After what do Soraya at the weed, she had one idea. She clutching her stomatch and he asked "What happen ?" and Soraya answer "My stomatch hurt i need to go to the toilet" and he answer "You can do it now it's not one problem".
She was angry and then she said when she stood up "I can't stand" then he leaved and go in the wood. Then he do something to Bai who followed.
Soraya go at the toilet, shut the door, she observe Bai and she took the opportunity to go out. by jump and walk over.
But suddnely when she was almost leaving, Gayu have see her and Soraya almost shouting that Gayu had to stop.
During this time Bai have saw nothing, and Soraya still have leaved and Gayu have followed her and Soraya tell "Go away"
Gayu was leaving and Soraya continue her path. Then she heard the water and she discover the waterfall. She tried to walk and had her fear of water.
"I can't be timid, i need to leave"
Soraya had courage and have walked.
Harit & Bai have saw Gayu then they search for Soraya. This woman have really escaped. Harit looked at the clues, the footsprint and everything.
Suddenly when they arrive near the water fall Gayu stop and Bai take her and Harit continue.
"I will go slowly, she is not far since she is afraid of water"
Soraya limped in the river she sat down at one stone. She can't not walk, and her foot have one hole...
She saw one home and continue, she saw no one at the home even if she shouted "Help me !" she knew one woman was living here since she saw stuff of woman.
Then she saw one picture that she looked where she saw the man who have kidnapped her without his beard. She can't forget his eyes. Then she was thinking that maybe she was not the only girl that he have abducted.
"How i do for leave" she was panicking
Harit have found the blood and if he was not mistaked she was not far and go at the house where he found Soraya
"You think you can run, but i have told you, the island is at me"
He call Bai and say "Take this woman to take home"
Then she was walking with Bai and say "Slow down, i'm in pain"
Harit say furious "You had some comfort food and water and you still want to leave. You want that i bury you and let you only your head"
"Because you have these crazy ideas i want to run away"
"So you ran the rungle, do you have brain ?" he said by pointing the forehead of Soraya.
"You think you can leave, but you will come back and live with us, since i'm your master"
"How you dare to say that you are my master" say Soraya angry
"Don't forget that you are my defendant. I'm determined that you are my prisoner, so now that you are back you will be punished Sansanee" he twist the chin of Soraya.
Then Harit take the arm of Soraya and then she had difficulty to walk. He knew about the injury.
"I can't go farther"
"What are you crying" he said angry
"My feet hurt" she say with tears
"By walking in the water you will wash it and not re injurie again"
Soraya was thiking that he was not sympathic . At one moment she fell in the river and Harit say "Don't rest here, i will not forget you like this". He grab Soraya and he pick her. Soraya don't arrive to figure how people could have been to Harit arms.
"What are you doing, put me down "
"Don't struggle"
She was angry and then she said when she stood up "I can't stand" then he leaved and go in the wood. Then he do something to Bai who followed.
Soraya go at the toilet, shut the door, she observe Bai and she took the opportunity to go out. by jump and walk over.
But suddnely when she was almost leaving, Gayu have see her and Soraya almost shouting that Gayu had to stop.
During this time Bai have saw nothing, and Soraya still have leaved and Gayu have followed her and Soraya tell "Go away"
Gayu was leaving and Soraya continue her path. Then she heard the water and she discover the waterfall. She tried to walk and had her fear of water.
"I can't be timid, i need to leave"
Soraya had courage and have walked.
Harit & Bai have saw Gayu then they search for Soraya. This woman have really escaped. Harit looked at the clues, the footsprint and everything.
Suddenly when they arrive near the water fall Gayu stop and Bai take her and Harit continue.
"I will go slowly, she is not far since she is afraid of water"
Soraya limped in the river she sat down at one stone. She can't not walk, and her foot have one hole...
She saw one home and continue, she saw no one at the home even if she shouted "Help me !" she knew one woman was living here since she saw stuff of woman.
Then she saw one picture that she looked where she saw the man who have kidnapped her without his beard. She can't forget his eyes. Then she was thinking that maybe she was not the only girl that he have abducted.
"How i do for leave" she was panicking
Harit have found the blood and if he was not mistaked she was not far and go at the house where he found Soraya
"You think you can run, but i have told you, the island is at me"
He call Bai and say "Take this woman to take home"
Then she was walking with Bai and say "Slow down, i'm in pain"
Harit say furious "You had some comfort food and water and you still want to leave. You want that i bury you and let you only your head"
"Because you have these crazy ideas i want to run away"
"So you ran the rungle, do you have brain ?" he said by pointing the forehead of Soraya.
"You think you can leave, but you will come back and live with us, since i'm your master"
"How you dare to say that you are my master" say Soraya angry
"Don't forget that you are my defendant. I'm determined that you are my prisoner, so now that you are back you will be punished Sansanee" he twist the chin of Soraya.
Then Harit take the arm of Soraya and then she had difficulty to walk. He knew about the injury.
"I can't go farther"
"What are you crying" he said angry
"My feet hurt" she say with tears
"By walking in the water you will wash it and not re injurie again"
Soraya was thiking that he was not sympathic . At one moment she fell in the river and Harit say "Don't rest here, i will not forget you like this". He grab Soraya and he pick her. Soraya don't arrive to figure how people could have been to Harit arms.
"What are you doing, put me down "
"Don't struggle"