It had only been a week since Lowks had married Vixen but they were already rather comfortable living together. It probably helped that he already was well aware of what his lady was like and so had already figured out how to accommodate her.

His wife needed a lot of coddling and affection. Cuddles were mandatory. He could tease her, though she preferred being flirted with. And, if she was upset kissing her would usually do wonders for improving her mood.

He did his best to accommodate to his wife's needs. That did not mean he gave into her all the time though. But cuddling her and kissing her and even flirting with her upon occasion were hardly all that hard to do. As if it could be difficult when he had married her partway for the right to do so any time.

Their life together was off to a good start.

Though, he had to admit – there was something that had surprised him. He had been sure that he would be doing all the cooking, as to his remembrance she didn't know her way around the kitchen at all. But she had learned somewhere, though he didn't ask he was pretty sure it was fairly recent for her to learn this stuff. He found it a bit cute that she had learned how to cook just so she could cook for him after they were married. He still ended up helping out a lot in the kitchen though, but that was actually rather fun.

Everything about being married to his Vixen was rather fun though.

Currently she was sitting beside of him, as he worked on a piece of wood. Her eyes seemed a bit star-struck and having that dreamy look directed at him made him feel more than a little self-conscious. And flattered. Sure, it made him nervous, but it was a good kind of nervousness. The kind only she really ever gave him.

He turned to her and kissed the tip of her nose, before turning back to his woodworking. He heard her giggle and then she leaned into him. Usually he wouldn't mind too much but…"Uh, Vix, sweetie, I need you not to lean on me right now. I would hate to accidentally hurt you." The knife in his hand was rather sharp and just the thought of Vixen getting hurt on it made his heart nearly stop in actual fear.

She pouted at him. "I just wanted to cuddle…"

"I know and I would usually… but I really don't want you to get hurt."

"Mmm…" She sounded a bit upset.

He sighed, "I'll cuddle with you as soon as I finish this, alright?"

His wife was silent but she had stopped pouting so he figured she was agreeing. He went back to messing with the wood.

As soon as he finished he put down the knife, turned to her and scooped her up. She giggled, throwing her hands around his neck in a close embrace. He carried her to their bedroom, and lay down on the bed, still holding her.

He ran his fingers through her hair, as she curled up into him. This was rather peaceful and it was making him feel drowsy.

The woman he loved also seemed to be feeling sleepy and she dropped off to sleep on his chest. He let his own eyes close, and soon he had followed her.

When he woke up, he was a bit disoriented. So, he was a bit startled when the first thing he saw was Vixen looming over him. He relaxed immediately and smiled up at her. She had been looking at him very tenderly but when she saw he was awake she looked away, cheeks flushing.

"No need to be embarrassed sweetheart…. I have a tendency to watch you when you sleep as well." He sat up and patted her head affectionately.

She stuck her tongue out at him and swung herself off of their bed. He watched the sway of her hips and smiled to himself. This charming childish lady was his wife. And he would not have it any other way.

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