Adara and Genrou immediately looked at each other surprised upon hearing Archer's assumption.
"No!That can't be. Prince Archer what are you really trying to imply? That Fai is hiding her identity?" Adara queried while she can't get over what she just heard from Archer.
Genrou then seriously asserted, "Sis...he has a point. I trusted her easily and took her in." While uncertainty, doubtness and confusion is evident in his baffled face.
Archer smirked then replied, "You know you have many enemies here in the realm, yet to took her in?Where'd you find her anyway?"
"At the valley road leading towards this place in my brother's birth day."
"See? At the valley road and leading towards here at your brother's birth the same time? Isn't it too coincidental?" Archer implied.
Adara fixated a glare at the two men talking, "OK, enough. Have you two brainless heads lost your minds? Can't you see that the person you're trying to find faults with, is unconsciously in coma on the bed right now? Yet all that's going on in your foolish heads is the argument of her being a mortal or not. So what if she's a mortal? So what if she's not? SO WHAT!? It's not like she did something wrong to us during her stay in instead of hanging onto that endless speculation, let's just quickly find out what has happened to her." She besiege.
The two men gazed at each other and realized that Adara has a point.
Genrou scratched his head and stated, "Ok fine. Let's solve this problem first before moving into knowing her true identity."
"I'm not quite convinced about the fact that she's a mortal yet but fine, let's set our priorities first." Archer complied.
Then to no surprised, Eigel went inside where the room they are in.
All the three got shocked because of his sudden presence. "PROPHET EIGEL!?"
"What are you doing here prophet?" Adara asked while drawing near him.
"Yeah, why is the great Eigel in this humble place?" Genrou coincides.
Eigel greeted them with a smile. After a while, he went near Fai.
"What? Prophet, do you know her?" Archer queried for he knows that a prophet as great as Eigel doesn't easily get close by to just anyone.
In Eigel's thought while staring at Fai's sleeping face, "So, you've grown up to be a very beautiful and appealing lady huh."
Unlike when Eigel saw her when she was just a cute little kid, Fai have now become a fine lady with such long lashes, neat-shaped eyebrows, fair and clear skin, attractive lips and a well-designed nose. When Eigel sealed her powers, her true form as an immortal was also hidden leading her to live a life as a complete mortal which also changed her physical structure. But right now, as she has returned to her original world, Fai is already transforming back into her original look. But what a pity, destiny has played trick on them. Wherein, the people who longed to be with her for such a long time, including the person whose been loving her up to this time doesn't even have a chance to glimpse at her true beauty at all for the meantime. Whereas, the people who knows her as she is as of today sees her true form.
And as Eigel continues his thoughts, "I can still sense your mortal aura but, Kaine is right. Your strong power inside you is now eager to break free, I can feel it raging. I'm sorry that I cannot break off the seal as of this moment, for your time hasn't fully come yet. What has happened to you?Why does your power react's earlier than the expected time?"
"Umm...excuse me?" Archer asserted for he was calling Eigel a few times now but got no response at all.
Eigel finally looked at Archer and replied, "Ah yes, I'm sorry. What is it that you're talking about by the way?"
"We've noticed that you've been staring at the sleeping lady for quite some time now. Do you know her prophet Eigel?" Archer queried.
A thought came to Eigel's mind, "It's not yet the right time to reveal who she is for things might get out of hand." Then he later answered accompanied with a calm and genuine voice, "I...know her, yes."
Upon hearing that, the three stared at each other as though they do not expect that the great prophet Eigel knows someone like Fai.
"What!? The mighty prophet Eigel knows this mortal?She's a mortal!" In a surprise tone, Genrou asserted.
In Eigel's mind, "It's natural that they think she's a mortal. It's better this way for now."
Then, Eigel placed his gaze straightly at them saying, "She's a mortal, that's right. And I know her but...she doesn't remember me."
"So, so, so if you know her,then you might know the reason behind the mystery on why she can breathe the same air as us, immortals." Stimulated, Adara expressed her excitement through her words by her curious question that expects for an interesting answer.
Eigel knew all along that Fai had that ability for she is originally of that world. Then he stretched his soft lips a bit putting on a little smile on his gorgeous face, "Princess Adara, I believe that my answer won't satisfy your curiosity but just let me tell you what I know. All I know is that she is not a normal mortal at all. If you have speculated that she is more than what you have expected then you're correct about that. But let me make this clear, she is not an enemy."
As soon as they heard that, especially Archer whose skeptic about Fai's identity flinched as he felt that he has wronged her for no reason at all. He lowered his head as though he hides from his shamefulness.
Adara on the other hand painted a smirk on her face and proudly stated, "See, I told you. She's not at all what you thing I didn't thought of her that way."
Genrou whose not spoken a word at all after hearing that, had a serious expression on his face its as if he's about to say something weighty. Suddenly, he uttered, "Prophet...we believe in you. But what I find it strange the most is that, why does this girl not remember you?And something keeps bothering me prophet, (Stared at Eigel seriously with a passionate gaze) Is she the Fai that I've been waiting for all these years?"
"Uh..." Eigel was taken aback about Genrou's questions. "How should I asnwer him?"
"Prophet? Is...she the one?" Archer followed up a question.
With an enlarge unsure eyes, Eigel was hesitant to answer. As the three patiently waits for Eigel's reply...
At the same time in Mortal World
" theory seems right. Her immortal body is left in Celestial Realm but her consciousness with this mortal body of hers came back to the mortal world. How did this happen? Did her body split into two? I should contact Eigel about this." Kaine contemplated as he stared at Fai who's braiding her pale pink hair.
"Done!" She happily said as though she achieved something great, then she continued, "I hope I'm not late yet."
She grabbed a sandwich wrapped with a tissue on the table, placed it on her mouth and get a hold of her brown bagpack. As she went to her apartment's door and hold's the doorknob, she bade a goodbye at Kaine, "Bye Kaine!I'm off now, let's just see each other later!Behave ok."
"I will. Bye, take care!" Kaine responded.
While Fai runs towards the street, she saw a bike approaching. It wiggles as the driver lost its control on the brake.
"Huh!? What's happening? Why did it lose control of all times that I'm in a downhill road!?" The guy driving the bike fretted.
As he descends, his eyes widened for he saw that he might hit Fai who's trying to avoid the bike as fast as she can.'s too late.
As they were both thrown at the road because of the impact, the people around who saw the accident was all in shock.
"Are they ok?"
"Hey, they're not dead yet are they?"
"Oh, look the girl's knee is bleeding, so with her forehead."
"The guy, the guy is unconscious!"
"Call an ambulance now!"
The people panicked and called an ambulance immediately.
In Celestial Realm at the Dragon Clan's South part of the palace: The Hall of Fate
Eigel who has thought of a reply suddenly noticed that the forehead of Fai who's sleeping is bleeding.
"So, prop-"Adara didn't finish her sentence for Eigel suddenly interfered with his reaction. "Huh? Why is she bleeding?"
"She's what!?" Adara exclaimed as she goes nearer to the bed where Fai is sleeping. Then, she saw Fai's bleeding forehead.
"Why is she bleeding prophet?" She asked while her eyes let out a sincere stare towards Fai.
As Genrou and Archer heard that, they drew near to Fai to check whether she's all right.
"What's happening to her? Why won't she wake up and why is she bleeding?" A concerned voice came out from Archer who's clearly worried about Fai.
Genrou just stayed silent because a lot of thoughts and unanswered questions are juggling in his mind. "Who is she? What is she? Where did she come from? Why did she suddenly show up?"...and a lot more.
Meanwhile, as they are puzzled in questions, Kaine in mortal realm contacted Eigel through mind.
"Eigel! Eigel! Can you hear me?" an anxious voice called out to Eigel.
"Kaine? Is it you?" Eigel asked.
"Yes it's you still in the Hall of Fate?Can you see Fai's body now?"
"Yes, I'm still here. I'm sitting beside her sleeping body right now."
"Eigel! What's her body condition?" Kaine queried.
As they were talking the three just stared at Eigel who seems focused about something.
Eigel replied to Kaine, "Her...Her forehead is bleeding right now, it seems like she got it from an exactly happened Kaine? What's happening to her?"
"Hmmm...So her immortal body is bleeding too. It seems like my guess is correct. Can you also check her kness?" Kaine appealed.
"What do you mean by 'bleeding too'?" Eigel queried.
"Can you please just do what I asked?" Kaine implored frustratingly.
"All right, fine." Eigel complied.
He then immediately removes the blanket covering Fai and as he tried to lift her skirtline, the two men who were watching reacted right away.
"What are you doing prophet? Why are you lifting her skirt?" Genrou anxiously asked.
"I---(Suddenly, Eigel realized that what he's doing seems quite inaproppriate)He chuckled and replied, "Sorry, I was just trying to check if her knee is also bleeding."
"Then you should have informed me prophet, I can do it for you." Adara implied. Shen then get a hold of Fai's skirtline and gazed at the men, "Can you move your sight away from her for just a second?"
Then Eigel, Genrou and Archer move their sight away from Fai right at that moment.
Adara gently extend the skirtline upward towards Fai's knees and to no expectation, her eyes widened.
"It's true!Look, it's really bleeding." She declared.
The men immediately fixated their eyes at Fai's knees.
"What? Why does it look like she got into some incident whilst she did not even move a bit." Archer queried in speculation.
"No!That can't be. Prince Archer what are you really trying to imply? That Fai is hiding her identity?" Adara queried while she can't get over what she just heard from Archer.
Genrou then seriously asserted, "Sis...he has a point. I trusted her easily and took her in." While uncertainty, doubtness and confusion is evident in his baffled face.
Archer smirked then replied, "You know you have many enemies here in the realm, yet to took her in?Where'd you find her anyway?"
"At the valley road leading towards this place in my brother's birth day."
"See? At the valley road and leading towards here at your brother's birth the same time? Isn't it too coincidental?" Archer implied.
Adara fixated a glare at the two men talking, "OK, enough. Have you two brainless heads lost your minds? Can't you see that the person you're trying to find faults with, is unconsciously in coma on the bed right now? Yet all that's going on in your foolish heads is the argument of her being a mortal or not. So what if she's a mortal? So what if she's not? SO WHAT!? It's not like she did something wrong to us during her stay in instead of hanging onto that endless speculation, let's just quickly find out what has happened to her." She besiege.
The two men gazed at each other and realized that Adara has a point.
Genrou scratched his head and stated, "Ok fine. Let's solve this problem first before moving into knowing her true identity."
"I'm not quite convinced about the fact that she's a mortal yet but fine, let's set our priorities first." Archer complied.
Then to no surprised, Eigel went inside where the room they are in.
All the three got shocked because of his sudden presence. "PROPHET EIGEL!?"
"What are you doing here prophet?" Adara asked while drawing near him.
"Yeah, why is the great Eigel in this humble place?" Genrou coincides.
Eigel greeted them with a smile. After a while, he went near Fai.
"What? Prophet, do you know her?" Archer queried for he knows that a prophet as great as Eigel doesn't easily get close by to just anyone.
In Eigel's thought while staring at Fai's sleeping face, "So, you've grown up to be a very beautiful and appealing lady huh."
Unlike when Eigel saw her when she was just a cute little kid, Fai have now become a fine lady with such long lashes, neat-shaped eyebrows, fair and clear skin, attractive lips and a well-designed nose. When Eigel sealed her powers, her true form as an immortal was also hidden leading her to live a life as a complete mortal which also changed her physical structure. But right now, as she has returned to her original world, Fai is already transforming back into her original look. But what a pity, destiny has played trick on them. Wherein, the people who longed to be with her for such a long time, including the person whose been loving her up to this time doesn't even have a chance to glimpse at her true beauty at all for the meantime. Whereas, the people who knows her as she is as of today sees her true form.
And as Eigel continues his thoughts, "I can still sense your mortal aura but, Kaine is right. Your strong power inside you is now eager to break free, I can feel it raging. I'm sorry that I cannot break off the seal as of this moment, for your time hasn't fully come yet. What has happened to you?Why does your power react's earlier than the expected time?"
"Umm...excuse me?" Archer asserted for he was calling Eigel a few times now but got no response at all.
Eigel finally looked at Archer and replied, "Ah yes, I'm sorry. What is it that you're talking about by the way?"
"We've noticed that you've been staring at the sleeping lady for quite some time now. Do you know her prophet Eigel?" Archer queried.
A thought came to Eigel's mind, "It's not yet the right time to reveal who she is for things might get out of hand." Then he later answered accompanied with a calm and genuine voice, "I...know her, yes."
Upon hearing that, the three stared at each other as though they do not expect that the great prophet Eigel knows someone like Fai.
"What!? The mighty prophet Eigel knows this mortal?She's a mortal!" In a surprise tone, Genrou asserted.
In Eigel's mind, "It's natural that they think she's a mortal. It's better this way for now."
Then, Eigel placed his gaze straightly at them saying, "She's a mortal, that's right. And I know her but...she doesn't remember me."
"So, so, so if you know her,then you might know the reason behind the mystery on why she can breathe the same air as us, immortals." Stimulated, Adara expressed her excitement through her words by her curious question that expects for an interesting answer.
Eigel knew all along that Fai had that ability for she is originally of that world. Then he stretched his soft lips a bit putting on a little smile on his gorgeous face, "Princess Adara, I believe that my answer won't satisfy your curiosity but just let me tell you what I know. All I know is that she is not a normal mortal at all. If you have speculated that she is more than what you have expected then you're correct about that. But let me make this clear, she is not an enemy."
As soon as they heard that, especially Archer whose skeptic about Fai's identity flinched as he felt that he has wronged her for no reason at all. He lowered his head as though he hides from his shamefulness.
Adara on the other hand painted a smirk on her face and proudly stated, "See, I told you. She's not at all what you thing I didn't thought of her that way."
Genrou whose not spoken a word at all after hearing that, had a serious expression on his face its as if he's about to say something weighty. Suddenly, he uttered, "Prophet...we believe in you. But what I find it strange the most is that, why does this girl not remember you?And something keeps bothering me prophet, (Stared at Eigel seriously with a passionate gaze) Is she the Fai that I've been waiting for all these years?"
"Uh..." Eigel was taken aback about Genrou's questions. "How should I asnwer him?"
"Prophet? Is...she the one?" Archer followed up a question.
With an enlarge unsure eyes, Eigel was hesitant to answer. As the three patiently waits for Eigel's reply...
At the same time in Mortal World
" theory seems right. Her immortal body is left in Celestial Realm but her consciousness with this mortal body of hers came back to the mortal world. How did this happen? Did her body split into two? I should contact Eigel about this." Kaine contemplated as he stared at Fai who's braiding her pale pink hair.
"Done!" She happily said as though she achieved something great, then she continued, "I hope I'm not late yet."
She grabbed a sandwich wrapped with a tissue on the table, placed it on her mouth and get a hold of her brown bagpack. As she went to her apartment's door and hold's the doorknob, she bade a goodbye at Kaine, "Bye Kaine!I'm off now, let's just see each other later!Behave ok."
"I will. Bye, take care!" Kaine responded.
While Fai runs towards the street, she saw a bike approaching. It wiggles as the driver lost its control on the brake.
"Huh!? What's happening? Why did it lose control of all times that I'm in a downhill road!?" The guy driving the bike fretted.
As he descends, his eyes widened for he saw that he might hit Fai who's trying to avoid the bike as fast as she can.'s too late.
As they were both thrown at the road because of the impact, the people around who saw the accident was all in shock.
"Are they ok?"
"Hey, they're not dead yet are they?"
"Oh, look the girl's knee is bleeding, so with her forehead."
"The guy, the guy is unconscious!"
"Call an ambulance now!"
The people panicked and called an ambulance immediately.
In Celestial Realm at the Dragon Clan's South part of the palace: The Hall of Fate
Eigel who has thought of a reply suddenly noticed that the forehead of Fai who's sleeping is bleeding.
"So, prop-"Adara didn't finish her sentence for Eigel suddenly interfered with his reaction. "Huh? Why is she bleeding?"
"She's what!?" Adara exclaimed as she goes nearer to the bed where Fai is sleeping. Then, she saw Fai's bleeding forehead.
"Why is she bleeding prophet?" She asked while her eyes let out a sincere stare towards Fai.
As Genrou and Archer heard that, they drew near to Fai to check whether she's all right.
"What's happening to her? Why won't she wake up and why is she bleeding?" A concerned voice came out from Archer who's clearly worried about Fai.
Genrou just stayed silent because a lot of thoughts and unanswered questions are juggling in his mind. "Who is she? What is she? Where did she come from? Why did she suddenly show up?"...and a lot more.
Meanwhile, as they are puzzled in questions, Kaine in mortal realm contacted Eigel through mind.
"Eigel! Eigel! Can you hear me?" an anxious voice called out to Eigel.
"Kaine? Is it you?" Eigel asked.
"Yes it's you still in the Hall of Fate?Can you see Fai's body now?"
"Yes, I'm still here. I'm sitting beside her sleeping body right now."
"Eigel! What's her body condition?" Kaine queried.
As they were talking the three just stared at Eigel who seems focused about something.
Eigel replied to Kaine, "Her...Her forehead is bleeding right now, it seems like she got it from an exactly happened Kaine? What's happening to her?"
"Hmmm...So her immortal body is bleeding too. It seems like my guess is correct. Can you also check her kness?" Kaine appealed.
"What do you mean by 'bleeding too'?" Eigel queried.
"Can you please just do what I asked?" Kaine implored frustratingly.
"All right, fine." Eigel complied.
He then immediately removes the blanket covering Fai and as he tried to lift her skirtline, the two men who were watching reacted right away.
"What are you doing prophet? Why are you lifting her skirt?" Genrou anxiously asked.
"I---(Suddenly, Eigel realized that what he's doing seems quite inaproppriate)He chuckled and replied, "Sorry, I was just trying to check if her knee is also bleeding."
"Then you should have informed me prophet, I can do it for you." Adara implied. Shen then get a hold of Fai's skirtline and gazed at the men, "Can you move your sight away from her for just a second?"
Then Eigel, Genrou and Archer move their sight away from Fai right at that moment.
Adara gently extend the skirtline upward towards Fai's knees and to no expectation, her eyes widened.
"It's true!Look, it's really bleeding." She declared.
The men immediately fixated their eyes at Fai's knees.
"What? Why does it look like she got into some incident whilst she did not even move a bit." Archer queried in speculation.