"" "" Your Majesty!? ""
"Oh, Benny! La Mirda, are you all right?"
The Lady Ramilda of the Fourth Princess and the concubines face to face with the five women.
Apart from Lamirda, there are four side queens who are happy to cuddle with His Majesty.
This time, he left aside the princess from the aristocratic family who had given the rebellion to the northern aristocracy. I don't care if they interrupt me from within.
father and daughter, and is face-to-face with the couple. I left my room behind so I wouldn't get in the way of my family's touching face to face.
"What's happening to the castle?"
"Completely besieged, the main entrance has already broken through"
"What's the damage?"

"There is no harm done to any of our allies. The rebels, on the other hand, have done a lot of damage."
"How about a hidden passage?"
"Don't worry, if we have our hands in all the hidden passages,"
Atrei will answer my question as if it were a manuscript. He's an excellent guy.
You can leave the castle to Wick and Atrey.
My next job is... my brother and uncle started heading north, so is that backup?
This time, Your Majesty entrusted my uncle to the General of North Logging.
As for the aristocracy, the elder brother of Uncle Borderline and the elder uncle of the Marquis are the same size, but since my elder uncle is the elder uncle, and my elder uncle is the elder uncle for my elder uncle, he takes the form of standing on the elder uncle.
Nobility is a troublesome creature, and many value this kind of thing.
Even if my brother and uncle don't care, there are many who do.
"Levis, are you ready for cover?"
"No problem. By the time the Northern Lumberjacks make contact with the rebels, they'll be completely deployed."
Have a conversation with Levis on a smart-aided communications machine (commonly known as a smartphone).
The castle attacker is busy with Levis leading the front line, so I heard a report from Atlei, but the Levis one hasn't started the fight yet, so it's not casual, but it's comms on the smartphone.
"Let the North Lumberjacks have flowers. It's totally backwards about you."
"I know. I'll take care of this Levis Atrei."
"I'm most anxious that you're motivated."
"Sounds terrible to me. When this battle is over, shall we stick our knees together and discuss it?"
"Look, I can say something light, okay? Do it right. Communication terminated!"

"Oh, wait..."
I unilaterally cut off communications and turn my smartphone into a chest pocket.
Oh, yeah, let's hear Dorothy and Lute.
The next morning, there was a call that Wick had fallen the castle.
"Perón, I'm in charge of the Kingdom-based security forces."
Copy that, sir.
"Federer will interrogate the King's Capital so that no suspicious person can enter or leave."
"I'll take care of it"
"Gael will be in charge of liaison with the southern and eastern nobles."
It's more important than dropping the castle to get the King's capital back to normal as soon as possible.
"Ahhh, no. Because it's a different world, but it's just something I never dreamed of."
I get unexpectedly blurred in my room.
If you were reincarnated into a fantasy world and wondered if it was life surrounded by magic, magic, magic items, etc., territorial management as a nobleman.
Territorial management is a constructive story, so even if you're busy, you can still put up with it, but wars and civil unrest just annihilate you.
Especially since I really don't like the loss of a royal family who is within me like this one.
You've been sighing a lot lately......
"Dear Christoph..."
"Don't you agree with Phyllia?"
Phyllia knows I'm a reincarnator from Japan. So this stupidity gets out in front of Phyllia telling her mouth.
Thank you Phyllia for graciously holding me.
The door was knocked.
My lord, Master Wick is back.
"I'm coming."
I'd much rather be held in Phyllia's chest, but that doesn't seem to work either.
"Thank you, Phyllia. I'm so glad you're here."
"I belong to Lord Christoph. You can be stupid when it's hard."

I smiled at Phyllia and took my seat.
"Come on, let's go. I have to work Wick back from the battlefield."
Phyllia has become a good woman.
The moment Wick walked into the waiting room, he smelled like iron rust.
When I saw the wick, my extremely evil outrageous face was even worse in return blood.
Wick, are you hurt?
"Not at all. This is all return blood."
"That's good"
What do you want? But Wick's the same. I guess you stormed at the head of the soldiers.
"I know the truth, but let me hear the report."
They heard from Wick and recovered the remains of Wang Taisun and his mother, Lady Chenille.
"Finally, we are in Fubito, which was celebrated by the rebels to the King, but we are holding him in captivity. I didn't injure him, but he's tied up with rope because it's violent."
"Right...... ok. Throw me in jail. And when you kill yourself, it's a hassle, so keep an eye on me 24 hours a day."
If you're going to kill yourself, I think you've done it a long time ago, just in case.
Few people are responsible for suicide.
Me and my colleagues solemnly endeavoured to maintain the security of the Wang capital and restore the administrative machinery.
It was also worth it, and in 10 days Wang Du was regaining the same vibrancy as before the rebellion except for the destroyed building.
Your Majesty, please reconsider.
"Father, Christoph is right. Don't think about exiting."
"" "Your Majesty" "
Every day, as always, I praise His Majesty for his departure.
Since the disturbance in the Wang capital is almost over, Dorothy has now come and asked the other concubines and the Fourth Princess, Lord Lloyd, to persuade her.
His Majesty had gray hair in this conspiracy uprising, but his gray hair is falling out and thinning.
You look pretty old compared to before the conspiracy. Maybe 10 years old will be old.
"Dorothy, Lloyd, LaMirda... I'm tired for the rest. If you think the Queen and Prince Wang have been assassinated, now Tai Sun Wang will lose everyone's life because of the rest..."

It's really hard. But it's not His Majesty's fault, it's the criminals' fault.
There's something wrong with the world that says the victim is bad.
More time has passed and it is time for the North Lower Army and the rebels to make contact.
"My lord, I have a report for you"
She's a female clerk in command... Oh yeah, it was Marie Keldon.
"What is it, Mr. Keldon?"
"There have been movements in the Jegan Republic and the Bossam Empire under surveillance"
Looks like intelligent work with quick fingers up your glasses.
She's an intelligent eyeglass beauty with blonde hair wrapped around her back.
This holy kingdom of Bandham and the Republic of Jegan and the Bossam Empire, and now the None St. Orion, were said to be the four great powers, but now the Holy Kingdom of Bandham has destroyed the St. Orion and extended its territory.
So now it is painfully a trinity, but the Kingdom of Holy Bandam and the Bossam Empire are not close. Conversely, the Republic of Jegan and the Kingdom of Holy Bandam are allies.
"We are in a state of civil war within the Bossam Empire, within the Jegan Republic, together"
I didn't know what that meant.
"As in my country, there seems to have been a rebellion in both countries. We have unconfirmed information that the Emperor may have been captured in the Bossam Empire."
I don't know what to say.
It is clearly anomalous that the three powers are in a state of civil war everywhere. Moreover, every country's regime should have been stable.
In this divine kingdom of Bandham, princes and queens were assassinated, but then His Majesty's reign was stabilized by destroying the Holy Orion nation and making it known as a mighty nation at home and abroad.
There was indeed a rivalry between kings and nobles, but the rivalry should not have been recent enough to develop into a civil war.
The other two countries were listening, but they should not have been in such a precarious state that there would be a rebellion. What the hell is going on?
"You think this is a coincidence?"
Keldon lifted his glasses and opened his body mouth.
"I feel that civil unrest is clearly manipulative in all three powers. However, we cannot show any basis at this time, so we can only call it a coincidence."
Right. Then we can figure out this puzzling situation by looking for the rationale.
"Atrei. Are you there"

Atrei appeared nudged from Keldon's shadow.
Well, it's close, isn't it? What, that stalking position?
Besides, whatever you think, you emerged from a position where you could peek inside Keldon's skirt, right? You, sexual harassment is a good place!
Look, Keldon's temples are tingling blue.
"You, on purpose?"
"What can I do for you?"
Me and Keldon are looking at Atrey with cold eyes, but where is the wind blowing in the person of the day.
"Totally... did you hear what I'm saying?"
"Send those of your men who can move quickly to the Jegan Republic and the Botham Empire."
I shifted my eyes to Keldon.
"Atrei will also report the information he has obtained to you, Keldon. Keldon, I want you to scrutinize that information and report it to me."
"Am I?"
Atrei soon admitted, but Keldon is surprised.
"Keldon, are you unhappy?"
"Yes, no, there can't be dissatisfaction or anything!"
"Great. Now you can both back off."
Keldon walked out the room through the door and Atlei disappeared into the shadows.

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