Our heroes are still fighting in the battlefield, Rovic managed to defeat Marlon using his secret technique and now their plan to extract Leif's magic power is about to commence..... can our heroes save their country or not...
Sir Christian: "DYNAMITE IMPACT" he punched the ground with great impact and all of the soldiers were toppled all over
Ma'am Rose Mae: "Let's do it!"
Ma'am Marilyn: "You bet!"
Ma'am Marilyn: "GATHER DAFFODIL PETALS...." she slammed her hand in the ground and white petals of Daffodils appeared around her
Both: "SKY WHITE BLOSSOM STORM" they combined the wind and petals
Soldiers: "Aaahhhhh!"
Gwyneth: "WITCH ART: PUPPETEER" she manipulated some soldiers and turned against each other
Meanwhile in the battle between siblings still continues
Leif: "LUMINOUS BLAST" the two attacks collided and exploded
Aaron: "Your going to pay for what you have done to Christian!"
Leif: "Will see about that!" he kicked Aaron backwards but Aaron withstand his attack, Aaron slammed his hand on the ground
Aaron: "FLAME GOD: RISING BLUE FLARE" the blue flare rise into the ground and when he was about to be hit he cast a spell....
Leif: "In that case WHITE GALE FORCE" he extinguish the fire with a strong force of wind
Aaron: "Errrggghhhh in that case....."
Leif: "You can't defeat me! How could you even beat me if I don't even die"
Aaron: "Yes you can't die! but I didn't say that you could really die in a different way..... cause their is another way of defeating you brother... and I will punch you a thousand times even if it hurts my feelings to do so..... I'll gladly do this just to set you free...."
Leif: "How intriguing but it will take more than just punches to beat me brother"
Aaron: "I could say the same thing to you! Haaaaaa!" the two punched each other
Aaron: "FLAME GOD: BLUE FIRE BALL BARRAGE" the two attacks collide and exploded
Aaron: "FLAME GOD: MEGATON KICK" their feets collide and it caused the ground to crack around them but.... "I won't let you win! Haaaaaaa!" his feet was enveloped by blue flames with more intensity
Leif: "What is this!?"
Aaron: "FLAME GOD: DESTRUCTIVE BLOW" he changed the direction of his kick downwards to Leif and it hit him hard
Leif: "Urrggghhhh"
Leif: "LUMINOUS BLADES" the two of them fought each other with a sword combat "Are you holding back!?"
Aaron: "Why should I?..... When I'm fighting the main enemy"
Leif: "Your right... then how about this?" he vanished and he suddenly appeared infront of Aaron but he was already choking Elaine and Eliza
Elaine: (How did he?...) "Aaarrrggghhh..... let... us... go!"
Eliza: (So fast...) "Aaahhhh...."
Aaron: "Let them go!"
Leif: "Since your not fighting me seriously.... I'll just have to kill these girls who are close to your heart" he choked them so tight at the same time
TJ: (How did he managed to grabbed them at the same time....)
Leif: "You forced my hand Aaron..... Now watch as I slowly kill..... Eliza..." Aaron was shocked when he heard her name and he choked her so tight
Aaron: "Let them GO!" blue flames engulfed his body and his body was covered by marks
Leif: "Yes! The God Force.... Yes brother!" suddenly sand binded his body and it grabbed Eliza and Elaine to help them escape from Leif's grips "Sand!?"
Christian: "Your not killing HER!" he glared at Leif
Leif: "But how!?..... I killed you with my sword..... how did you survive from a deep cut wound!?"
Christian: "The one you killed is just a sand clone substitution...."
Leif: "What!?"
Eliza: "Thank you.... Christian"
Elaine: "Thanks...."
Christian: "Shall we do it?"
Aaron \u0026 Eliza: "You BET!!" the three of them burst out their Second Stage of God Force
Leif: "I never expected this... Three God Mages fighting me....." Christian was so fast he punched him the back "Urrgghhhh!"
Eliza: "GLACIER GOD: FROST LOCK" she created ice cuffs and cuffed him in his arms and legs "GLACIER GOD: FREEZING SABER"
Leif: "Errgghhhh she froze my body.... Huh!?"
Aaron: "Times up! GOD MAGIC SECRET TECHNIQUE: BLUE FLAME SPIRAL FLAME BLADE" he throw the shuriken shape flame towards Leif
Leif: "Urrrggghhhh!... eerrrgghhh.... I didn't imagine I will be put in a tight spot like this.... in my whole life..."
Aaron: "Let's do this!"
Two: "Right!"
Aira: "We're almost out of magic power...."
Gwy: "It's like this is not gonna end...." the soldiers charges when suddenly a lightning struck down in the battlefield and the soldiers halted for a moment
Darex: "Sorry for the interrupt..... but the Great Five has joined the battle" after his introduction all of them stood with might
Riziel: "Let's do this!"
Three: "YEAH!!"
Sir Christian: "Thank goodness.... their here"
Gillana: "OLYPIAN MAGE: POSEIDON'S SWIRLING FLOOD" she flooded the battlefield and the soldiers were trapped in the flood (Sir Christian: "She's a kind hearted person, she's lucky because she got married to a fine young guy..... she may not look it..... she's a beautiful woman and a strong woman too")
Julius: "LIGHT MAGE: STARLIGHT RAMPAGE" he summoned the light of the stars and make it at his weapon (Sir Christian: "He's a kind man he fights for his friends.... and he's lucky because Gillana admitted her feelings to him, your gonna be a great husband to her.... Light King")
Darex: "LIGHTNING MAGE: LIGHTNING OVERDRIVE" he distributed many electrical discharge all over the battlefield (Sir Christian: "Sir Darex your noble man you have great courage and please guide TJ")
Riziel: "WIND MAGE: RAGING GUSTS OF THE WIND GOD" she fired ten big cyclones to the soldiers (Sir Christian: "Your a very kind woman Lady Riziel.... you make your enemies into allies you and Sir Darex had your own beliefs on fighting each other a long time, but now..... you two have surpassed your differences together..."
Eliza: "GLACIER GOD...."
Christian: "DESERT GOD...."
Aaron: "FLAME GOD....."
Leif: "Heh... LUMINOUS FUSION" he vanished in their sights but they can sense him and they changed direction of their attacks
Three: "DESTRUCTIVE FISTS" their punches hit Leif
Leif: "Uuurrgghhh!... (Such power!..... is this gonna be my end?.... if it is.... then thank you..... Bea, May, Wynklyn, Dream, Eliza, Christian, and my dear little brother..... Aaron...) he smiled and he pretend to be evil once more
Aaron: "Let's do it!"
Two: "Yeah!"
Leif: "Heh.... bring it!!"
Leif: "LUMINOUS GALE WINDS" the two attacks collide and Leif's attack was overpowered "WHAT!?.... AAAHHHHH!" the attack hit him and at that same moment the Book of BEAM fell in the ground
Three: "DO IT NOW!!!"
Jabez: "TELEPORTATION CIRCULAR TRANSPORTATION" he flicked his fingers and the Priestesses are in their exact position
Priestesses: "FOUR SEALS ACTIVATE..... THREE MOONS, AND TIME, COMBINE.... MAGIA EXTRACTION" a magic circle appeared and Leif was inside of it and his magic power's vanishing
Leif: "I won't LET YOU BEAT ME!"
Elaine: "PAPER SEAL CHAINS" she binded him
Melvin: "SPACIAL DRAGON: CHANGE GRAVITY" he changed the power of the gravity in his area to immobilize his movements in his will
Leif: "Uuurrrggghhhh..... NOOO!" his magic power was successfully extracted along with his curse
Aaron: "Huff huff huff.... we... did it..."
Eliza: "Yeah...."
Christian: "Huff huff huff..... heh..." after that Leif fell into the ground and his eyes slowly closed, Aaron and the two also fell into the ground because of their exhaustion of using to much Magic power
Meanwhile.... in Aaron's mind he woke up
Aaron: "Where.... am I?"
Leif: "We are inside of your mind..."
Aaron: "Ahh!? Leif?"
Leif: "Yes it is me.... little brother" he smiled
Aaron: "I thought we defeated you?"
Leif: "Yes you all did.... I'm inside your mind because I want to say goodbye to you...."
Aaron: "I see..... tell me..... did I do the right thing?" he shed tears when he asked him
Leif: "Of course you did..... you've set me free" he hold Aaron's face he bumped his head to Aaron's forehead and they shed their tears for their parting ways "I love you so much....." he let go "Now.... I think you are free as well....." The Book of BEAM appeared in his hand
Aaron: "That's...."
Leif: "It's your book..... this book will disappear along with me..... but you lifted my curse and the book..... so you will never disappear"
Aaron: "Big brother....." he rushed towards him and hugged him "I'll miss you...."
Leif: "So am I..." he hugged him as his body glows and fades away
Aaron: "Thank you..... big brother..." his tears stop and he smiled...
Lexton: "Look! Leif's body....."
Jabez: "His body's glowing.... Huh!? that book as well...." after that scene Leif's body disappeared and so's the book
Meanwhile in the front line of the battlefield
Gwy: "What's happening to the soldiers..."
Aira: "Their glowing...."
Soldier: "Looks like we're going to rest now....."
Joelle: "What did you say?"
Soldier: "All of us are dead.... and we thank you for setting us free...." the soldiers disappeared
Jannah: "It looks like..... it's over... let's go back to the Philippine Archipelago"
Junie: "Let's report this to Queen Stephanie... I bet she will be surprised about this..."
Joneryll: "Yes she will be surprised..."
Wilmarie: "I feel bad for the boys I fought last time..."
Junie: "Don't worry girl..... I bet will see them again and in that time you'll apologize to those two boys"
Wilmarie: "Somehow....."
Jannah: "Let's go.... (Hmmm that Aaron is something else he's handsome but his been taken.....)" all of them sigh at the same time all of them teleported...
Sir Christian: "DYNAMITE IMPACT" he punched the ground with great impact and all of the soldiers were toppled all over
Ma'am Rose Mae: "Let's do it!"
Ma'am Marilyn: "You bet!"
Ma'am Marilyn: "GATHER DAFFODIL PETALS...." she slammed her hand in the ground and white petals of Daffodils appeared around her
Both: "SKY WHITE BLOSSOM STORM" they combined the wind and petals
Soldiers: "Aaahhhhh!"
Gwyneth: "WITCH ART: PUPPETEER" she manipulated some soldiers and turned against each other
Meanwhile in the battle between siblings still continues
Leif: "LUMINOUS BLAST" the two attacks collided and exploded
Aaron: "Your going to pay for what you have done to Christian!"
Leif: "Will see about that!" he kicked Aaron backwards but Aaron withstand his attack, Aaron slammed his hand on the ground
Aaron: "FLAME GOD: RISING BLUE FLARE" the blue flare rise into the ground and when he was about to be hit he cast a spell....
Leif: "In that case WHITE GALE FORCE" he extinguish the fire with a strong force of wind
Aaron: "Errrggghhhh in that case....."
Leif: "You can't defeat me! How could you even beat me if I don't even die"
Aaron: "Yes you can't die! but I didn't say that you could really die in a different way..... cause their is another way of defeating you brother... and I will punch you a thousand times even if it hurts my feelings to do so..... I'll gladly do this just to set you free...."
Leif: "How intriguing but it will take more than just punches to beat me brother"
Aaron: "I could say the same thing to you! Haaaaaa!" the two punched each other
Aaron: "FLAME GOD: BLUE FIRE BALL BARRAGE" the two attacks collide and exploded
Aaron: "FLAME GOD: MEGATON KICK" their feets collide and it caused the ground to crack around them but.... "I won't let you win! Haaaaaaa!" his feet was enveloped by blue flames with more intensity
Leif: "What is this!?"
Aaron: "FLAME GOD: DESTRUCTIVE BLOW" he changed the direction of his kick downwards to Leif and it hit him hard
Leif: "Urrggghhhh"
Leif: "LUMINOUS BLADES" the two of them fought each other with a sword combat "Are you holding back!?"
Aaron: "Why should I?..... When I'm fighting the main enemy"
Leif: "Your right... then how about this?" he vanished and he suddenly appeared infront of Aaron but he was already choking Elaine and Eliza
Elaine: (How did he?...) "Aaarrrggghhh..... let... us... go!"
Eliza: (So fast...) "Aaahhhh...."
Aaron: "Let them go!"
Leif: "Since your not fighting me seriously.... I'll just have to kill these girls who are close to your heart" he choked them so tight at the same time
TJ: (How did he managed to grabbed them at the same time....)
Leif: "You forced my hand Aaron..... Now watch as I slowly kill..... Eliza..." Aaron was shocked when he heard her name and he choked her so tight
Aaron: "Let them GO!" blue flames engulfed his body and his body was covered by marks
Leif: "Yes! The God Force.... Yes brother!" suddenly sand binded his body and it grabbed Eliza and Elaine to help them escape from Leif's grips "Sand!?"
Christian: "Your not killing HER!" he glared at Leif
Leif: "But how!?..... I killed you with my sword..... how did you survive from a deep cut wound!?"
Christian: "The one you killed is just a sand clone substitution...."
Leif: "What!?"
Eliza: "Thank you.... Christian"
Elaine: "Thanks...."
Christian: "Shall we do it?"
Aaron \u0026 Eliza: "You BET!!" the three of them burst out their Second Stage of God Force
Leif: "I never expected this... Three God Mages fighting me....." Christian was so fast he punched him the back "Urrgghhhh!"
Eliza: "GLACIER GOD: FROST LOCK" she created ice cuffs and cuffed him in his arms and legs "GLACIER GOD: FREEZING SABER"
Leif: "Errgghhhh she froze my body.... Huh!?"
Aaron: "Times up! GOD MAGIC SECRET TECHNIQUE: BLUE FLAME SPIRAL FLAME BLADE" he throw the shuriken shape flame towards Leif
Leif: "Urrrggghhhh!... eerrrgghhh.... I didn't imagine I will be put in a tight spot like this.... in my whole life..."
Aaron: "Let's do this!"
Two: "Right!"
Aira: "We're almost out of magic power...."
Gwy: "It's like this is not gonna end...." the soldiers charges when suddenly a lightning struck down in the battlefield and the soldiers halted for a moment
Darex: "Sorry for the interrupt..... but the Great Five has joined the battle" after his introduction all of them stood with might
Riziel: "Let's do this!"
Three: "YEAH!!"
Sir Christian: "Thank goodness.... their here"
Gillana: "OLYPIAN MAGE: POSEIDON'S SWIRLING FLOOD" she flooded the battlefield and the soldiers were trapped in the flood (Sir Christian: "She's a kind hearted person, she's lucky because she got married to a fine young guy..... she may not look it..... she's a beautiful woman and a strong woman too")
Julius: "LIGHT MAGE: STARLIGHT RAMPAGE" he summoned the light of the stars and make it at his weapon (Sir Christian: "He's a kind man he fights for his friends.... and he's lucky because Gillana admitted her feelings to him, your gonna be a great husband to her.... Light King")
Darex: "LIGHTNING MAGE: LIGHTNING OVERDRIVE" he distributed many electrical discharge all over the battlefield (Sir Christian: "Sir Darex your noble man you have great courage and please guide TJ")
Riziel: "WIND MAGE: RAGING GUSTS OF THE WIND GOD" she fired ten big cyclones to the soldiers (Sir Christian: "Your a very kind woman Lady Riziel.... you make your enemies into allies you and Sir Darex had your own beliefs on fighting each other a long time, but now..... you two have surpassed your differences together..."
Eliza: "GLACIER GOD...."
Christian: "DESERT GOD...."
Aaron: "FLAME GOD....."
Leif: "Heh... LUMINOUS FUSION" he vanished in their sights but they can sense him and they changed direction of their attacks
Three: "DESTRUCTIVE FISTS" their punches hit Leif
Leif: "Uuurrgghhh!... (Such power!..... is this gonna be my end?.... if it is.... then thank you..... Bea, May, Wynklyn, Dream, Eliza, Christian, and my dear little brother..... Aaron...) he smiled and he pretend to be evil once more
Aaron: "Let's do it!"
Two: "Yeah!"
Leif: "Heh.... bring it!!"
Leif: "LUMINOUS GALE WINDS" the two attacks collide and Leif's attack was overpowered "WHAT!?.... AAAHHHHH!" the attack hit him and at that same moment the Book of BEAM fell in the ground
Three: "DO IT NOW!!!"
Jabez: "TELEPORTATION CIRCULAR TRANSPORTATION" he flicked his fingers and the Priestesses are in their exact position
Priestesses: "FOUR SEALS ACTIVATE..... THREE MOONS, AND TIME, COMBINE.... MAGIA EXTRACTION" a magic circle appeared and Leif was inside of it and his magic power's vanishing
Leif: "I won't LET YOU BEAT ME!"
Elaine: "PAPER SEAL CHAINS" she binded him
Melvin: "SPACIAL DRAGON: CHANGE GRAVITY" he changed the power of the gravity in his area to immobilize his movements in his will
Leif: "Uuurrrggghhhh..... NOOO!" his magic power was successfully extracted along with his curse
Aaron: "Huff huff huff.... we... did it..."
Eliza: "Yeah...."
Christian: "Huff huff huff..... heh..." after that Leif fell into the ground and his eyes slowly closed, Aaron and the two also fell into the ground because of their exhaustion of using to much Magic power
Meanwhile.... in Aaron's mind he woke up
Aaron: "Where.... am I?"
Leif: "We are inside of your mind..."
Aaron: "Ahh!? Leif?"
Leif: "Yes it is me.... little brother" he smiled
Aaron: "I thought we defeated you?"
Leif: "Yes you all did.... I'm inside your mind because I want to say goodbye to you...."
Aaron: "I see..... tell me..... did I do the right thing?" he shed tears when he asked him
Leif: "Of course you did..... you've set me free" he hold Aaron's face he bumped his head to Aaron's forehead and they shed their tears for their parting ways "I love you so much....." he let go "Now.... I think you are free as well....." The Book of BEAM appeared in his hand
Aaron: "That's...."
Leif: "It's your book..... this book will disappear along with me..... but you lifted my curse and the book..... so you will never disappear"
Aaron: "Big brother....." he rushed towards him and hugged him "I'll miss you...."
Leif: "So am I..." he hugged him as his body glows and fades away
Aaron: "Thank you..... big brother..." his tears stop and he smiled...
Lexton: "Look! Leif's body....."
Jabez: "His body's glowing.... Huh!? that book as well...." after that scene Leif's body disappeared and so's the book
Meanwhile in the front line of the battlefield
Gwy: "What's happening to the soldiers..."
Aira: "Their glowing...."
Soldier: "Looks like we're going to rest now....."
Joelle: "What did you say?"
Soldier: "All of us are dead.... and we thank you for setting us free...." the soldiers disappeared
Jannah: "It looks like..... it's over... let's go back to the Philippine Archipelago"
Junie: "Let's report this to Queen Stephanie... I bet she will be surprised about this..."
Joneryll: "Yes she will be surprised..."
Wilmarie: "I feel bad for the boys I fought last time..."
Junie: "Don't worry girl..... I bet will see them again and in that time you'll apologize to those two boys"
Wilmarie: "Somehow....."
Jannah: "Let's go.... (Hmmm that Aaron is something else he's handsome but his been taken.....)" all of them sigh at the same time all of them teleported...