Tan, Tan, Coconobi was jumping from tree branch to branch, leaving a leap sound all the time.
While she strives for the central part of the dead forest, she doesn't fail to be vigilant by looking around for a moment.
The target is a black semifluidic.
It is the hands that are dispersed in the darkness, often dispersed in the twigs that descend from the trees or stunned into unnoticed places.
Often times, as the back of the picked up Micah is covered in mold, if you look around behind the tree, there are shards of fuse lime.
I can't laugh when I'm like a feather flying into a spider's nest.
Coconobi follows the signs with his ears, eyes, and five senses to be vigilant.
"Well, where does it spring from?
Anyone who touches something hot reflexively puts their hands back, but that's the same thing with Hugheslime.
Indeed, the forest can be described as a treasure trove of food for Hughes Lime.

Decaying leaves deposited and gradually rotting back into the soil will be filled with gaps and prone to increasing mycelium.
But at the same time it becomes a weakness.
Coconobi took away moisture from trees and leafy soil in the earlier law.
The addition of four verses, which could have caused even a large fire alone, was concentrated only on one point: drying the object for the next preparation.
In that case, the rotten soil is no different from the pile of dead leaves collected in the garden cleaning.
Neither the trees nor the rotten soil could live in the earth, which had been overflamed, such as the mycelium at the end.
The fuse lime, which lives only by its instincts as an organism, gathers all the ends around the body and shrinks if exposed to such danger.
The amber gaze looks sharply ahead of the swinging view.
"I want to find...!
It wasn't even hidden already.
He spreads countless tentacles on the surface in an attempt to increase the body's protective walls at all, trying to take in animals such as sea lions.
Looks like a nested isoginchuk in the ground.
The animal caught by the tentacles was raising the severant like crazy.
It pulls away the tentacles that glue to the skin and manages to escape but is also heavily entangled beyond it, causing the body to melt together.
That sounds like snow dolls are going to melt.
Leaving bones, red blood and flesh melt and flow. I guess there will be considerable pain in the process.
Melted meat mixes with dark fused lime liquid, but hair and bones don't quite mix together.
However, if they touched the liquid, they would gradually lose their shape. Gradually losing shape, but the breath of the captured prey was hard to break.
"Always, I can't stand to see...!

Throw a flame at a cica that raises the severer demon.
Kindness that it would be easier to be killed by one thought than to suffer forever.
In fact, that's what people who were similarly drunk said, so I'm sure it's not wrong.
... That's what I think.
Unfortunately, anyone screaming for me to kill him just screamed at the pain, and no one returned the answer as to whether that was really good.
If I was wrong, how much on earth should I apologize not only to this forest?
"Outside, you're swelling up. Is it because it was a vibrant forest? If you don't kill him early, he might leak out there."
The number of tentacles stretching around is considerable.
Because I'm jumping from a branch on a tree to a branch, but if I was running on the surface, I might not even have had a crack.
The centerpoint of the tentacle stretched - I ran my eyes wondering where the nucleus would be.
The flame-broiled fuse lime distorts the body indefinitely so it is hard to grasp the center.
Yeah, I already thought I'd burn everything around him down with force moves like a bee, and the rushed coconobi stopped at a branch of a tree to make a more careful observation.
Slime, swaying his tentacles like an Isogyn chuck, preys on animals caught in fire there, absorbs safe trees, and is about to swell with greed everywhere.
But having such a strong power shrinks into a flame that burns, and when it comes to the incompetence of trembling, it is impossible.
It was as if it was trampling the dignity of a creature, and Coconobi glanced.
"- There are no pieces of pride to sneak behind!
Whimpering, a few tentacles devoured where she was standing the moment she jumped.
Tentacles standing on branches instantly root and attempt to assimilate. It's a viscous organism. It's very quick.
But it doesn't even capture a single piece of her Inaho hair.
Coconobi, who flew through the universe drawing an arc, manipulates a flock of flames with his palm of hand, burning it down to one thought. There was no chanting there either.
This place was not filled with flames only to collect the fuse slime. To make a freely manipulated flame by law.
By nature, any being can't do this.
It is a business allowed only to half demons born between Malebit and the demons.
If you can also manipulate the high firepower of a point concentration like a person, you can also manipulate the law in a sustained manner like a demon.
Its strengths do not allow other followers. There's physical strength, but it's there because she wants to be monstrous.
But I didn't have this slime of a head to consider that.
Only to come at countless tentacles again to follow the fleeing prey silly and honest.
"If they're coming, why don't we attack them back from there?"

Coconobi, who jumped the vertically standing trunk onto the scaffold, flutters like a tree leaf when he fully attracts the attack, cleaving at the same time.
Even more similar tentacles hit ahead of me the first time, but it didn't matter. Speed is too different for her and Huge Slime.
Even if we were broken into in time and pressed within reach, it wouldn't change.
She can disappear leaving only the remnants, no matter how many repetitions, that Slime should have captured with her tentacles.
And then you cut off your tentacles like a mistake.
Every time the shadow of Inaho stitched, the black tentacles fell apart and countless.
"Oh, I see. Are you there?"
If you look around and travel repeatedly, you know it's natural.
With a chunk of the body, it was obvious, naturally, that the attack from there would be fierce.
- If so, it will be easy later.
"If you're hiding in the ground, go ahead. Just smoke it out. Wow!
There is no enemy figure on the ground. Then I guess I'm still hiding myself in the basement.
Coconobi shook up the blade.
All the whirling flames are her family. The flames, instructed like soldiers obeying the decree issued by the general, wind up and tangle in her weapon.
That was awesome heat. In a decent human being, you could burn your throat just breathing, and you wouldn't have opened your eyes.
The soil burns and explodes as brilliantly burning flames protrude to the ground. That seemed like an eruption at the earliest.
Mixed in splashy soil, the flesh of the fuse lime also flies. I advised others to stay away from all that. She was in no strange situation whenever she touched it.
No, the fact is, some of it wound up by the flames did touch her.
But she won't be eaten by slime.
In this flame-filled space, it's impossible from the beginning for a fragile slime to survive. Huge slime laws are also only an extension of assimilation and digestion - the ability of living cells.
There was no way that half a liquid could live in a burning hell of burning organisms and trees.
Coconobi chooses a protruding dagger and tries to burn down the core of the fuseslime buried on the ground.
Then screams overflowed from the surroundings.
Rub your bodies together so that the trees won't endure the pain.
The bug makes a chiseling noise and the interrupter rises from the mouths of the animals that have not yet been swallowed.
"... Huh!
I have ear problems.
I was really deaf.

It reminds me that this was really sad when it happened in people's mouths.
That's why she didn't add a handful of forgiveness and let the flames roll with all her might.
"Don't disappear!
Through the feeling of smashing and breaking some kind of shell, the machete sank at once, and the primitive body of the slime, which was trying to withstand the attack, also splashed on the occasion.
and at the same time.
As if the electric shock had run, when the entire slime trembles, it relaxes as soon as possible and spreads to the ground.
Whether it was an unusual assimilation recoil before, the black body couldn't even keep its shape, burned by the flames all the time and disappeared.

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