Don’t tell me they expect me to survive after getting jump by those guys.

I seem to ask myself this question quite a lot, but just who the hell made this game, huh?

Does he want us to die?

Thankfully, I bought a gun earlier. It should help a lot when I try to get rid of those guys there. I’ll just have to shoot down few of them from afar, then aim for the ones coming closer to me.

But... I can’t be irrational when using my gun. I have to reserve my ammo.

I’ve just been lucky so far because it was rather easy for me to take down the Undead Knight and that zombie abomination as a Paladin.

It could prove to be rather difficult for me to even kill a bear at this point. this is where things start looking dim for the Paladin. My combat abilities dwindle when it’s not against the Undead. But, what can I do?

“I must be...just really stupid.”

How could I forget to buy a silencer with this gun? What the hell is wrong with me. Maybe...I’m just out of it since all I do is get dragged to this place every damn day. Not to mention, I can’t even catch a break during these fights. It’s a constant struggle to survive and win.

Just thinking about all the points I’ve wasted now is making me pissed off.

I shouldn’t waste anymore time thinking about what’s already happened. I can’t change the past. I should move right now.

Let’s decide to either take care of those life-forms or move on.


There’s a possibility that I’m not alone here again. I mean, I’ve already met Hye-Won twice. It can’t be a coincidence.

“If that’s the case…should I start lighting things up here?”

I took out my K2 Rifle from the Holy Bag, and began walking forward with the clip that was already loaded with ammunition.

This Rifle hasn’t had been tested, but we’ll see how good it aims. If all fails, I’ll just shoot them up close. You can’t miss like that.

I slowly made my way behind the life-forms. Luckily, they haven’t noticed my presence around them. It could be possible because of the fight they just had with the bear. I got as close as 20meters without them noticing me.

They were in sight of my scope. The war that was furthest in the back with a wooden spear was my target.


The bullet connected with the target’s shoulder. It went exactly where I aimed. And, I thought I’d have to shoot a couple of rounds to get the hang of it, but I guess I was wrong? Well… good for me!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

My Rifle began going off like the Chinese fireworks. The bullets were flying all over the place, piercing their bodies like it was nothing.

Few creatures fell to the ground immediately with their heads blown off, while the others had holes in their torsos.

“Alright. Cleared. Now, all that’s left is that bear.”

The bear began charging towards me as I was finishing up my shooting.

My Rifle takes aim at its head.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Two bullets hit his shoulder, and the third goes right through its head. The bear falls and rolls on the ground from the momentum it created while charging at me.

I wonder how far the gunshots can be heard? I hope...Hye-Won heard it and is coming closer to me.

But...there’s always that chance that I could be attracting unwanted attention…

Then again, it should also help keep creatures like that away from my current location.

I walked past the bear’s carcass, and began making my way over to the strange life-forms. These creatures had primitive clothes and weapons at their disposal, but their faces weren’t human. Not in the least.

They don’t appear to be close to homosapiens, but I will admit that they’re above monkeys and chimpanzees when it comes to being superior in the genetic pool.

Wait a minute...hold on. Just how long do I have to keep doing this? Is there a time limit to what I’m doing? Can’t they just give me an idea how long I’m supposed to be here?

First things first. I’m going to need a camp for safe grounds.


While hiking the mountains, I saw small gap between the cliff walls. Downside is that I had to make my way up the cliff wall to reach it, but it should keep me safe from any unwanted dangers.

Alright. Let’s go.


I grabbed onto wherever I could firmly hold, and started making my way up the wall. It was roughly 6meters in height. The wall wasn’t that high to be honest, but it wasn’t low either. And, I knew I was wasting a lot of energy since I had no idea of how to climb the right way.

Tuk. Tuk.

I made my way up top to find myself a hole that’s just big enough to fit two people. Inside was a long, deep hole that looked like a cave. Please don’t tell me this is a cafe?

Let’s see….

Thud. Thud.

I could see the blocked end. It should be about 5meters from the entrance hole. It’s pretty wide too. It shouldn’t be a problem fitting four people here to sleep. This sure is a strange place. I wonder how this place came to be?

“But why did it have to be in the mountains….?”

I should use the fire idea again to kill everything I can in order to gain some major points….


It’ll be too dangerous this time around unless Hye-Won is found first.

My stomach rumbled. Hunger was kicking in.

I set my backpack on the floor and ate whatever I felt like eating.

There’s about… 700,000 won left in my account so… does that mean I’d have to start asking Hye-Won to help me out? I should start making money instead…

What to do… hmm…

I pulled out a calorie stick. They may call it a calorie stick, but it has lots of other nutrients that’s good for the body. I chewed on it like it was my last day to live. It didn’t have much taste. It was just something to chew on. Like I said, I chewed on it like it was my last day to live.

The sun was settling from afar. With it, ended my eating.

I got on the floor and did some push ups. Even without protein… my muscles are gaining mass, but I should still consider taking some protein powder to help the process.

“Huk. Huk. Huk.”

I did as many pushups as I could until it got sore, then I used Basic Recovery again. That’s how my night was spent.

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