The demon was pretty weak for an intermediate demon. He was confident when it came to using his body, but he couldn’t handle his magic properly. 
Ragrox was happy to find such a demon, he was bewildered. He has been treated as a low-level demon even though he is a middle-class demon. But Ragrox said he used him heavily. And he implanted two blood manastones, saying that it was the first time a body could handle two blood manastones, which other demons could only bear one.  
Ragrox valued himself, and when he felt he couldn’t handle it, he stepped forward. He set out to punish those who ruined his lineage with one of Ragrox’s swords.
As punishment for Ragrox, he did not consider this difficult task. He thought it was because he had never met him. Then, hearing the news that he had discovered their tracks, he ran to them with joy. 
He came to punish those who ruined the lineage of Ragrox. He came to save the man in charge of the great line and punish his enemies, but he rather puts himself in danger. He threw the soldiers and tried to get a chance to recover, but the paladine and the chain-man kept them alive with acrobatic skills. 

But at that moment, his body was recovering rapidly. As the magical energy emanating from the Blood Manastone circulated throughout the body, the man fell to the side while the wound was healed and his strength was restored.
Still, the most tricky thing was throwing the soldiers and the archers. Ed just experienced how poisonous the arrow was. However, he was amazed to see the soldiers he threw soaring up like a stepping stone.  
While shooting arrows in the air, he felt ominous and tried to stop the light cavalry who was riding next to him. The armor is stronger than that of a normal soldier, so even if an arrow pierced through his body, he thought he would be able to stop it.  
However, the moment the arrow wanted to hit the soldier’s body, it rode over the soldier’s body like a snake and caught his eye. He didn’t even have time to use his hand. And when he wondered if his eyeballs were frozen, half of his face froze, and a more terrifying pain arose from the inside. Terrible pain that shriveled up his face.
And all those who had turned to the side came and swung their swords. The blood did not stop at the place where the sword was cut.  
No matter how excellent the magical powers were, the situation was not easy. He thought that he should start by reducing at least one by leading.
So he screamed and fell backwards. As he fell to the floor, he pulled out an arrow that was stuck in his eye and threw it to try to recover, but another arrow flew.  
The moment the arrow pierced the stomach, he knew something was wrong.  
As soon as the arrow with divine power got into the stomach, it ran through the inside. There was no time to pretend to be dead and help him recover. So Ed tore his flesh and hurriedly grabbed an arrow and pulled it out.
Ed flew a holy arrow to win and straight away drew out Etrian’s sword. In the past, it would not have been too early, but now the total amount of magic power has increased, and thanks to the Ring of Regeneration, it has enough magic power.  

Above all, it is different from the time when he was not alone and had to handle everything alone. He only had to hit the last shot, so he had plenty of magic.  
A situation in which a blood manastone was crushed while stirring the demon’s stomach. Now he wields the sword of Etrian with magical power.  
The sword was so fast that even Dex, who was approaching thinking the devil was dead, was surprised by the momentum and backed away.  
After Dex got the sword of swiftness, he thought it was worth a try now. But when he saw Ed wielding his sword, he didn’t even see a sword.
As much as that, seeing the blow, he thought that he should not think about it for a while. As Dex trembled at the sight of the shattered demon, Ed lowered his sword and let out a long breath.  
He had two blood manastones, and his strength was above average. He did not die while he froze half of his head and crumbled within it, but survived being stirred in his stomach with holy arrows.  
He was tougher than a zombie if he could survive even if he pulled an arrow out of his stomach with his own hands.  The experience points came in, but the experience of these people was not compared to the intermediate demons.  The experience that came in that way was probably enough to raise the level if you catch a demon of this level next time.
Ed looked around, satisfied with the experience he had. The ability to create cracks in the floor using magic power was amazing.  
Arin approached Ed’s side and found a blood manastone in the devil’s shard.  Luckily she wasn’t cut by the sword.  
Humans cannot die when they have a blood manastone, but the fact that demons can only be killed by receiving magic power from the blood manastone was also unique.  
Ed looked around him while Arin was holding a blood manastone and praying for her next destination. The radius of the crack created by the demon was 30 meters, and the depth was over 10 meters. Ed looked back at the party and said.
“Let’s do the rescue first,” 
Ed said, and Brandt went out in earnest.  
Those who had fallen 10 meters deep were chained and pulled out, and Dex also helped in moving the wounded.  

The wounded were laid one after another in a training room in one of the barracks. The light cavalry also ran to the temple.  
In the midst of such a commotion, Arin slowly opened her eyes. After she found the location of the next blood manastone, she felt that the distance was not too far away.  
As long as you set a specific goal, you won’t miss it. And it was fortunate that the demons could not easily leave their seats because they were working on what they were doing. This time, he was trying to do something related to the war.
Diego standing next to Arin opened his mouth.  
“He said he had gathered all the wounded.”  
“Protect the demon’s corpse here. We have to burn it with a torch.” 
Arin, who thought that healing the wounded had priority, asked Diego and walked to the place where the wounded were gathered.  
There were over thirty wounded lying groaning.  
Ed, who had saved the survivors while praying for Arin, gathered them up, saw the demonic corpses strewn behind her, and looked at her again. Saving people first before burning the demon with a torch, that was Arin’s decision.
As she approached the wounded, she began to generate divine powers. With every step she took, her divine powers radiated strongly, reacting to those who had laid her on the floor.  
Seeing Brandt retreat quickly, Ed stood still and watched what she was doing.  She spread her divine power around her, drawing people’s attention. 
No matter how much she struggled with pain, the blue divine power wrapped around her, and she couldn’t help but look away.  
Appearing in the public eye like that, she placed her hands on the injured area and started treatment. Perhaps thanks to her high divine power, her healing spells showed a noticeable improvement in any injuries.  
Arin healed the wounded of the soldiers one by one, got up from her seat when all the soldiers were healed.  

After fighting a breathless battle, she was able to understand why she was a paladine.  
Arin exhaled slightly and turned to look at Ed.  
“Can I ask you here?”  
“Pursing the demon’s blood is also important, so let’s go.” 
When Arin approached the demon’s corpse, Diego has already gathered it in one place. He couldn’t move the fragmented body, so he brought Farrel’s body.  
As Arin approached the place and offered a prayer, the torch began to burn. 
Diego and Brandt were far away from her so that no one could disturb her, and Dex defended her.
As they watched the torch rise brilliantly, the soldiers knelt down one by one and prayed. There were a few deaths, but they were repeating Astron’s name without knowing it in front of the miracle that was unfolding before their eyes.  
Perhaps they will not forget today’s event for the rest of their lives and bring an offering to the Astron Church. After all the corpses of demons were burned with the torch, the divine power surrounding Arin’s body grew stronger.  
As Arin recited her silent prayers, the divine powers that enveloped her gradually seeped into her body.  
And a blue light flashed from Arin’s eyes when she opened the eyes and then disappeared. She may not be able to ‘see’ like Aaron, but she was definitely stronger than she was before. Ed looked at her like that, and then suddenly turned to Brandt.
How can she become stronger as another main candidate?  
Arin gets stronger every time she makes a sacrifice like that, but there seems to be a way for him to become stronger too, but he hasn’t found it yet.  
She has not yet brought out the power of the devil and has only provided support by using the chain of sealing, but being able to fight like that will surely hit the limit.  

As a result, Ed was naturally interested in it, but he will have to find a way to make Brandt stronger.  
If he grew up with the support of Akalan, there might be an answer in Akalan, but they don’t know yet.  
In the midst of such anguish, a carriage approached. The carriage’s door opened and Henna nodded to the leader Ed.  
“Thank you.”
She saw everyone fighting together, but seeing that it was Ed who slaughtered the devil so horribly, she naturally bowed her head, knowing that Edgar was not just any nobleman.  
Because he kept the promise to rescue her father, no matter what. Ed remembered the Lord Colin only after Henna approached.  
“How about the details of Colin?”  
“That’s why she wants to ask Sir Arin for help, is that ok?” 
She turned to Arin, knowing that she would not have been able to enter the barracks so easily without her help.
“I’ll take a look.”  
“Why don’t we all go to the inner city together?” 
At Henna’s words, Ed looked around. It is said that she healed the soldiers, but the battlefield was not finished yet.  
Probably because there were people who died of blood clots. Ed nodded his head, and the Guardian Knight stood up and rescued his chariot. 
Everyone in the party got on the supply wagon. Edgar sat down in the driver’s seat and Diego quickly sat down next to him.  

“Do you feel anything else?”  
“No,” said Diego, shaking his head, stomping his feet, and stretching him as hard as he could.
“Aww. If it had been night, I would have helped too.” 
Ed raised his hand and stroked Diego’s head.  
“It was helpful enough.” 
If he hadn’t noticed that one more was approaching, they wouldn’t have been able to do a time attack. It would have been quite difficult if both of them got together for nothing. However, the problem was that the enemies were also getting stronger quickly.
He just thought it would be nice if Thane found out about this blood manastone.  This time too, they had a hard time figuring out the location of the Blood Manastone.  
When humans in Crossel had blood manastones, it was more difficult than dealing with demons, so the location of blood manastones had to be prioritized.  
Ed, who followed the carriage leading the way to the inner city, told the guardian knight to invite Thane and the others as well.  
Somehow, it was more comfortable to live in a ryokan, but the most important thing was that the party had to be together.  
While the Guardian Knight sent people to the inn, they were able to get to Prince Colin’s bedroom. 
Arin laid Lord Colin in the bedroom, cast a recovery spell on him, and turned around to see him sleeping peacefully.
“I can’t get rid of it all at once. There’s a lot of magic left inside, so it’s going to take some time to get rid of it,” 
Henna said carefully.  

“How long will it take?” 
Arin answered after pondering for a moment.  
“If I do it, it will take about two days.” 
Considering Arin’s divine power, it seems that she could almost resurrect a lion.
Henna knelt in front of Arin. Henna grabbed her arm and said as Arin supported her in surprise.  
“I know it’s rude, but I beg you. Please save my father,” 
Arin replied with a smile.  
“I meant to do it anyway. So get up.” 
Henna thanked Arin, even tears in her eyes. Arin’s divine power was at an unbelievable level, as Henna knew. She showed such a strong divine power that she wondered if she was truly a messenger from the gods, so she thought that her status was special among the paladines.
She was only grateful to say that she would grant her request as a daughter of a nobleman. As an aristocrat, she was well aware of how high-spirited and difficult to call once upon a time by high-ranking clergy of the Astron Church.  
Henna grabbed Arin’s hand once more.  
Ragrox felt that Dipelo, who had been sent as the Punisher, was dead. And with that, another three blood manastones disappeared. Ragrox smiled as he stroked the rabbit’s fur.  

“As planned.”
Ragrox’s initial plan went awry.  

However, as much as the plan was messed up, he made a different plan, and the plan was being implemented step by step.  
After finding out that Arin could find the location of the next blood manastone through her blood manastone, she fell into the trap she created.  
You may not feel it at first, but when you realize later, even if you want to escape, you will not be able to escape. It’s like falling into a swamp. Because the enhanced blood manastone was not simply to make the demons stronger.

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