The night that began with Chaos, passed silently. The first rays of sun fell over the border city, bringing a new beginning.
The people of the city started coming out of their houses. However, most of them were surprised as they watched the broken border wall that they had barely managed to fix.
They could feel that it had something to do with the loud roar that they heard last night. However, none knew who to ask what happened. At the moment, many even wondered if it was another attack last night and the new city lord was also killed.
Fortunately, their suspicions proved to be unfounded as they soon saw the city lord walking towards them, unharmed. His face was still hiding behind the mask, but from what they could see, he wasn't injured.
The new City Lord wasn't alone either. He was being accompanied by a hooded figure who walked behind him. The top half of the man's face was covered in his hood, only revealing the lower half of his face.
Karyk stopped before the people of the town, standing over the rubble of the broken wall. More and more people started gathering around him, waiting to hear what he had to say.
"I'm sure you all have many questions about what happened last night." Karyk began, mentioning the reason all the citizens were so uncertain. "I'm sure many of you are even wondering if it was a Beast Attack."
The people of the town had lost most of the Guards that protected them from the beast tides every hear. In this moment, the next beast tide was something they were most scared about. If not for Karyk's words at the beginning, they would've even abandoned the city.
Unfortunately, at this moment, many were again starting to lose their composure. They were wondering if the Beast Tide began earlier than usual as one the wall on the side of the Land of Chaos was broken.
"I am here to inform you that this wasn't a Beast Tide," Karyk exclaimed. "Last night, we had an unruly Guest that came from the Royal Capital. This was all done by him."
He tried to take advantage of the situation. The citizens were already in a state of restlessness. He needed to create a villain for them to blame if he truly wanted to win them over. He needed to create someone they could hate.
Taking this opportunity, he wanted to turn them against the Royal Capital. Although he knew that it was a long process, but this was the right moment to take the first step.
He told the citizens that it was the work of a General that came from the Capital.
"The voice that hurt most of you last night... It belonged to him as well. He didn't respect this city that protected the Elzerian Dynasty from the Land of Chaos for centuries."
"He also didn't respect you, the people of this beautiful city, whose ancestors had shed blood for the Dynasty!"
Hearing Karyk's words, the citizens felt their emotions flare. They didn't know that along with his words, Karyk was also using his magic to increase the effects of his words.
In the distance, the Puppet Master watched Karyk's actions. He could see that the man truly had no limits. He was even involving the people of this town in his plans.
"The City is just coming out of its grief. We have lost so many of our dear ones. I thought the Royal Capital would send someone to help us. I thought the Royals cared about us... Albeit..."
Karyk let out a sigh, his eyes appearing to be filled with sadness.
"I thought a lot about this. I wonder if I'm doing the right thing by telling you the truth. But I believe you have the right to know just as much!"
Karyk raised his hand, creating an illusory scene nearby. The scene showed the meeting room in the City Lord's Mansion. Karyk was sitting on his seat and the General was sitting on the other side.
All the citizens looked at the illusion that was replaying the scenes of last night. None of them even thought of the possibility that the scene was completely made up.
It wasn't a treasure that was showing them the past. Instead, it was just an illusion whose every aspect was under Karyk's control.
"He is very manipulative." The Puppet Master muttered under his breath, observing every action of Karyk.
In his eyes, Karyk was like a poisonous snake that could bite everyone to achieve his goals. Although this snake was useful for their plans, he wasn't sure if one day this snake was going to bite them instead.
He still hasn't forgotten what Karyk had tried to do with his master. Although he claimed that he was just checking the bloodline, he didn't believe that excuse in the slightest.
If Karyk wasn't of use to him, he would've rather preferred to kill this dangerous man right this instant.
The scene in the illusion continued.
"You claim that you're a messenger from His Majesty. Why should I believe you?" Karyk asked the General.
In the illusion, he had changed the identity of the General. Instead of just a General, he was the personal messenger of the King who sat on the Throne of Elzeria.
In response, the General placed the Royal Insignia on the table. It was something that only the royal family members possessed. Although most of the citizens had never seen this, a few had seen its images in books.
"That's the Royal Insignia!" One of the citizens stated in shock.
"Royal Insignia?" Another citizen exclaimed. "That means he really was sent by the Royals?"
In the Illusion, Karyk recognised the insignia. He also reacted in a shocked manner.
"You're truly a messenger from the Capital? Then why did you break our border wall? Why did you kill our people?" Karyk asked.
"You mean those lowly insects with dirty impure blood?" The General asked, revealing a clear disgust on his face. Only this hate wasn't exaggerated in the illusion. It was a real hate that the General had carried.

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