master of tricks
Donald licked his lips and stopped the thought of tearing up the Superpack from Eugene.
However, the phone call with Eugene was not completely nutritious.
Eugene advised Trump to campaign for the next election, not this one.
In fact, it was a very appetizing opinion for Trump, who thought he had little chance of winning this election.
You mean handing over the annoying corona to Biden and taking it back in the next election as an excuse?
“Call the director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Ask them to bring data on the long-term prediction of Corona.”
To add confidence to Eugene’s words, Donald decided to start by looking at how long the replacement coronavirus would last.
“Given the reality of the moment, there is no guarantee that it will subside until early next year.”
“It means that we can catch it by next year at the earliest.”

“Yes, if a vaccine is available as soon as possible. A considerable amount of money has been invested in the research now, so I think that vaccination will start at the end of this year at the earliest.”
Donald made a disgruntled expression.
“But there is no guarantee that vaccination will definitely catch this outbreak. More than anything else, the question is how effective it is against mutated viruses.”
“A mutant virus? What else is that?”
I’ve heard the report several times already, but if I don’t think it’s important, it spills out into my ear, so I ask as if I’ve heard something completely new.
“It refers to the transformation of an existing virus into a new form. In the case of such a mutated virus, existing vaccines often cannot solve it.”
It’s a different look than before.
“If a mutant virus starts to spread without being addressed by a newly developed vaccine… … .”
The director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention looked terrified.
“Maybe humanity will have to find a way to coexist with the coronavirus in the future.”
“Coexistence… … So you mean you can’t catch it?”
“Maybe it could be. It is impossible to develop a new vaccine every time a new mutation appears.”
“Hoo… … .”
Trump’s face lit up.
“Even to prevent that, we need to help speed up the development of a vaccine to prevent further spread.”
The director has already emphasized several times that the vaccine is important, but the more important thing is to stop the spread.
This time, of course, the director tried his best to fulfill his duty even though he knew that his words were not going to work.

“I see. Go see.”
Of course, this time the president doesn’t seem very interested.
However, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could not understand why he was smiling like that.
* * *
“I don’t know what you are thinking.”
Monica, who was watching the news about Donald Trump’s campaign on TV, said with a puzzled expression.
On this day too, Donald appeared in front of many people without wearing a mask, remarking that the corona virus was not a big deal.
[The problem is that the US is doing too many tests compared to other countries! In fact, if you let it go naturally, it can pass as an epidemic like other influenza.]
Trump seemed to be forgetting even the fact that he was the head of the quarantine authorities.
“What are you really doing? Do you have any awareness of being president? Why the hell did America become such a country?”
The United States before Donald Trump and the United States after it are markedly different.
Previously, people of the world clearly believed the United States to be the most developed country, and billions of people had the American dream.
However, the present United States has become an uncivilized and unreliable country that is inferior to many other countries in East Asia.
Many people who loved their country were mourning the fall of the United States, and Monica, a typical American intellectual, could not hide their disappointment at the current situation where the beloved America is showing the world’s worst performance in the Corona crisis.
“So many people have been neglected.”
“Are you marginalized?”
“People who like to hate and loathe more than to understand and bond with people who are different from themselves.”
At Eugene’s passing one word, Monica kept her lips closed.
She was well aware of the current situation in America. Hate begets another hate.
The chain of hatred and hatred spread so quickly that the United States and the whole world were plunged into the melting pot of hatred.
Corona is nothing more than a catalyst to accelerate that huge wave of hate.
Meanwhile, not everyone who was watching TV that day was not convinced by Trump’s actions.
Thousands of Donald Trump’s fanatical supporters rushed into the streets without masks.
Angry citizens holding flags with the phrase <I LOVE TRUMPH!> were holding a festival here and there.
Protesters and police clashed without masks in an area that has been forced to close due to the corona virus.
Even at the moment when the news reports that tens of thousands of new cases have been added every day, many citizens say, ‘Masks suppress our freedom, Corona is a lie.’ They were shouting their own arguments.
Eugene remembered that American society was so divided in her past life as a countermeasure against Corona, but somehow she felt that this time it was much worse.
I don’t know for sure, but Trump’s actions were getting more radical.

As a national leader, he did not hide his intention to incite conflict and obstruct the efforts of the quarantine authorities rather than prevent a catastrophe that threatens the lives and lives of the people.
Perhaps that attitude became stronger after the phone call with Eugene.
Perhaps, following Eugene’s advice, he decided to give up on this election and aim for the next one.
Trump was thinking of telling the next administration to fail, and the best thing for him in the current situation was the failure of the quarantine policy.
As the coronavirus engulfs the United States more and more and the lives of its citizens become more difficult, all responsibility will fall on Biden, who is responsible for solving it, not Trump.
In September, prominent journalist Bob Woodward revealed that Donald Trump had been informed before the pandemic that the coronavirus was a deadly virus, but was hiding it for the sake of an election.
A recording was released of Trump himself saying that he knew that the virus could kill not only the elderly but also the young, but he was shrinking it for fear of a national panic.
But Donald, who was asked this question, rather countered:
– If Bob Woodward thought what I said wasn’t right, shouldn’t he himself have gone to the quarantine authorities and reported it?
It was difficult to deny that the recording of his own voice was released, but Trump instead attacked the journalist who revealed it.
It was an inexpensive response that no one could believe. Reactions arose that they did not even understand that the person in charge of the quarantine authorities was none other than Donald Trump himself.
In fact, if a matter of this magnitude had been revealed in another administration, a hearing would be held immediately and it would have become a plant government.
However, because the work Donald Trump has done so far has been so great, even this has just passed as a happening.
These supporters of Donald were not just limited to the low-educated working class.
The forces that have hindered the efforts of the quarantine authorities to respond to the corona crisis have spread across the United States.
That month, a federal court ruled that the Pennsylvania shutdown was unconstitutional.
It was to reassure the law enforcement authorities that there are many Trump supporters, or at least like-minded people.
Of course, Donald Trump has been very supportive of this situation.
After that, even the Attorney General expressed the opinion that shutting down citizens’ control is the second largest violation of civil liberties after slavery in American history.
“I think not only the president but all of his aides want the quarantine to fail.”
“It seems so.”
“What is the reason for that? It doesn’t help the election, is it?”
“Is that so? The more Donald is like that, the more his supporters are united.”
“It’s unbelievable. No matter how strong the supporters are, there are limits.”
“Because no one knows until the last ballot box is opened.”
Of course, Eugene was already aware of Trump’s target.
“The American people do not succumb to the epidemic from China. But it is also true that many citizens are still suffering in these devastating times. That’s why I’m going to set up a $3 trillion emergency budget for the American people to help. A $1,000 monthly bailout should be provided to low-income households until the coronavirus situation stabilizes. America’s national power is more than enough to handle it.”
Donald is by no means a fool. Rather, he is more agile than anyone in seizing opportunities. Despite his age, his shrewd brain did not rust in the slightest.

Donald threw out a ballot that he would pay large amounts of aid to the entire nation, citing outrageous sums.
“The Democrats must act now to save the lives of American citizens, not just the election.”
There was a lot of discussion in Congress just for the already-scheduled $1 trillion relief fund.
Trump’s actions that came up with $3 trillion out of the blue obviously only jeopardize the current discussion.
While many media and academics have criticized Trump’s actions, this has not been the case with Trump supporters and the common people who are suffering right now.
“During the last financial crisis, the US government handed over a trillion dollars to several Wall Street banks. A $3 trillion bailout for 300 million Americans now saves lives more urgently than ever before. There is no point in wearing a mask or telling them not to leave the house. What citizens need right now is $1,000 to pass today.”
Trump has been criticizing Congress, Democrats and Biden every day.
The party who made the present situation in this way holds the Congress accountable for not passing the $3 trillion emergency fund that was brought out of the way without taking responsibility for it.
Of course, most understood that common sense could not raise such a large amount immediately.
However, there were not a few people who agreed with Trump’s words when he compared it to the trillion dollars during the financial crisis.
In fact, the world has become so complex that it is far more often impossible to determine the future consequences of a leader’s policies.
For that reason, it is common in any society that the public pay far greater attention to what they say and whom to criticize than in difficult and complex promises to understand.
And the best thing is to express it in clear numbers.
As it is now, $1 trillion, $3 trillion, and 300 million American citizens were words that entered everyone’s mind.

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