice do I have but to agree.\" Ning Bi Yu frown.

They signed a contract with each others name and blood as prove. They both drip a drop of blood in a small bowl filled with water. Drizella fold the contract paper and dip the paper in the water. The blood inside the water mixed together turning the water bloody red and dissolve the contract in the process. On each other's wrist appear a symbol that stretch across the wrist forming a bracelet like chaining them both.

\"Don't even think of betraying me, if you don't want to feel the pain of your heart wrenching in pain,\" Drizella remain Ning Bi Yu of the consequence.

Ning Bi Yu felt like she can't stay anymore or she would be losing. She stormed out of the room with heavy footsteps and her maids follow suit.

\"Young miss, why would you go to all the trouble of making a contract with Ning Bi Yu?\" Xiao Lizi ask out of curiosity.

\"I am taking Shen Yuan's punishment in his place and his punishment would be going back to the mortal realm. A mortal should go back to where he belong was what was said to me. Even if the mortal realm is full of hardship, it is something people would always go through. I don't want him mixing in with the heaven realm when he isn't ready yet. When he is ready... he can hate me and bring in a fight... only when he is ready,\" Drizella said to Xiao Lizi but it sounded like she was saying those things to herself.

\"Anyway, Ning Bi Yu's clan, the fire clan is one of the four big clan along with the water and wind clan in the Heaven Realm. She will follow the contract, not to bring shame to her clan. To add, it give protection to you guys when I am not around,\" Drizella continue.

In the Heaven Realm there are four big clans which are the water, wind, fire, and earth clan. Each clan has a distinct treat they inherit. The water clan live in water allowing them to breath underwater and have tails. The wind clan live in a floating island and have wings. The fire clan live in a volcanic area and have sharp eyes. The earth clan live in a forest and have long ears. Each clan have a god that reign over them and they give their loyalty and respect to that god. There is a clan that reign over every gods which is the sky clan, in another words, the Heavenly Emperor.

Even though the big four clan have a god ruling over them. It doesn't mean that the clan is limited to having only one god. In some clans there would be a competition to determine who is the strongest to become god. In other it is pass down from family to family.

Drizella can get that much from Xuehau's disoriented memories and nothing more. To sum some stuff of the water clan are fish, the wind clan are birds, the fire clan are lizards, and the earth clan are rabbits. Maybe she sum it up to much but they all sound like animals. There wasn't anything else about other clans that are not the big four.

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