"When I grow up, I'll make Onee-san a darling!
Robin (7 years old) and Juhai Mansion have been living together for months. Valeria was taking care of Robin in the same situation as herself.
At first, I was given a room in the tree sea mansion, but I felt pitiful for Robin, who was in love with his family every night and shed tears. A week later, I put a child bed in my room and began to sleep in the same room.
"All you have to do is eat the carrot on the plate in front of you."
It is only natural that I miss someone who treats me like a real family in a different world where young Robin was suddenly transferred, and I often miss Valeria, who lives together in isolation, and Miriam, who plays well with me.
After the dismantling of [True and Savior Divinity], which was the cause of Robin's transition to another world, the way Robin pretended to be a transfer to another world was discussed, and considering the fact that he was still young and the circumstances of this transition, he decided to take refuge as an adopted child of some house.
Some of the candidate houses rose, but because Robin missed Miriam and strongly hoped that Valeria, the witch of the tree sea, would see growth, white feather arrows stood in the Marquis of Caparoni, and the current Marquis Ferdinand and the next Marquis Leonardo accepted this, and Robin moved to the Marquis of Caparoni.
On the day of the journey, Valeria, who had delivered Robin to Leonardo and Emilio at the royal castle, gently stroked her bedroom's children's bed.

"I don't know, it's quiet now..."
800 years since I was transferred to this world. I had lived in King's Landing for some time as a savior witch, but I was not used to living like a nobleman surrounded by servants such as maids and maids arranged by the state.
In the old world, the parents worked together, taking care of their younger younger brother and doing schooling and housework. In the meantime, Valeria thought many times about what happened to her family after she came here.
In the first place, the flow of time may be different from this world. Eight hundred years have passed, and maybe not much time has passed over there.
I recognize the hero doll that was decorated in the room when I peeked into Robin's memory. Robin probably came from a less distant age in his world.
Valeria starts removing the sheets and covers from the small children's bed with that in mind.
"You're definitely going to lay it with her. I don't usually get into the alien world so much...."
After removing the laundry from Robin's bed, he leaves the garden with a laundry bucket.
Valeria doesn't use much magic in her life when she's at the Tree Sea Mansion. Clean, wash, and cook with your own hands. Because it's natural for me and it's normal life.
"I wonder if you miss me... Well, I'm sure Millie will take care of it."
This is delicious! Leah, sister!
It's been a long time since dinner alone. Valeria smiles unexpectedly as Robin sits opposite her.
"Which one do you miss at all..."
I had a long life alone (800 years at any rate), so I had a lot of trouble these last few months, but I enjoyed it. Valeria chewed on the feeling of "loneliness" that she had felt for a long time.
And I decided to watch Robin like a sister until he was safely adult and someday blessed with a good encounter and nested.
I was supposed to...
------Ten years later
"... why did this happen!?

There are frequent visitors to tree sea mansions these days. Glowing golden hair and clear, empty eyes. The body, which was forged by the stepfather and stepfather of the former Knight Commander, Valeria grew taller as she looked up, and Robin was a complete adult at the age of 17.
"Today I'm going to have you nod! Leah! Engage me!
I don't want to.
"That's impossible! I'm 827 this year! I can't even look at 810 as a man!
"I don't care how old I am! I don't care if Leah's time stops!
"What do you care!? Don't you dare leave!
Valeria shook her silver wand at the clogging robin.
The next moment, Robin is wrapped in a rugged magic team.
"Ahh!! Awful! Even though I came so far... ◯ ◇ "
He was screaming something, but Valeria relentlessly flew Robin to the Caparoni Mansion in King's Landing.
"Where did I go wrong!?

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