Ella giggled at Vylun’s serious reaction. Smila’s chuckle was also heard from behind.

“No, it has always been like this since I started the company. You don’t have to be so concerned.”

The only ones who knew that this giant storage was actually close to empty were Ella, Smila, and Luide, the manager of this storage and the person who most people know as the owner of the company.

At first, Ella only planned on purchasing grains, so she tried to get the largest possible storage. It wasn’t easy finding a place prepared to store grains for six months or more, so Smila had to put some effort into it. If it wasn’t for Luide joining the cause, getting such storage wouldn’t have been possible.

But Vylun didn’t know any of this, so his expression darkened, and he said, “Milady… The merchant company…”

“You think I should quit?” asked Ella.

“Yes. I believe you should,” Vylun replied the moment Ella spoke the words he couldn’t say out loud.

If the merchant company, which started with the financial backing of Constance, were in this state after three months, it was right to quit, only if that was the normal case. It was just like Vylun to speak outright on something that wasn’t right, even if it was directed at the woman he likes. Maybe this was why Eric liked him so much.

“I know why you’re so concerned, but I can’t accept your advice at the moment. I have something I must do. Smila, where’s Luide?”

Smila checked the time at Ella’s question. “His appointment with Maddison Merchant Co. should be over, so he must be coming back soon. Oh, there he is.”

In the direction where Smila was pointing, a small and round man who resembled a hamster was walking over while dragging a giant sack behind him.

“Oh, Miss Smila, you’re so early! And… Huh? M-Milady!”

The man, who was waving his hand with a friendly smile at Smila, realized Ella was standing next to her and became so startled that he might collapse. He then threw the sack he was dragging along and ran over to bow before Ella. He had been working for Ella for over two months already, but it was the first time he was meeting her.

“Good lord, milady! You didn’t have to come all the way! I would’ve gone straight over to the estate if you had called.”

Luide was the son of a man who worked for a long time under Count Tolin, the father of Smila. He was recommended because he had a talent for trading and had been managing the company for the past two months.

The Count was known for his keen eyes, so Luide worked well as he had recommended. It was Luide who suggested that because the price of grains was still high, purchasing it now would potentially raise the price even higher, so it would be better to purchase them later. He was also the one who purchased the best possible essential goods based on the money Ella sent each month.

He wasn’t just talented in trading. Because he was a genuinely distinguished merchant already, she felt sorry for having him work for such a weird merchant company. As such, Ella smiled at the thought of finally giving him a task that a real merchant company does and looked at him.

“Luide, how did the talk with the Maddison’s go?”

He looked up at Ella with his khaki-colored eyes as if he had been waiting for this question. It was finally the beginning of the real merchant work he had been waiting for.

“Hold on, milady.”

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