A few days after getting rid of the herd of demons, the school was closed and chased to clean up and confirm the facts.
Master Liliana woke up, admitted that she was possessed by a witch, and took responsibility and left the school.
Originally, it was a great crime to have done harm to princes and noble children, so they almost got a bigger disposition, but the fact that they were still immature students' identities and the use of weakness in their minds meant that it was considered difficult to give thanks to the witches, and they decided to ask them to reflect while living secluded in a land away from the king's capital.
The great event that a large group of demons appeared to shake the country, and the students drove it away overnight, became known all over the country, and somehow I became famous as the Virgin who used the legendary magic amulet to lead us all to victory.
The story of Prince Rendor of Reishi, who is also the next king, and his fiancée, the Virgin who saved the crisis, is so much liked by all the people that it has become a play and performed.
It is such an embarrassment. I'm not a pelican and I'm of no help.
Moreover, ear fashion became fashionable because I wore a white eared cape at the time of this battle. Now all sorts of things are sold, even hats, hoods, and kachushas with ears, and Prince Rendor will gladly buy me a souvenir when he goes to the city.
I was embarrassed, so I snuck in and negotiated with the school director to ban the use of my ears in the school. When I said that when I looked in the ear the prince was excited and felt a crisis of chastity, the school director looked complicated but gave me a wish in two replies. The prince was disappointed, but he couldn't help it because this is also to have a healthy relationship.
Mailie, who didn't hesitate, laughed a lot at the Virgin's story.
I was really excited about the legendary magic, and Mailly asked me to do some research, and I finally thought it might be a good idea to find out about the magic I had gotten, and I agreed to take another two years to find out more about Amulet.

Sometimes I had more chance to visit the royal palace and also deal with the demon conductor of the royal palace.
Maylie seems to like this hyoro and the tall, moderate lead demon mentor. When I bring up his matter, I turn to tears with a bright red face to disprove. It is my pleasure these days to see this adorable figure and laugh high.
Yeah, well, me and Prince Rendor just had to get a word nail stabbed by the director of the school, not to mention the enthusiastic mouthpiece we had in front of everyone.
He then had a student-like healthy relationship until the Prince graduated.
I think both of them, whether they are role models for other students, especially the prince, have worked well.
Thanks to his irresistible efforts and the attention of his squire, including Riddie and Elda (although there was about one, an incompetent person, trying to get him off the road if there was a gap) (Sandil Orkens, it's you!) I will be able to walk Virgin Road safely.
"Dear Milene, it's time for you. Your Highness is here to pick you up."
With a white dress put together, I rise out of my chair with the hands of my squire.
Heading to the door, Prince Rendor appeared, slowly opening and wearing a white courtesy suit as well.
"... Milene, so beautiful"
Finger on my jaw, which leans down embarrassed by the prince's too cool, and he gently turns up.
"I'm delighted to swear my eternal love to you today."
My chest was full and a grain of tears rolled down.
"You're a real crybaby."
For I too have been waiting for this day to come.
"Ma'am, if you don't want to take your vows to God with your makeup off and your face still on, don't cry any more"
"Please don't snooze later. Anyway, you can do whatever you want at night."

Me and the prince looked at each other.
And I will turn bright red, and the prince shall be an evil face.
"Elda, Rydy, stop saying extra things! Why don't you show me a little attitude that you're blessing the Lord?
"Oh my goodness. We bless you above all else, the noisy lady is finally cleaning up."
"No, I didn't think we'd be taken to the royal palace. I wanted to go on a wandering journey."
"Phew, you don't have to let go until you blow a bubble at people who don't think of the Lord as the Lord. Be prepared!"
Ho ho ho ho, and make me laugh.
Once again the door was knocked, and the receptionist spoke.
"Come on, Milene, let's go"
I gently laid my hands on Prince Rendor's arms.
"Best regards, lady"
When I looked back surprised because I heard a special victory, Riddie and Elda were bowing their heads deeply.
"You guys..."
I can feel the tears coming out again.
"I'm an important lady. Please be happy."
"I know. Make sure you live up to your expectations."
Prince Rendor nodded and showed his squire.
"Makes Milene Happy"
"Me and... I will make Master Rendor happy."
Looking back on what had happened this past year, I walked with Prince Rendor to the chapel.
I'm still immature, but I want to do my best to continue to be a wonderful queen, one step at a time, to live my life next to the prince.
The door opened and we gazed before stepping into the chapel where the people of the kingdom waited.

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