The band was sitting on a rock and sprinkling smoke. It is a stunning rocky peak with views over the ancient castle of blue mist. There's a reason we're waiting, but one is because the signs of a struggle are thick. The band doesn't consider themselves combatants. The pistol is a dependable partner, but I don't feel comfortable challenging the out-of-the-way demons.
The second is because theft is more about escape routes than intrusion routes. At times of need, I wait to help out of the sky. If you screw it up when you run away even if you succeed in the assassination, everything is over. Whatever you think, it is better to continue with your future life than to accomplish your purpose.
The warcraft, which had been abandoned in the square that Shoji had called one gate, turned their necks to the other side. I was whistled by several breeders and saw them rush forward. There is also movement in the garrison at the two gates. Wearing helmets and armor, armed horseback riding squadrons head north one after another as they flip their capes. The grounds are brighter than ever. A strip of fireworks lights along the road, and the intense searing of the light source stone, which is the outer lamp, turns the night into day. Exactly like a parade.
The band lifted its hips. From the side, it's an emergency.
It's time to get ready to inflate the balloon.
From what I've seen, there are over a hundred enemies.
If there are many magicians who don't even know what they're good at, they'll burn their hands, and I'm simply afraid of a number of opponents.
I plan to go help after I get a signal, but it's possible I can't get that signal out. Sometimes it would be hard to get out due to rain, but just, it turned cloudy again. When I looked at the pocket watch, two hours had passed since the decision. The night is getting deeper.
"Band, that"
The deepest part of the grounds - something white appeared on the pointy castle.
It was a small dot at first, but it keeps swelling. It will be the same size as the building in no time. It also looks like white mold is growing.
Using the telescope to see what was going on, I found out who I was.
Tree ice. It's a frozen tree. You know, it's incredibly fast growing up. He appeared around the oblique tower, but stretched an ice tentacle to the chest wall, covering fort Castle once in a while. Finally, put your feet on the ground and stretch out the roots of the ice. White branches stretch out at the groove, tangled up in the forest area around them - slowly icing them.
Without question, I found it to be a new kind of demon. A single tree that looks like a main body is also enlarged.
Shoji's full sickness through the cobblestone that serves as a passageway caught his eye. On his back he carries Percibel, the daughter of a lost alchemist.
Next to it, Leskia is jumping and using some ability to attack a tree. Vibrating the air, it fluctuates and rushes through, and the ice on the surface is blowing flashly like a shell hit, but it's not an effective hit.
The band lowered their binoculars.
"... go help"
"Right. Something... every time, are you starting to fight another enemy that has nothing to do with your original job?
"He's a troublemaker. What have you got, Dold?"
The band blamed him for looking, as he had nostalgic double-swords with lavish chains.
Oh, and the skinny man nods.
"I couldn't give it to you because I was on my way to the mission, but Mr. Chatosey said it was quick. It was suitable for running around Beast King's Palace, so I used to run and get acquainted during my diet. That queen is kind to people. Sounds like a pinch, and I guess it was just fine."
"Baba does the treasure sword like a treat."
"Something tells me it's a good idea to present it directly to the person."
"Hold on, I don't think two such swords are the dimension you can handle. You're gonna have to do it with an army firearm, aren't you?"
"Right. I don't want to get involved. You may have been right to retire from the robbery operation."
Looking at the giant monster, which was about a little castle, the band shrugged its shoulders. I should have gone to kill an old man named Wild Jack, but how is this happening? I'm pretty much outside the mosquito nets on this mission, but it was something I didn't even want to know.
"Shoji! You're not attacking either. Come on!
"You idiot, you better run!
Ignored Leskia's fury.
Signs of demons from behind are quite stressful. Mass is a weapon. If it is huge, at a glance you can see the other person as the powerful one. Louis Hawk's Terminator is powered by the Brave Men of the Royal Palace (Guardian Braver) and the highest power. It's the full power of God. Monsters also become the finest.
The branches stretching from the demon tree were literally “branched" and fan-shaped.
The number of copies, which cannot be counted, is moving in disastrous ways. The tip of the pointed branch is a tsunami of death. It depends on mowing life. Some of them were knights and servants, as well as the figure of the gendarmerie who had rushed them. Even if he wields his sword and drops his branches in an attempt to resist, he is pierced through his flesh and made to ice.
Should I analyze it as taking away the temperature of the organism rather than sucking blood?
If you absorb the heat source of the organism, the branches also gained weight.
The branch chasing the escaping servant hooked her leg to a tatter.
Pull into the body with a chill and let the magical cold air soak you in the ice. Energy with branches - where I sucked up my body temperature, I smacked the wreckage in half funny and destroyed it with a hammer-like trunk. The branches twist with joy and show the way you're laughing.
Deserves demons, and is equipped with brutal wisdom.
Is it because of the primitive use of man - his nature as a disease?
I'd love to help, but if you stay, this one's in danger.
Resquia is a long-range attack, but it's obvious he's not through.
"The Vermond guy, he did some protective magic on us at the end of the day."
Running away but running straight to the side, Reschia asked to confirm. I didn't have to be swallowed by an enormous amount of cold air vortex, thanks to the loosely released protection. He blocked the cold air and helped me escape not to lean on it.
Play the bubble that arrives at the garment with your fingertips, and Shoji responds.
Reschia became silent. She is messing with her lips and biting her teeth.
Those who were supposed to kill stayed in the oblique tower. I guess he's no longer alive. Vermond is dead. I can't ask you forever why you imitated that.
"Hey, Shoji! You even summoned him in the fridge from the demon kingdom!
I heard voices from the sky. There is a noisy noise of gas burning. There is a band pulling the rope and operating the balloon. Balloons descend. Dordo drooped a rope hashigo. Shoji clung with one hand, Leskia also ran through the sky, leaping and jumping into the balloon.
"Thanks for the help, band. All right, let's get out of the big fat ass. The Chapter was messed up by Leskia, and evil screwed up in a good way. Well, I feel like I'm on a mission. Let's go home and ask for pizza. Percibel, you had champagne in your house, didn't you?
Dropping him off his back, Percibel was shaken on his shoulder and rubbed his eyesight. Twist your neck with your sleeping eyes.
"... is, uh... like there was..."
"Wait. I'll take that down."
Leskia looked down at the surface hatefully.
The body of the demon tree appears to be capable of action, even though it acts in a frozen manner. It has a heavy ground sound every time I walk. He hits the building, breaks the ice, yet moves his roots like feet, over the walls of the castle.
Seriously - and the gangs stared at Leskia like that. There is no benefit to disaster-level supermassive monster extermination. At the very least, it has become an opponent beyond the control of the individual. If you can't win, you have to run.
"'Guys, assemble. Urgent call. Collect as much as you can. Who's asleep? Kick him up. But wake him up. That's good. Keelnil getting drunk with his yak liquor? What are you doing? He's gonna get fired this time." "
Meanwhile, the incisive Leschia is beginning to call members of The Blade of Silver Lights (Torch the Blade) with a communications stone. She means it. Bravely, it's fifty meters long. It's like a tower that's been crossed. It's willing to take down a demon tree.
A meeting was held a few minutes after a balloon descended at the foot of a mountain a few kilometres away and evacuated to the stone shack there.
A dozen Union members emerged by the expensive Transfer Demon Square.
When briefed quickly by the Legion Leader, each changed to a face filled with a sense of purpose, but the difficulty became anxious and manifested itself as it were.
Sheila, the little sorceress, takes out the crystal sphere and explores enemy trends by far-sighted sorcery.
As things stand, the magicians and knights who were packing them are feeding on their outfits. Dozens of warriors regained their attitude about whether they wanted to save their masters or not, trying to defeat ice demons but getting hit one after another, torn flesh or made into ice statues. Those who decided to flee were also swallowed by erosion.
Hell of a painting.
The erosion range of the ice tsunami has widened, with a limited appearance as if midwinter had arrived.
"Are you the creator of Master Louis Hawk..."
"Damn, here's the core of my weakness, isn't it? I think if we bust this place, we can take it down. Let's go babbling."
Leskia pointed at the crystal with bisci as Rudofin was making fear come to terms with his expression. Union members cramped their eyelids and half-opened their mouths to unsubstantiated attack targets.
This is an occasion where you know exactly how to behave.
Shoji spoke carefully.
"Take it easy. Let's think about it a little bit easier."
"Nevertheless, shoot the target"
Wildjack, who was retreating on Percibel's back, jumped on a dirty conference table. Leskia was calm about not seeing it for the first time, but the rest of the members are upset and running. What Leskia showed was Elle's remains.
It is located in the center of the main body, most likely.
It is also protected for protection or by thick ice.
"Dear Wildjack, that's okay. I will destroy you."
'Already... knock me down. It's my fault too. "
"Yeah. Well, let's cut the erosion range. If they're trees, you can cut them and burn them. There's a pair of people who are good at close combat and flaming magic. We'll slap the main body. Fine, we're going to the city like this. If we fail, hold back because you will be stuck."
"Captain, who's“ we ”going?
"Sheila, you know who you need. Jump into the sea of ice. I need an extraordinarily hot child. Who's that? You're the only one."
"Uhh... I know... Uhh, I'll serve you to hell"
Reschia was the foremost of flame sorcery and nominated Sheila, a hard-won sorcerer.
Next, move your gaze to Shoji.
The man I was counted on to cross my fingers, but I couldn't get through. I also gave a solid idea to wait for reinforcements, but it was rejected. As a brave man, he was forced to fight to protect the error knife.
"I'm in the style of fighting with my bare hands. Ice will burn you to the ground."
Shoji dropped his eyes when he was handed a soothing double sword from the side.
A devil's sword with a curved blade body and red muscles in the centre. Fang decorations to the left and right of the pattern, with a scarlet dull light for the brilliance. The weight and the feeling of sucking on your hands is emotional.
It was the supreme sword I used to use.
A sword for the free movement of monster slayers. After unexpectedly looking twice at the real thing, Shoji turned to Dordo in difficulty.
"Dold. You... you have a timing. Give it to me when I'm not tired. What the hell is this? You want me to be that active?
"Shoji, it's not even if you're freaking out. Fight for justice."
Justice is terrible, Shoji felt. I've been using my wife's Dragon Riding Act like a cheap move here lately. I learned physical fatigue in a series of wars, but I can't just let the swine rushing Reskia go. He/she thinks things in a straight line, but does he/she think about the hard work around him/her? You have the power to attract people, but aren't you too free to run?
Sheila and I had an unexpected eye contact.
The red-haired sorcerer grins and shakes his neck beside him as he sifts.
The brave party was tough, it seemed like I was told otherwise.
The second is because theft is more about escape routes than intrusion routes. At times of need, I wait to help out of the sky. If you screw it up when you run away even if you succeed in the assassination, everything is over. Whatever you think, it is better to continue with your future life than to accomplish your purpose.
The warcraft, which had been abandoned in the square that Shoji had called one gate, turned their necks to the other side. I was whistled by several breeders and saw them rush forward. There is also movement in the garrison at the two gates. Wearing helmets and armor, armed horseback riding squadrons head north one after another as they flip their capes. The grounds are brighter than ever. A strip of fireworks lights along the road, and the intense searing of the light source stone, which is the outer lamp, turns the night into day. Exactly like a parade.
The band lifted its hips. From the side, it's an emergency.
It's time to get ready to inflate the balloon.
From what I've seen, there are over a hundred enemies.
If there are many magicians who don't even know what they're good at, they'll burn their hands, and I'm simply afraid of a number of opponents.
I plan to go help after I get a signal, but it's possible I can't get that signal out. Sometimes it would be hard to get out due to rain, but just, it turned cloudy again. When I looked at the pocket watch, two hours had passed since the decision. The night is getting deeper.
"Band, that"
The deepest part of the grounds - something white appeared on the pointy castle.
It was a small dot at first, but it keeps swelling. It will be the same size as the building in no time. It also looks like white mold is growing.
Using the telescope to see what was going on, I found out who I was.
Tree ice. It's a frozen tree. You know, it's incredibly fast growing up. He appeared around the oblique tower, but stretched an ice tentacle to the chest wall, covering fort Castle once in a while. Finally, put your feet on the ground and stretch out the roots of the ice. White branches stretch out at the groove, tangled up in the forest area around them - slowly icing them.
Without question, I found it to be a new kind of demon. A single tree that looks like a main body is also enlarged.
Shoji's full sickness through the cobblestone that serves as a passageway caught his eye. On his back he carries Percibel, the daughter of a lost alchemist.
Next to it, Leskia is jumping and using some ability to attack a tree. Vibrating the air, it fluctuates and rushes through, and the ice on the surface is blowing flashly like a shell hit, but it's not an effective hit.
The band lowered their binoculars.
"... go help"
"Right. Something... every time, are you starting to fight another enemy that has nothing to do with your original job?
"He's a troublemaker. What have you got, Dold?"
The band blamed him for looking, as he had nostalgic double-swords with lavish chains.
Oh, and the skinny man nods.
"I couldn't give it to you because I was on my way to the mission, but Mr. Chatosey said it was quick. It was suitable for running around Beast King's Palace, so I used to run and get acquainted during my diet. That queen is kind to people. Sounds like a pinch, and I guess it was just fine."
"Baba does the treasure sword like a treat."
"Something tells me it's a good idea to present it directly to the person."
"Hold on, I don't think two such swords are the dimension you can handle. You're gonna have to do it with an army firearm, aren't you?"
"Right. I don't want to get involved. You may have been right to retire from the robbery operation."
Looking at the giant monster, which was about a little castle, the band shrugged its shoulders. I should have gone to kill an old man named Wild Jack, but how is this happening? I'm pretty much outside the mosquito nets on this mission, but it was something I didn't even want to know.
"Shoji! You're not attacking either. Come on!
"You idiot, you better run!
Ignored Leskia's fury.
Signs of demons from behind are quite stressful. Mass is a weapon. If it is huge, at a glance you can see the other person as the powerful one. Louis Hawk's Terminator is powered by the Brave Men of the Royal Palace (Guardian Braver) and the highest power. It's the full power of God. Monsters also become the finest.
The branches stretching from the demon tree were literally “branched" and fan-shaped.
The number of copies, which cannot be counted, is moving in disastrous ways. The tip of the pointed branch is a tsunami of death. It depends on mowing life. Some of them were knights and servants, as well as the figure of the gendarmerie who had rushed them. Even if he wields his sword and drops his branches in an attempt to resist, he is pierced through his flesh and made to ice.
Should I analyze it as taking away the temperature of the organism rather than sucking blood?
If you absorb the heat source of the organism, the branches also gained weight.
The branch chasing the escaping servant hooked her leg to a tatter.
Pull into the body with a chill and let the magical cold air soak you in the ice. Energy with branches - where I sucked up my body temperature, I smacked the wreckage in half funny and destroyed it with a hammer-like trunk. The branches twist with joy and show the way you're laughing.
Deserves demons, and is equipped with brutal wisdom.
Is it because of the primitive use of man - his nature as a disease?
I'd love to help, but if you stay, this one's in danger.
Resquia is a long-range attack, but it's obvious he's not through.
"The Vermond guy, he did some protective magic on us at the end of the day."
Running away but running straight to the side, Reschia asked to confirm. I didn't have to be swallowed by an enormous amount of cold air vortex, thanks to the loosely released protection. He blocked the cold air and helped me escape not to lean on it.
Play the bubble that arrives at the garment with your fingertips, and Shoji responds.
Reschia became silent. She is messing with her lips and biting her teeth.
Those who were supposed to kill stayed in the oblique tower. I guess he's no longer alive. Vermond is dead. I can't ask you forever why you imitated that.
"Hey, Shoji! You even summoned him in the fridge from the demon kingdom!
I heard voices from the sky. There is a noisy noise of gas burning. There is a band pulling the rope and operating the balloon. Balloons descend. Dordo drooped a rope hashigo. Shoji clung with one hand, Leskia also ran through the sky, leaping and jumping into the balloon.
"Thanks for the help, band. All right, let's get out of the big fat ass. The Chapter was messed up by Leskia, and evil screwed up in a good way. Well, I feel like I'm on a mission. Let's go home and ask for pizza. Percibel, you had champagne in your house, didn't you?
Dropping him off his back, Percibel was shaken on his shoulder and rubbed his eyesight. Twist your neck with your sleeping eyes.
"... is, uh... like there was..."
"Wait. I'll take that down."
Leskia looked down at the surface hatefully.
The body of the demon tree appears to be capable of action, even though it acts in a frozen manner. It has a heavy ground sound every time I walk. He hits the building, breaks the ice, yet moves his roots like feet, over the walls of the castle.
Seriously - and the gangs stared at Leskia like that. There is no benefit to disaster-level supermassive monster extermination. At the very least, it has become an opponent beyond the control of the individual. If you can't win, you have to run.
"'Guys, assemble. Urgent call. Collect as much as you can. Who's asleep? Kick him up. But wake him up. That's good. Keelnil getting drunk with his yak liquor? What are you doing? He's gonna get fired this time." "
Meanwhile, the incisive Leschia is beginning to call members of The Blade of Silver Lights (Torch the Blade) with a communications stone. She means it. Bravely, it's fifty meters long. It's like a tower that's been crossed. It's willing to take down a demon tree.
A meeting was held a few minutes after a balloon descended at the foot of a mountain a few kilometres away and evacuated to the stone shack there.
A dozen Union members emerged by the expensive Transfer Demon Square.
When briefed quickly by the Legion Leader, each changed to a face filled with a sense of purpose, but the difficulty became anxious and manifested itself as it were.
Sheila, the little sorceress, takes out the crystal sphere and explores enemy trends by far-sighted sorcery.
As things stand, the magicians and knights who were packing them are feeding on their outfits. Dozens of warriors regained their attitude about whether they wanted to save their masters or not, trying to defeat ice demons but getting hit one after another, torn flesh or made into ice statues. Those who decided to flee were also swallowed by erosion.
Hell of a painting.
The erosion range of the ice tsunami has widened, with a limited appearance as if midwinter had arrived.
"Are you the creator of Master Louis Hawk..."
"Damn, here's the core of my weakness, isn't it? I think if we bust this place, we can take it down. Let's go babbling."
Leskia pointed at the crystal with bisci as Rudofin was making fear come to terms with his expression. Union members cramped their eyelids and half-opened their mouths to unsubstantiated attack targets.
This is an occasion where you know exactly how to behave.
Shoji spoke carefully.
"Take it easy. Let's think about it a little bit easier."
"Nevertheless, shoot the target"
Wildjack, who was retreating on Percibel's back, jumped on a dirty conference table. Leskia was calm about not seeing it for the first time, but the rest of the members are upset and running. What Leskia showed was Elle's remains.
It is located in the center of the main body, most likely.
It is also protected for protection or by thick ice.
"Dear Wildjack, that's okay. I will destroy you."
'Already... knock me down. It's my fault too. "
"Yeah. Well, let's cut the erosion range. If they're trees, you can cut them and burn them. There's a pair of people who are good at close combat and flaming magic. We'll slap the main body. Fine, we're going to the city like this. If we fail, hold back because you will be stuck."
"Captain, who's“ we ”going?
"Sheila, you know who you need. Jump into the sea of ice. I need an extraordinarily hot child. Who's that? You're the only one."
"Uhh... I know... Uhh, I'll serve you to hell"
Reschia was the foremost of flame sorcery and nominated Sheila, a hard-won sorcerer.
Next, move your gaze to Shoji.
The man I was counted on to cross my fingers, but I couldn't get through. I also gave a solid idea to wait for reinforcements, but it was rejected. As a brave man, he was forced to fight to protect the error knife.
"I'm in the style of fighting with my bare hands. Ice will burn you to the ground."
Shoji dropped his eyes when he was handed a soothing double sword from the side.
A devil's sword with a curved blade body and red muscles in the centre. Fang decorations to the left and right of the pattern, with a scarlet dull light for the brilliance. The weight and the feeling of sucking on your hands is emotional.
It was the supreme sword I used to use.
A sword for the free movement of monster slayers. After unexpectedly looking twice at the real thing, Shoji turned to Dordo in difficulty.
"Dold. You... you have a timing. Give it to me when I'm not tired. What the hell is this? You want me to be that active?
"Shoji, it's not even if you're freaking out. Fight for justice."
Justice is terrible, Shoji felt. I've been using my wife's Dragon Riding Act like a cheap move here lately. I learned physical fatigue in a series of wars, but I can't just let the swine rushing Reskia go. He/she thinks things in a straight line, but does he/she think about the hard work around him/her? You have the power to attract people, but aren't you too free to run?
Sheila and I had an unexpected eye contact.
The red-haired sorcerer grins and shakes his neck beside him as he sifts.
The brave party was tough, it seemed like I was told otherwise.