Chapter 57: Chapter 057 – Black Hawk and Hellfire
The giant wolf spider had a very high status, which was evident from the spider horde’s reaction to its appearance. The spiders gave way to open a path like they were soldiers waiting for orders from their general.An orb-weaver spider with weak vision stood in the center of this path and was callously crushed into a flat pancake by the wolf spider. Even as it died, it clicked and shrieked in injustice at its fate.
The people in the mall were all struck dumb. The black radio host began to babble about alien invaders and that the giant wolf spider was their leader. The researchers were also frightened out of their wits by this astonishing sight, the old professors holding their hearts while shouting about biological miracles.
It wasn’t clear if it was a miracle, but this visitor definitely didn’t come with good intentions!
Wolf spiders could run and jump, were poisonous and agile, were fierce and aggressive. This larger version probably had just as bad of a temper as its smaller brethren.
Upon seeing that the spiders had brought out their siege weapon, the police chief immediately decided, “Concentrate fire. Target its head. We can’t let it get close.”
He had barely spoken when all the guns aimed at the giant wolf spider and fired, all of the shots striking true.
Luo Su took in a deep breath, focused on the wolf spider’s cephalothorax, and began to shoot in three-shot bursts until his magazine was empty.
The bullets struck the wolf spider in splatters of green blood, but its body had mutated so that the outer layer of cells had become an extremely tough carapace. All of the bullets fired were embedded in the carapace, and the bullets that hit the spider’s fangs simply bounced off.
“Its skin is too thick. The bullets can’t get through.”
“Target the head! Hit its eyes!”
Spiders did not have compound eyes, and neither did giant wolf spiders. It had eight simple black eyes organized into three rows of 4-2-2 on its cephalothorax. The central two black eyes reflected the moonlight. If one only focused on its face, those eyes actually looked rather cute.
The police had decent marksmanship, but the townspeople could only rely on luck. As their guns fired, some lucky son miraculously managed to hit one of the wolf spider’s simple eyes.
Once its eye was injured, the giant wolf spider furiously began to crawl toward the mall.
The bullets striking its feet and abdomen caused little splatters of green blood, but they were nothing compared to the size of its body, only serving to provoke its ferocity.
“System, use ‘Character Card: Sloan’!”
[User has equipped ‘Character Card: Sloan’. A time limit of 240 seconds, starting now.]
He had farmed a lot of pulls tonight, so Luo Su wasn’t worried about wasting a Character Card. Thus, he immediately chose to use the most appropriate Character Card.
Once he had equipped the card, his heart began to beat faster. He walked right up to the window and looked out at the giant spider’s profile.
His heart was pulsing at 400 beats per minute. He was still in Bullet Time, but the effects were clearly not as impressive as with Wesley. Luo Su didn’t dare to waste time. Pulling out his M9, he fired four times and blew out the four simple eyes shown to him.
The giant wolf spider ground its fangs and let out a deafening roar. It fiercely shook its head and tried to regain its vision.
It’s swaying back and forth allowed Luo Su to pin down the location of the remaining three eyes. The giant wolf spider’s movements slowed to a crawl, and after locking down the last three eyes, he fired two curved bullets and then fired a regular shot.
The wolf spider’s eyes were all destroyed. Without its vision, it rolled around on the ground, crushing many of the orb-weaver spiders and jumping spiders in the area.
Luo Su panted for breath, leaning back against the wall as he reloaded. Sloan’s Character Card was clearly not him in his prime. He still had time on the Character Card, but he clearly couldn’t maintain Bullet Time for long.
Cheers resounded through the mall. Although the crowd didn’t know what had happened, they no longer needed to worry now that the giant spider was blind.
“Be quiet! Besides eyes, spiders can also find their prey through sensing vibrations. If you don’t want to die, be quiet!”
Mike’s mouth was open, but it was a young researcher who had spoken. Ever since the research teams had arrived in town, Mike had turned from a specialist into a hobbyist. Moreover, he was simply too young for anyone to listen to him.
But the researcher’s warning came too late. The giant wolf spider got to its feet and began to charge at the source of the noise.
Amid cries of alarm, gunfire began to ring out from the second floor of the mall. Everyone knew that the bullets had a limited effect on the giant wolf spider, but they had no other way of saving themselves.
Luo Su entered Bullet Time again, targeted the eyes of the spider again, and fired repeatedly. Seven bullets entered through the eye, but the wolf spider ignored them.
Boom! The giant wolf spider slammed against the mall’s main entrance. A large part of the metal shutter caved in. If not for the additional reinforcement of heavy objects, all of them would have been in grave danger.
No one dared to stick their head out and fire. The orb-weaver spiders were still waiting on the outside wall. Any person that stuck out their arm would probably get dragged out.
The police chief organized a team of townspeople and went downstairs to move anything and everything they could in front of the door. The metal shutters were the townspeople’s only hope. If they were broken, everyone would be spider chow.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Each time the giant wolf spider rammed itself against the entrance, all the townspeople shivered. The metal shuttered creaked as a sharp appendage pierced through, and then the battering grew even fiercer.
The gap grew larger and larger. The crowd gripped their weapons with trembling hands, and even a baseball bat gave some small measure of comfort. The professors stopped talking academics, took outcrosses, and began to pray, hoping that the dark night would quickly pass.
Whup whup whup!
Luo Su had not gone down, remaining at the stairs with his gun. Suddenly, he heard the thrumming of a helicopter. He ran to the window, and in the moonlight, he saw two black silhouettes in the sky, red lights blinking on and off. It really was helicopters.
Two Black Hawk helicopters!
The police had also heard the roaring of the helicopters. They took out signal batons and threw them out the windows. Ten-some signal batons were extremely obvious, and the helicopters began to fly in the direction of the mall.
Perhaps because the giant spiders and the spider horde were too unreal, the two black silhouettes paused in the air for a moment. A moment later, Luo Su saw a bright source of light dragging a long tail behind it, shooting toward the square in front of the mall.
A Hellfire guided missile!
There was a massive explosion, and a shockwave swept out. The spiders in the square were either directly killed by the explosion or blasted away by the shockwave.
The two black silhouettes were carrying 20 soldiers equipped with automatic weapons, but the two helicopters didn’t have the courage to offload their soldiers. In the face of the still vast spider horde, they chose to fire from the air.
They didn’t use handguns or assault rifles. The black silhouettes had M134 miniguns, powerful enough to pierce through any armored object within one hundred meters, more commonly known as the Vulcan!
The helicopters circled in the air and rapidly fired at the ground, tearing through the air and leaving the ground covered in bullet holes, dust, and chunks of a spider.
Green blood splattered out as the spider horde suffered a devastating blow. Even though the spiders were brimming with courage, shrieking as they waved their forelegs at the sky, they could not prevent their obliteration.
A jumping spider that didn’t know its own strength leaped at the helicopter. It was blasted apart in mid-air, its remnants falling to the ground in bits and chunks.
The giant wolf spider had already been drawn over by the sound of the propeller. It went to the center of the square and raised the upper half of its body in an attempt to intimidate the helicopter. But under the fire of two miniguns, its carapace was covered in thousands of holes; its abdomen blasted to pieces as it died a gruesome death.
Cheers came from the mall. Now that they were saved, everyone instantly relaxed and vented all their pent-up emotions.