The three have returned to the banquet hall...

"May I have a dance with this beautiful lady?"A request was whispered behind Adara's left ear as she was enjoying her wine with her friends.

Upon hearing that, she got startled and immediately look behind her but little did she know that the person was so close to her face that if she got a little bit more closer, they could have probably kissed. Her eyes widened as soon as she realized that it's the person she least expected to offer her a dance.

"W-what!? Hey! move your face away!" She exclaimed while pushing the person's face.

"Alright, alright I get it." The person stated while moving backwards.

"If you dare do that again, I'll crush you with this delicate hands of mine!" Adara threatened while frowing in irritation as she points her glass to that person.

"Do you really hate me that much? I just want to dance with you, can't you just do me the favor?" The person implored.

"Prince Raha, you know that our clan is not in a good relationship right now, so do not expect that our relationship will be the other way around." She indifferently clarified as she stands up from her sit and walks away.

Raha managed to grab her hand but she immediately removes it from his grip. With a dark stare, she declared... "I know what you're trying to do. If you're trying to use this kind of strategy for me to falter, *scoffs* then you are just wasting your time. So, stop your scheme and do your business properly."

Upon hearing that, he paused for a bit. In his mind, "Hmp! So it's true that you are not really easy to deal with eh. Watch 'til I manage to cut you out from this clan."He smirked while staring at Adara who walks away.

On the other hand, Fai was once again asked out to dance. She felt exhausted because she was dancing ever since the banquet dance was announced. On her first dance, she thought that she could take this opportunity to enjoy this one time event in her life, but little did she know that she would not even have the chance to have a break because as soon as one finishes, another person comes asking for a dance with her. She thought that if she gratifies three requests, then she could finally have a rest. But then, those guys keep coming, she could not say no to them for they are very eager to dance with her. From three, it became Five, then Seven, then Nine and then finally, she was able to have her peaceful rest. But while she have just seated for seven minutes, another man came to her with two glasses of wine in his hands.

"Taking a break? I was worried because I thought that you would be dancing all the way without even taking a single break." He said while offering the other glass to her.

Fai recieved the wine and gulped it all down in one go. The guy was surprised by what she just did for the wine he gave was quite a strong one.

"U-uumm...Miss Fai, I think you knew what you just drank right?" He hesitantly besieged while he sits beside her.


While she hiccups, she replied with a weird tone in her voice. "HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!Prince Archer~(Pat Archer's shoulder)I know what I just drank ok? It's wine, wine!You gave it to me Hahaha~ *hic* And besides...I...(points at him)...I really really *hic* wanted to resists them, I really wanted to have a break ya know but what can I do right?*hic* My beauty is appreciated in this world sooo~ *hic* Haha! No what I mean is, because their very eager to dance with me with their puppy-like blinking eyes, It's hard to resist!No it's not hard!It feels wrong to resist, I'll fell bad if I resist.(clenches fist)That's why~*hic*."

After she gives Archer a silly smile she asked while staring at him, "Are you...also here to dance with me?"

He scrapes his nape and looked away, "I would lie if I say no."

Fai chuckled and stood up. In a brief moment, her sight becomes unclear and the surrounding looks like it's swirling for her. She did not expect that she would wobble as she stands up. When she nearly fell, Archer catched her and held her waist. "Are you alright?"

While they are in a dance-like position where the male holds the female's waist leaning his body towards hers, Fai suddenly stood straight and held Archer's shoulders. "This will be my last dance for tonight, my tenth." She said as she added, "I'll be a record holder at this rate.*hic*" Then she scoffs.

Archer was speechless by those utterence she let out but he was delighted that right away, he held her hand and body. They then started dancing as their body flows with with the rhythm of the music intruments.

On the other hand, as they were dancing, Genrou who was busy talking business with other clan royalties has noticed that Fai and Archer are dancing, he later took the time to watch them.

While he watches them clearly, especially Fai who look somewhat familiar to him, a sudden thought came to his mind. "Wait, she looks awfully familiar. Where did I saw that face before?" As he stares clearly at Fai, he realizes that she really kinda looks pretty. "Hmm...Who'd have thought that a mere mortal would have this kind of beauty especially when groomed up. Pity, my woman is more beautiful than sh---wait...(He paused for a bit because he realized something for he have finally recalled who she looks like.)No this can't be, they...they look alike!"

While he is at a loss for words, Fai and Archer finally finished their dance and returned to their sits.

"Don't you feel dizzy?Are you alright?Archer asked with a sincere tone in his voice. But before he even get Fai's reply, he got startled because he found that Fai's head was already leaning on his right shoulder. He blushed immediatley and slowly put his gaze at her sleeping face.

Meanwhile, Genrou approached them. "Prince Archer, is your shoulder ok? I mean, I've been watching you since a while ago but she seems like she's already in her deep sleep. Does it not ache?"

"Silly, to win a girl's heart, you must endure hardships. Things like this aren't even considered hardship, so it fine, you don't need to worry." Archer replied while gladness is clearly painted on his face.

"Fine you're OK with it but I'm not. Imagine, you're our royal guest and she is just a normal worker under us. It's inappropriate and unfair in your part." Genrou explicated.

Archer who was not even a bit affected by what Genrou have said has replied, "I told you, I don't care about any of those. I'm doing it willingly so please, just let me take care of her."

Genrou has no choice but to comply with Archer's request. But he suggested, " Alright, if you want to take care of her, take her to her room and let her rest there. Don't let her keep snoring in front of many people. "

In Archer's mind, "But she's not even snoring. What a freak this man is." He then finally responded, "Ok, so where is her room?I'll take her there."

"The Hall of Fate in the south part of the palace. Just take her there."

"What? Hall of fate? I thought she's just a worker here, but why do you give her such a special place?" As baffled as he is, Archer asked with such confusion on his face.

"It's my mom's order. Just let it be."

"I don't think she's just a normal worker. There is more something to it than there is am I right?" Archer queried.

Genrou smirked and put his left hand on Archer's shoulder as he asserted, "Just take her to her room. You know I hate explaining. Asked my sister if you want to know more about this lady."

"Got it." Archer replied as he stood up and carried Fai in a princess's posture. He then walked away while carrying the sleeping lady.

Genrou just watched Archer walk away carrying Fai. "No, it's impossible. Pfft, there's no chance that a mortal would be my Fai. Besides, if she really is the 'Fai', the Phoenix king and queen would definitely notice it, seeing that it's their flesh and blood and that they are even in the same area now. That's why, it's not her." He finally manage convinced himself after having many confusing thoughts running in his mind in a short period of time.


Meanwhile, in Eigel's spot where he is at the banquet hall's terrace looking the glimmering stars.

"I sensed it. She was here. But...why do I suddenly feel like she have vanished again? What's happening?I need to inquire to Kaine."

He then whistled in attempt to call a bird.


After a few minutes, there came a flying male scarlet macaw towards Eigel's direction. He landed on Eigel's shoulder.

"Kaine, I'm glad you came." In a relief voice, Eigel stated his gratefulness.

The bird talked and replied. "Hmp! I was hoping that you would call beforehand but you left me with disappointment Eigel."

While gently stroking the Kaine's head, he smiled. "Now, now. Please don't get mad. I just bought some time. So how's everything going?"

"You already know the situation aren't you? Something went wrong." Kaine professed as he flies towards the terrace's silver railing and landed there.

Surprised, Eigel immediately responded. "WHAT!?How could such an error happen? What's the problem?"

"So you didn't know the full situation?"

"I'm just a diviner who predicts, I'm not a deity, therefore I don't know everything."

"Well, you see. My child has finally returned here right?" Kaine said.

"Yes, so what's the problem?"

"But...she hasn't fully awakened yet. I noticed a while ago that as she sleeps, she glows. So I presumed that the realm is already calling out to her and that she could come here only through her dreams."

"But isn't it just the right time that she returned? Her predicted time is already approaching and she already came here. But why do I feel like she have vanished again?" Eigel explained while worriedness is evident in his eyes.

"That's our problem. That's the error. She has not fully awakened yet but she can already come here. The fact that she came here week earlier than the predicted time is a good sign but...her powers are sealed aren't they? Because the power inside her body already wants to break free, the effect was quite abnormal for her. You have predicted that she will return on her eighteenth birthday right?And by that time, her powers will fully be awakened. But such thing happened concerning her powers. It could not contain her mortal body anymore, it's too strong. Which is why.....she cannot fully regain her memories yet and her immortal body will be restored longer that we have expected." Kaine explained.

Eigel became stiff upon hearing what went wrong and his hands keep trembling while his eyes widened out of shockness.

"W-what happened? why did it turn out like this?"

"That's also the answer that I want to know. I just need some time to investigate things."Kaine asserted.

"Where is she? Can you tell me where she is? I need to go to her and see her condition." Eigel implored while eagerness is clearly seen in his eyes.

"I'm telling you, her body didn't leave this place yet. She did not completely vanished. From what I observed, you can't feel her presence because her spirit left her body." Kaine unexpectedly said.

His eyes widened in shockness for he did not expect that statement at all."What!? Her spirit? Is she already dead?"

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