
"Sixth Sense. Weapon Enhancement: Wind boost!"

The instructor invoked his spells again and appeared to be enjoying what he's seeing too. I say he's enjoying the match with every student's assessment because he's really strong. He just continues to fight every battle one to another and have not seen him rest a single moment as he calls us one by one. I believe this what you call a real battle junkie.

"Roe and I have known each other since then and I have never seen him so happy this way. It must be because we have made a new set of friends here," said Pomell in a sad way.

He certainly acted as a good brother to Roe, and I can tell him that they are protecting each other. Morning dew and I are behaving like we're family too, but a lot of things have changed ever since, and I need to look for my real family to actually protect them.

"Gale blades!"

After the fight started, this may be the first time that Roe has let out a really loud screech as the instructor sent a few magic wind gusts that looked like a large blade. Roe raced in the opposite direction of the instructor, stretched out his wings, and soared a few lengths away from the ground. He blocks all the magic of the wind by using massive wings on his back and looks like he's preparing for an attack. The giant beast that Roe transformed opened his huge mouth and brought fireballs projectiles from his own mouth, and began to bomb the instructor with a lot of them. Arabella and the others were quite disturbed about what they saw and began to wonder why he could use magic in the beast form.

"He can imitate all the abilities of the beasts even if he saw it once and did not know all the powers it has."

"T-that's incredible!"


"I agree with Thea."

"Gale Blades!"

"I agree too."

"Me too."

I nodded and said that I agree that Roe is unbelievable, too. Not knowing all the power, but still, being able to imitate it without having a problem is an absolutely impressive feat. However, it appears to be difficult for him to run around that big while the instructor seamlessly dodges all his fireballs.

On the other side, which the other platform is located, it seems that Gloriana's match is already done since there is no noises heard and the three beasts are nowhere to be found.

"Gale blades!"

When I turned back after hearing a loud screeching from the big heels of the beast where Roe must have been fighting, the fight was over. It seems that Roe was defeated by a sword pointing to his large neck. Slowly he transformed back into a human being and smiled contentedly.  There's only one thing that I noticed about having illusion magic and that is they cannot use magic as such that they are focusing on using one strong spell as a compromise. I asked Pomell and the others about my suspicion and they both agreed about it.

"Not just the illusionary magic but all the magic affinities have to compromise when using a powerful spell. We have to focus our minds in order to properly execute a spell. Besides, you don't want to use a strong spell if its useless, right?" Arabella answered.

Everyone nodded again with a proud expression on their faces. If that is the case, shall I compromise and just use one or two spells? Right, it might be a good idea not to show all that I know. Everyone might think I am a freak since I am not using any magical items but how can I deceive them without using any of that?

"Master, if may I suggest.—"

Sprigg is truly reliable when I need it. I appreciated her and made sure I understood what she was trying to say to me. After the skirmishes, I had with the Drakes and the acquisition of 30% of the power of primordial magic, Sprigg also unlocked her basic element as a pixie and said that she could use it to make me a magic item.

First I was reluctant because the suggestions she made previously seemed to try to make me too powerful and efficient. She said, though, that she had already made me one because she had expected that I would conceal my inherent strength from the humankind. Yeah! Oh! So that's why she said that she's busy and that she can't deal with me because she's mastering her power.

After Roe successfully reverted back to being a normal human. He got up and slightly bowed his head after being healed with the clerics on the raised platform, the instructor once again screamed.

"Your turn, young wizard...."

"Oh, let it be me. Let it be me!" Pomell murmured.

"Why do you want it to be you?" I asked.

"... Lemure!"

"Damn it! I really don't want to be the last one to fight."

"Huh! Watch as I fight, so you can defeat the instructor."

When I raised my right hand and pulled out a little twig in the back of a little pouch in my back, everyone was astounded when I made the little Twig proliferate in front of their very eyes and turned it into a beautiful wand.

"So, you're a staff-bearer all along, huh!" Pomell sighed as he asks me.

"You deceitful, jerk!" screamed Arabella who's throwing resentments at me and as I smiled towards them.

"Then, it is not because Twig is your name, but because Twig is your weapon, huh!" Roe chuckled as he said that on the raised platform stairway. "Yoooou!"

I think I have deceived them by doing this.

"Are you ready, young warlock?" the instructor scoffed as he asked me.

"Yes!" I answered back and slightly bowed my head. Imitating how everyone acts before they begin their assessment with the instructor.

"Huh! Such a splendid manner. Interesting!" the instructor remarked.

I can sense the mana surrounding him disrupting a little and see that the light blue crystal emanates an enchanting glow. I also have noticed that he'll be using the same wind magic that he's been using since then.

"Sixth Sense. Weapon Enhancement: Wind boost!"

The instructor began his leap by being too quick, but he is simply using the magic of the wind to propel him when he positions his sword backward and sixth sense when he speeds up to assist his senses. The combination of skills is brilliant. Admittedly, this man isn't a magical knight for nothing.

"Nature Magic: Omnipresent Element Manipulation"

I invoked the spell that Sprigg told me to scream. Truth be told, it's only a made-up spell. I have her think of what excuse I can make to continuously use elements present in the surroundings. Well, it's not entirely wrong as I am able to do so anyway.

"Not bad, young warlock. So, it's you all along! Professor Strauss brags about your abilities as a wizard. Come, show me what you can do!"

Even if he's running quicker than an average human would sprint, I can still see him, and because I'm only doing this assessment to get enough points. I don't have to push myself as much as I intended. I put the wand that Sprigg gave me and created two wind cyclones that I imitated with the flame cyclone of the firedrake on both sides, the instructor paused and looked thrilled with what was going to happen next. I don't think he's ready to give up either, but we're just going to see how this battle unfolds.

"Impact shield"

The instructor is so nimble that he can dodge the two cyclones without touching them, and even if he's about to touch them, he blocks them using the impact shield. Although it has the same impression of a barrier that uses wind magic, it dispels my cyclones when it touches them. I don't think this battle with the instructor should be underestimated.

"Gale Blades!"

Even if he can use only one element, he can use it skillfully and defeat almost all of the students. The gusts of wind that he kept sending to me look no more than a measly breeze as I could dispel them, but I choose not to do it and just avoid it as if to show that I'm working hard to win. I created another set of cyclones to offset the blades and redirect it upwards as I ran to him and slammed my wand against him, but he's just running away and I'm unable to hit him. I tried to do the same thing over and over again, but he kept avoiding it.

"I don't think you 're the prodigy that the gullible Strauss is talking about. oh! Here, let me give you some advice, child! Don't dishonour yourself. Tell Strauss that exploiting his so-called talents is worthless!"

Though it annoyed me that he was trying to taunt me under the name of Professor Strauss, I should keep my sense of calm untouched. The moment he said that he got pretty damn fast until I couldn't see him through my naked eye. Although I can still feel him, his tenacity was much greater than before, and he's left sharp gusts of wind as he slashed the thin air around him toward me and was intentionally hit with it.  Also, I don't mind since I got this message from Sprigg.

"Preparation complete! Commencing transition."



MakulotNaBuhok x Einvee


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