Back at New York..

Empericorp Inc

" Well you took long enough! " Sofya answered softly, as she bristled through the neat stack of papers arranged on her office desk. She was sitting in the conference room alone, the annual shareholders meeting due in half an hour.

The past two days had been hectic for her. While Arnav had been away for his business trip, she had given a lot of thought on how to catch Mrs. Raizada's killer. Given the fact that very little information had been made public at the time of her death, out of which half was untrue, she wasn't really able to get a lead on. The only option left now was to talk to any member of Raizada family and she knew she would be only able to coax Advay into it. Not Mr. Raizada, because she didn't have the heart to cause him the pain and not Arnav, because he would fly off the handle.

Another thing that she had been busy in, and trying very hard to avoid was a musical. Susan's college was organising a musical - Carrie's musical. The musical was being organized as a means to raise charity for the poor and the slum living in the off beat areas of New York. Initially, Sofya had rejected. She didn't have time with so much things going on in the company. But after continuous persuasion from Susan, she had to give in. The more the prominent figures, the better the charity will fare. Susan also planned to drag Arnav into this, at which Sofya had sternly told her not to bother him with these non essential things.

" Huh, if I ask him, " Susan had said, making puppy eyes and pouting her face, looking incredibly adorable " he will definitely agree. "

Sofya had rolled her eyes and commented nothing. There was no point in arguing with her. She had always gotten her way, first with Grandpa over the years and now with Arnav.

And last but not least, she had missed Arnav. It was true that he had been away for only two days but she had missed him like a crazy. Whenever she was free, which was rarely, her mind wandered off to the time they had spent together and.. their first kiss. At times, she had even found herself blushing for no reason whatsoever by just thinking off the memory.

" Oh, did somebody miss me? " Arnav asked her, and she could hear the tease in his voice.

" No. I definitely did not. I was occupied in company matters. " Sofya replied, her ears a shade of pink. She did not even know why she was blushing. Lately, he had started to have these effects on her. No matter how hard she tried, the effect was apparent.

" Well, if you did miss me so much, let me offer a concession for your emotions. How about I drive directly to your office from the airport instead of going to my office. You can give me a peck then. How does that sound? "

" What? A definite no. " Sofya replied instantly, her ears now bright red. " You are going to your office and that's final. No need to come here. Bye. " With that she cut the call off before he could say anything.

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