*Shuu! ~ Shuu!~*

In the dense forest, there are some things running at the fast speed, seem not to have the difficulty to pass each of the trees and obstacles on their way. That also made many branches swing every time they passed it.

Just as the sound vanished and the branches stopped swinging, a man with carefree expression appeared on the way that things had passed.

"Hmm, their speed at tracking also keeps improving now." The man muttered contentedly while looking at the things ahead of him.

That man is Chen Qiang who is training his dogs in this dense forest. While the things ahead of him were his dogs that are now hunting the ferocious and wild big boars he released an hour ago.

These big and savage boars were also his creation. He used them to train his dogs. It was from the ordinary boars he bought which then got processed by the specialist using drugs, then frequently made it starve and fought each other.

In the past or when his pets were still quite young and new to this training, their speed at tracking and killing it was very slow despite the obvious trace and many of them ganging on every one of it.

However, along with his persistent training and the rise of their strength, this task becomes more and more easy for them. Even though the difficulty is also getting higher.

It didn't have to mention when fighting them in the arena, which was far easier for them.

It was also the same for other tasks. Like hunting the fast animals on the grassland such as the deer, fighting with the processed wolf and bull in the arena, and many more that test their real strength in the battle. Which sometimes tested more of their personal strength and not as a group.

Sure enough, after continued following them, he found one by one of the boars' corpses. Many of them have deep wounds on their neck which still slowly pouring scarlet blood from it. Their sharp tusk now seems to become useless as not even a strand of hair of his dogs was on it. Usually, in the past it always had and it would also have the blood from his dogs.

However, it is becoming a normal thing now. These boars could not become their opponent again. They only became the toys for his pets to do the game called 'hunting' and making them more experienced on it in every aspect, such as their coordination and so on.

He felt content toward his dogs now. But still, remembering the upcoming event that will soon happen, how much calm and experienced he was, he still felt the tension and slight excitement.

The event that made him live in full of misery. Yet as it was still not enough, he has to experience it again. It did not even start, but he and his sisters had to live un-socialized these years.

It also made him busy and had to keep training so hard again, made his sisters feeling the suffer from the training he gave and made them live un-normally.

Now, the event which was the cause of all this will come in another three months!

It undeniably made him feel some tension. He started to be afraid he cannot change what has happened no matter how prepared he was and can only postpone it for several years. It was because he didn't want to lose his dear sisters ever again in this life, making them experience those suffering and losing all of this happiness. After all, fate was not something that can be taken lightly.

However, he kinda belittles the fact that he was wondrously coming back or has those memories was an anomaly itself. It was unavoidable that some matter had absolutely changed and will change.

He who didn't fear anything, who has the courage or was dumb enough to search and face his own death looks become so laughable now.

Chen Qiang has been following his dogs for a while. Then when he found the trace of them getting split, he felt too lazy to continue and climbed a big tree instead. After all his pets will also come back after finished all of their prey. He didn't require any more to ensure their safety and count all the corpses again to make sure they finished all of them.

Chen Qiang Leaned his back comfortably on the tree and closed his eyes. Once more, he is thinking all the things about the apocalypse that he has experienced and will go through it again. In order to make him do less mistake later.

What was the situation on the initial of it in his memory? What should he do at that time? What is the best action he should choose? Is there anything he can take advantage of?

He searches for all the important events that happened back then on the initials of it and every matter on the apocalypse like his knowledge and experience. In short, he is doing this for his own good later.



The Times Kept flowing as Chen Qiang immersed himself in his thoughts. He was not sure how long he had been on the tree when he awoke from it by the sudden noise.

He smiled while looking toward the source, at his dogs that are running to here. He stood up and nonchalantly jumped from the tree which was around 5 meters tall. Perfectly landing without the need to roll his body.

Soon all of his dogs came near to him. Xiao Yi, followed by Xiao Er and Xiao Wu approaching him. At the front, Xiao Yi stared at him as he was implying their work had been done.

Chen Qiang then nods toward him. He stretched his hand, petting and stroking him. The other two dogs who approached him, which was the dogs he had given to his sister, rubbed their own heads to him. He smiled looking toward them. He then also did the same for them. However, they have some blood tainted on their face. Especially their mouth, It made so big contrast to them who is letting out a lovely groan and showing their comfortable expression.

Chen Qiang then looked toward his other dog, Xiao Wu-Shi-Yi who is the leader of the pinscher's group. He only calmly sits there looking toward them. He was not like the others who would seek his affection by themselves.

It is not like he didn't like it, he would also feel pleasant by it. It was only he didn't do it when in the front of the other dogs beside Xiao Yi and the dogs of his sister. While he was alone, he was the same as the other, seeking his affection for every action worthwhile.

Chen Qiang then also gave a nod to him. After he had looked toward the rest of his dogs, he stretched his arm and took a short, big breath. Afterward, he turned around and started walking with steady steps, going out of this dense forest.

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