Qin Lan walked to the front gate of his clan, and remembered how it was always so huge and majestic with the name of the Qin clan written in exquisite golden letters. He used to believe that no one could just barge through, but now given his strength he could instantly blow it into smithereens without even trying!

Two guards were standing next to the clan gate, guarding it with heavy iron spears. "Halt who goes there?!" the guards said in a loud booming voice. Qin Lan merely gave them a glance before he took out a jade identification plate identifying him as the young master of the clan. The two guards faces turned ashen as they bowed many times asking for forgiveness. "Young Master, we beg for your forgiveness we were both in the wrong, we shouldn't have scolded the young master like that!" Qin Lan looked at them and snorted coldly. "In this world there is only one person that can scold me, and that is my master, not even my parents would dare scold me, because i am now the pillar of our clan, so show some more respect next time you see me!" Qin Lan looked at them and seemed to have a sudden thought. "This young master will forgive you if you kowtow three times and call me your granddaddy!" The two guards were in shock, because the young master that left ten years ago was a kindhearted person and wouldn't dare act so haughty, but the evidence was in front of their eyes, that the young master seemed to have turned into an arrogant brat. All the guards could do was to clench their teeth and comply with Qin Lan's words.

After the guards kowtowed he walked in to his parents room, and said in an extremely respectful tone "Old Man, Old Hag where are you???" Qin Lan's father looked at him in shock, because he couldn't believe that his son would dare speak to him in this way, and the same shocked look could be seen on his mothers face. "Little Qin, you shouldn't speak to us that way, it is disrespectful!" Qin Lan's father said with his brow furrowed. Qin Lan merely laughed coldly, and said "I was gonna let you off easily, but now i'll make you call me Lord Lan, and remember that i am the hope for our measly Qin clan!" Qin Lan's fathers face turned red, seemingly from anger "Qin Lan You! ~" Qin Lan suddenly slapped his fathers face, and said coldly "I remember telling you to call me Lord Lan didn't I?" after he said that he turned around ignoring the red hand print on his father face, and walked away.

Qin Lan's arrogant nature can be counted as the result of how much he was praised since he was a kid. As a child everyone who saw him would slightly bow, and call out in greetings, Young Master! after that his father told him that he would become the pillar of the Qin Clan, and most of all his master always telling him how his talent was amazing, and his aptitude was amazing.


At roughly about the same time that Qin Lan came home, the leader of the hunting squadron went towards Qin Lan's masters residence, wanting to see what he was like. As he neared closer and closer to Yan Bo's residence he found out that it became more and more silent. he suddenly stopped 500 meters away from Yan Bo's residence he looked at the scene in front of him in shock. There was a giant corpse of a demonic dragon that was withered up, and had a terrifyingly horrible wound, that was clearly of an animal, yet he had absolutely no idea of what animal can make a wound like that, even though he was the leader of the hunting squadron. The more he thought about it, the more he felt he was missing something. Suddenly it struck him, looking at the wound one would realize that there is no blood, and the inside of the dragon was turning slightly gray. He realized that whatever could kill a demonic dragon could kill him with ease, so he quickly walked faster towards Yan Bo's home.

As he arrived he noticed the door was slightly open, and just as he was about to head in, he heard the whine of a beast that was clearly in extreme agony. The beast clearly was pleading for a quick painless death, the likes of which would send shivers down a mans back, and make one forehead glisten with cold sweat. Slowly he backed his hand away and saw a horrifying scene that he would never be able to forget in his life. He saw a large dark green scaly "creature" covered in black lines, that seemingly would take the shape of a dragon when completed, that was bent over a human body sucking out all the blood and life out of the body, when it was done the creature, no the abomination slowly morphed into a man in his fifties, and he calmly looked over at the door straight into the hunting squad leaders eye, and said "How did you like seeing your own death?" The hunting squad leader turned to look at the body's face and sure enough it was his own. The illusion passed by as he opened his eyes and blinked, and found himself already dead. The fifty year old man said "That Qin Lan sure has given me a lot of life force, and the brat became someone arrogant who I can't stand, so now I definitely won't care when I take his life.

The man was none other than Qin Lan's own master the old man Yan Bo!!!


After Qin Lan walked away from his parents after slapping his father, he ran off into the forest to go back to his master as he was walking one stand of his hair turned white, but Qin Lan didn't notice. As he arrived he opened the door and saw his master sitting in his chair, with his old wrinkly face looking worried and said "Look Lan'er your hair is turning white, you need to cultivate the soaring dragon art gave you more often, so you can stop getting stressed out too much" Qin Lan replied without any of the previous arrogance before, but with extreme respect "Yes Master."

Yan Bo gave a smile that wasn't really a smile, but Qin Lan didn't know so he smiled back.


Far away at the edge of the galaxy a swirling black hole opened up and a young man stepped out. "Demon Soul Emperor Yan Bo In one months time you will be brought to justice for your crimes in the Divine Beast Star System by the hands of my Hall of Beast Slayers!!!"

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