--What was that!? But if you ask me... even if that Dana says something like this, I might be able to convince you.
"Hey, it's connected! Hey Kiyoko, my beloved husband wants to give you an order!
For a moment, Kiyoko, who was freaked out, gazed at the monitor she was given without any resistance to the words.
"Hey Kiyoko, it looks like this time has finally come. I've been waiting for this time. [M] I couldn't make it to Yoko while she was pregnant."
It seems that Kiyoko heard about the approximate from Dana, and she didn't show that much surprise.
"Yusuke, about Kiyoko... Thank you very much. Fufu"
"Ah, do you really...?
"Of course, right? First of all, I'm sorry, Yusuke, but can you stand still?
The martial arts that spanned me drooling out of my vagina lightly. My stuff, which has lost its way, is sadly hanging from the bell mouth.
As I was told, I stood up, and I bragged in front of Kiyoko. Kiyoko, who has petan and butt mochi, backs off for a moment, but immediately stops with the next order.

"Kiyoko, you know what to do? I need you to nourish my baby. Yoko, can you help?
Yoko somehow figured it out, nodding and approaching my groin.
"Yeah, I'm oniisan's wife. I can help you with anything."
"Ah... I can't believe this is happening in front of Yoko and Gika."
That said, as you prepare with tears accumulated at the end of your eyes, your tongue slowly draws out, slowly approaching the bell mouth where the gummy juice drips.
--At that time, I thought. When I lived in my parents' house, I was punished by Kiyoko.
Then, for some reason, my hips pushed forward and jumped against Kiyoko's lips!
"Cat! Dirty!!!
Kiyoko avoided things in a reflective way, but she scratched her cheeks at the edge, and the betty and gamma juice pulled the line.
"Ha ha ha! Looks like Yusuke's on board too! You don't have to worry about getting pregnant, just let him have some fun!
In the colorful part, Kiyoko is extremely inferior to Kika's sister and Takemi. But at that time, a distorted desire burst into my head!

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