Olivia tilts her head in confusion, her usual lack of knowledge evident, so Amy quickly explains what Magic Eyes were.
“I didn’t think it’s possible for humans to have Magic Eyes of Charm though?”
“It’s not. I’m not human.”
As Amy pointed that fact out, Ryuka shook her head for a bit, before opening her mouth slightly to show her teeth.
“I’m a vampire.”
The proof was right in front of their eyes, Ryuka’s long and sharp fangs.
“This isn’t very well known here in Seperion, but Reibana’s higher class is mainly composed of vampires, liches, and other undead.”
“Huh- Wait, are you sure you can tell us that? It’s not some state secret or anything, right?”
“It’s fine, we didn’t have much contact with other countries before so it’s not a wide-known fact, but we’re also not keeping it particularly secret. I also understand that there’s very few undead here in Seperion, so I didn’t mention it before to not cause any confusion.”
Saying that, Ryuka lowered her head.
“I’m really sorry for keeping quiet all this time.”
“Is that something to apologize over?”
Olivia tilted her head in confusion again, which only made Ryuka bewildered.
“You just didn’t say it to not alarm us, right? Why would you apologize for that?”
“But um- We’re friends, and I just kept secrets, and-”
“But being friends doesn’t mean you should tell us everything. There’s always things that are hard to tell to friends, and it’s not like me and Amy know everything about each other, or about Natalia.”
Ryuka slowly raised her face while hearing that, but then jerked her head to the side so they would not see her eyes.

“But I appreciate that you told us. Thank you, Ryuka.”
“Olivia… does this mean we can still be friends?”
“Of course. You’re still our friend and it doesn’t matter if you’re human or vampire.”
“I feel the same.”
“Thank you, Olivia and Amy.”
Hearing that, Ryuka closed her eyes and turned her head to face them. She wanted to do at least that for her friends, even if they could not see her eyes. She also felt like this was the moment when those two truly became her friends.
“I’m so happy for you, my dear Ryuka.”
“Natalia, just move out of the way a little…urgh you’re so heavy.”
It was hard to tell whether Natalia actually understood what had just happened or not, but she still shed many emotive tears. Ruri had enough of her though, so she tried her best to drag her away.
“Is she going to recover though?”
Amy asked, staring coldly at Natalia who would not stop praising Ryuka even while Ruri tried to pull her away.
“Err…I believe she should be alright tomorrow morning, if past experience serves.”
Even Ryuka seemed a bit distraught by Natalia’s reaction, since so far she had only seen Natalia act as a dedicated maid.
“I feel like I’ve looked into your eyes many times before though?”
“It’s because there’s a full moon tonight.”
Vampire traits manifested at night, and a full moon heightened them even more, while during the day they were hardly present. Ryuka was still inexperienced with those powers, so she could not control her power during full moons, making her Magic Eyes be active.
Ruri had helped her contain her other impulses on the roof earlier, and as they came back they had run into Natalia.
It might seem counterintuitive going to a place bathed in moonlight when just the presence of a full moon activated her Magic Eyes, but direct moonlight actually makes vampiristic powers easier to control.
“I see. Let’s go back then, Natalia.”
“I don’t want to! I’m going to spend a night full of passion with my beloved Ryuka, don’t get in the way!”
No one would have ever expected Natalia to ever say something against Olivia’s orders. Not to mention she did it in a way that made Olivia want to shoot herself.
“She might be under a spell’s effect, but I really didn’t want to see Natalia like this.”
“This is the first time I see someone react so strongly to it, actually.”
“I guess I have no choice then. I don’t really like having to do this though.”
Saying that, Olivia went in front of Natalia, who was restrained by Ruri, and spoke with a stern and firm voice.
“Natalia, this is an order. Sleep until tomorrow morning.”
As Olivia gave that order while using her authority as master, Natalia’s body collapsed like her power switch was flipped off and did not move again.
“I’ll take her back then.”

Olivia easily picked Natalia up, even though Ruri had been struggling so much, and headed back together with Amy.
Halfway there, Amy split off to go to her own room. But shortly after Amy stopped as she thought of something.
“Do Magic Eyes of Charm even work on magic automatons1?”
Though Natalia had clearly developed a personality already, so maybe she was different from most magic automatons. Either way Amy was not too knowledgeable about magic automatons, so she quickly stopped thinking about it.

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