The next day Sam left home early and headed to the hospital where Eric was, except a pretty big lump he didn't have anything to worry about.

Then he went back home and took Annie to another date, as he wanted to apologize for yesterday's event he followed her all day long and she enjoyed the feeling so she started buying more and more clothes, in the end it was too much for him to carry himself.


For the next few days nothing much happened in Sam's life, he asked Eric if he knew the four guys that were with Tony and Eric had never seen them, after all his only relation with Tony was in school, they weren't that close even though they bullied Sam together.

As Sam knew where Tony lived he sneaked around the area to see if he could recognize a face but he couldn't. As he felt like danger was incoming he personally dropped Em to school everyday and picked her up also, he was asked to leave her at Annie's home but he refused, he was afraid of anything happening to her. He didn't know where to put his mind, he was almost sure that Tony would tell his friends everything he knew about him, he wasn't sure if they were close enough to look for revenge for him but he had to be sure.

That day after dropping Em at school, he went home and continued writing his second original song, he had been working on it lately but it wasn't going very well, he felt like this song lacked emotions, it didn't have the same impact as "Love me".

While he was typing on his keyboard he heard knocks on the door, he headed there while thinking

'It's been so long nobody came here... could it be Annie ? I can't think of anybody else.'

He looked through the peephole and could see a man and a woman standing there, both were around 30 years old or so.

'What the hell ?'

He opened and saw what he couldn't see through the peephole, both were policemen.

"Can I help you with something officer ?"

"Oh sorry to bother you, is you name Sam Petit ?"

"That's my name."

"I knew it hahah, I saw you on TV. It's actually the first time I meet a celebrity !"

The male policeman looked excited until the female gave him an elbow hit.

"Oh right, we came here to investigate. Hm hm do you know two men named Tony and Leo ?"

"Hm yes, they are in the same class as me in university."

"Do you know if they had enemies or someone that hated them ?"

"I think tons of people hated them, I'm amongst those people too. They like to bully people at school."

"I see... did they bully you too ?"

"They did, not recently but they used to."

"Did you meet them recently ?"

This became annoying, he didn't know where the policeman was trying to lead him but he had to think about his answer, if he told him that he met them that night he guessed he would be the main suspect but if he lied and the police actually had witnesses they would know that he lied and he would risk more.

"I met them a few days ago, I was on a date with my girlfriend and they were drinking with friends in a park, did something happen to them ?"

"Both of them were found dead last Saturday."

Sam's eyes jumped wide open, he didn't think they would die of such injuries ! He hadn't been cautious enough !

'Fuck ! I can't go to jail ! What will happen to Em ?! Fuck fuck fuck !!!! Ok calm down, they don't have any proof !'

"What does it have to do with me ?"

"Can you follow us please ? We would need to take your fingerprints to compare them with the ones left on the murder weapon."

'Huh ? Murder weapon ? I didn't use anything expect my fists and feet, I couldn't have left fingerprints on anything... what is happening ?'

He didn't even take the time to change and followed the police wearing his pajama, he only wore a pair of shoes that was the nearest to him and followed them with an incredibly fast beating heart. He didn't want to go to prison !

'What would happen to Em ?! Should I take her and run away ? I'll see if they have enough proofs first and run away if they try anything, I have he system so I'm confident that I can run away, he shop is full of useful stuff. They also talked about a murder weapon there is a possibility that they were killed after I left. If that's the case I won't be a suspect anymore.'

Arrived at the police station he was asked to sit in front of a desk and they took his fingerprints

"The fingerprints will need around 24 hours to be compared to the ones we have, we have to keep you here until then."

"That's not possible, my sister is at school right now and I'm her only family."

"Can you ask a friend ? I'm sorry but since you are the main suspect we can't let you go."

"How did I become the main suspect ?"

"Tony's friends told us that you got into a fight with them the night when they died."

'Fuck them ! I expected them to take revenge on me but not to sell me to the police !'

That night he didn't tell Jin what happened to him, he just told him to take Em together with Rika as he was busy outside of the city and couldn't come home tonight, of course Jin didn't refuse and took her together with his sister. What would Annie's parents think if they knew that he was being detained as the main suspect of a murder.

"Officer, do you mind telling me how they died ?"

From his cell he asked the officer that was sitting on a desk and playing a card game on his computer.

"It's a tragic story are you sure you want to hear it ?"

Without waiting for Sam's answer he continued

"All their limbs were broken first, then they were castrated and finally their agony was ended by a stab in the heart."

"How come you found the murder weapon ?"

"We don't know either, it's really weird. It looks like the murderer wanted us to find it so he left it there between the two bodies..."

'Is it normal he's telling me all these informations ? What a weird policeman. At least now I know that they were killed after I left, their injuries will also be thought to be his doing. What a weirdo would kill two guys that can't move anyway ?'

Thinking about it Sam became pale, inside of him he felt like it was his doing. If he didn't do it that murderer wouldn't have killed them. But if he didn't do it they could have came back for revenge.

The policeman looked at Sam becoming pale as a sheet of paper and said

"I told you, this story isn't for kids to listen to, why did you insist to listen ?"

'I'm sure about it now, this guy is an idiot haha. I couldn't even answer you that you were already telling me, I would have asked you to tell me anyway tho.'

"You should go to sleep, we'll have the results of the fingerprints around tomorrow noon, if you didn't do it you'll leave then."

'Man I couldn't have been framed right ? Are my fingerprints on the murder weapon ? It's impossible... I don't have any enemy now that the two of them are dead. Who could have done it ?'

He lied on the hard bed that was on the cell and kept thinking, making plans for his runaway if he had really been framed. That night he couldn't sleep at all.

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