The following morning
Hou Yi, sat looking at Anna. Unlike when Aaron and Jang were born, this little prince did not cause as many problems for Anna or the hospital staff when he was born. The only thing was giving birth had exhausted his wife and he remembered that he almost lost her when Aaron and Jang were born due to the bleeding she had. He knew within he needed to have a discussion with Anna, when she was recovered as to whether they would have more children.
As they already knew children's lives were precious but ultimately, he was selfish and wanted his wife with him for as long as they could be together. Looking over at the sleeping little prince, while his legal name would be Ting, given Anna was happy with a family name he wanted an English name for their prince. And had spent time searching the internet for names meaning prince. He was leaning towards Brendan but would not make that decision without consulting Anna.
Ting, was determined that he was not going to allow his mother to rest, and started to cry, immediately waking Anna. Noticing Yi there, she said "Hand him to me Yi, I guess he is hungry."
Shaking his head Hou Yi, carefully picked up Ting and handed him to Anna, before sitting beside her. Quickly, Anna had manoeuvred Ting so that he could latch onto a b*east and started feeding. While he was feeding Anna asked, "Have you an idea on his English name?"
"I did some research. Jing's English name was a tribute to his maternal grandfather, Aaron's was because he was a miracle to have even been born alive. I thought, as our children will be our little princes or princesses, that a name meaning or connotating prince would be appropriate. Of the names with that meaning, Brendan is my favourite."
Looking down, Anna realised Yi was right. Their children would be their little princes or princesses, and that seemed fitting. "Brendan it is. You know I had in mind, because I was so certain we were having a girl Amirah as a name. Not English, but Arabic, with a similar meaning. We just have to save that for another time."
"True. But we have something else we have to think about. James and Alecia stayed at the Villa until my parents arrived, and once Jang realised you were not around he stated to drive them and the nannies crazy. When I told my parents you had given birth, the told Jang, and ever since then he has demanded he has to come and see his brother."
Shaking her head Anna responded "He is just as demanding as his father. You know no one will have any peace until he comes…"
"But you need to be able to deal with him when he arrives."
"Yi, you know as well as I do that Jang can be excitable, but he is good when we tell him no. Let him come. I am hopeful the doctors will let Ting and me go home tonight…"
"Take the time to recover. It is not as if we cannot afford for you to spend the time here, if the hospital do not need the space."
"You want to pamper me."
"I do, we have two living children under two. Yes we have nannies, but you still want to be there for them…"
"As do you." Pausing Anna said "Yi, I know it is early but how about asking Steve and Mandy to be two of his godparents. We made choices as to Jang's godparents, more about our need for people near to us, or helping us. This time, I do not want family, I want friends, and they are two of your close friends. Do you think they will do it?"
"They will, if they know what is good for them." Hou YI paused, before continuing "You know one call I received earlier …"
"From the president, he wants an answer as to his job offer, while at the same time offering his congratulations on Ting's birth."
"A real politician, being nice on one hand and on the other pursuing his agenda. I have, due to a matter spoken to him three times in the last week, but as I kept reminding him you were in the late stages of pregnancy, and even now you need to recover before considering his offer. But he figures as you have given birth you are able to give him his answer."
"Yi, the think I find strange is why a politician wants a businessman's wife with no political experience to fill a senior government legal position."
"As he has constantly told me, he has been so impressed with how you have worked with the trial for children, that he wants you to take the position. He knows that regardless of anything you will be honest and not even let our relationship interfere in the work you do."
"But he wants me to move to the capital. That will not happen, you and the children are the most important thing to me."
"Anna sweetheart, I think he has gotten that. When we offered his congratulations, he made it clear that he was happy for you to work from here, video-conferencing with the capital and only travelling there when absolutely needed."
"Do you think we can trust him?"
"Anna he is a typical politician, but an honest one. I would trust him, but I would make sure it is in writing."
"Can you cope with a wife going into politics? Will that impact the company?"
"Anna, no. Hou Enterprises is stable. We have dealt with those internally trying to destabilise the company, and the threats have well and truly gone externally at this time. The only future threat might be Lu Corporation but given what you have done I suspect Lu Jinhu would do what he can to prevent it. We both know that Lu Corporation currently is a shell of its previous self, as they have had to sell off international projects and re-focus domestically on a couple of key areas simply to deal with all the damage that Lu Jingho did before his death. It will depend on who is the CEO at the time when that rebuilding finally pays dividends."
"You have your suspicions on who that will be, don't you?"
"You know me too well. The current CEO, for the money hungry family members is not making the profits they want. I suspect they will push Lu Jinhu to step in, as they will want money over any thanks for rebuilding the company. And Lu Jinhu will not be so stupid, as in the end he now owes you, not only for himself but his daughters."
"Speaking of them, I cannot believe that the court in the end when Yang Lin tried to get custody and overturned the pre-nuptial agreement gave her nothing."
"Well she deserved it, particularly given what has come out. Now, what do you want to do? I can put the president off for a few weeks, to allow you to recover."
"Yi, you know I had really reached the decision a couple of weeks ago. The idea of working as a lawyer, with Jang and Ting does not tempt me as much as I though it would. This allows me to make changes, and I have already demonstrated that I can do that with the trial program here, that has impressed so many within the country."
"Then you have your answer. You know I will support whatever you decide. We simply have to be careful so there can be no political blowback on you for what Hou Enterprises do."
"You have my board resignation anyway. There is no way with just on eighteen months between our children that I could stay on the board, this decision seals that call. "
"I will make the call and pass on the message but confirm that you will not formally take up the position for three to six months. You need to recover."
"Thank you, Yi. You spoil me so much, and from a chance encounter we have made such a dramatic change in our lives in just over two years."
Leaning over Hou YI gave Anna a brief kiss and said, "We are so lucky."
Hou Yi, sat looking at Anna. Unlike when Aaron and Jang were born, this little prince did not cause as many problems for Anna or the hospital staff when he was born. The only thing was giving birth had exhausted his wife and he remembered that he almost lost her when Aaron and Jang were born due to the bleeding she had. He knew within he needed to have a discussion with Anna, when she was recovered as to whether they would have more children.
As they already knew children's lives were precious but ultimately, he was selfish and wanted his wife with him for as long as they could be together. Looking over at the sleeping little prince, while his legal name would be Ting, given Anna was happy with a family name he wanted an English name for their prince. And had spent time searching the internet for names meaning prince. He was leaning towards Brendan but would not make that decision without consulting Anna.
Ting, was determined that he was not going to allow his mother to rest, and started to cry, immediately waking Anna. Noticing Yi there, she said "Hand him to me Yi, I guess he is hungry."
Shaking his head Hou Yi, carefully picked up Ting and handed him to Anna, before sitting beside her. Quickly, Anna had manoeuvred Ting so that he could latch onto a b*east and started feeding. While he was feeding Anna asked, "Have you an idea on his English name?"
"I did some research. Jing's English name was a tribute to his maternal grandfather, Aaron's was because he was a miracle to have even been born alive. I thought, as our children will be our little princes or princesses, that a name meaning or connotating prince would be appropriate. Of the names with that meaning, Brendan is my favourite."
Looking down, Anna realised Yi was right. Their children would be their little princes or princesses, and that seemed fitting. "Brendan it is. You know I had in mind, because I was so certain we were having a girl Amirah as a name. Not English, but Arabic, with a similar meaning. We just have to save that for another time."
"True. But we have something else we have to think about. James and Alecia stayed at the Villa until my parents arrived, and once Jang realised you were not around he stated to drive them and the nannies crazy. When I told my parents you had given birth, the told Jang, and ever since then he has demanded he has to come and see his brother."
Shaking her head Anna responded "He is just as demanding as his father. You know no one will have any peace until he comes…"
"But you need to be able to deal with him when he arrives."
"Yi, you know as well as I do that Jang can be excitable, but he is good when we tell him no. Let him come. I am hopeful the doctors will let Ting and me go home tonight…"
"Take the time to recover. It is not as if we cannot afford for you to spend the time here, if the hospital do not need the space."
"You want to pamper me."
"I do, we have two living children under two. Yes we have nannies, but you still want to be there for them…"
"As do you." Pausing Anna said "Yi, I know it is early but how about asking Steve and Mandy to be two of his godparents. We made choices as to Jang's godparents, more about our need for people near to us, or helping us. This time, I do not want family, I want friends, and they are two of your close friends. Do you think they will do it?"
"They will, if they know what is good for them." Hou YI paused, before continuing "You know one call I received earlier …"
"From the president, he wants an answer as to his job offer, while at the same time offering his congratulations on Ting's birth."
"A real politician, being nice on one hand and on the other pursuing his agenda. I have, due to a matter spoken to him three times in the last week, but as I kept reminding him you were in the late stages of pregnancy, and even now you need to recover before considering his offer. But he figures as you have given birth you are able to give him his answer."
"Yi, the think I find strange is why a politician wants a businessman's wife with no political experience to fill a senior government legal position."
"As he has constantly told me, he has been so impressed with how you have worked with the trial for children, that he wants you to take the position. He knows that regardless of anything you will be honest and not even let our relationship interfere in the work you do."
"But he wants me to move to the capital. That will not happen, you and the children are the most important thing to me."
"Anna sweetheart, I think he has gotten that. When we offered his congratulations, he made it clear that he was happy for you to work from here, video-conferencing with the capital and only travelling there when absolutely needed."
"Do you think we can trust him?"
"Anna he is a typical politician, but an honest one. I would trust him, but I would make sure it is in writing."
"Can you cope with a wife going into politics? Will that impact the company?"
"Anna, no. Hou Enterprises is stable. We have dealt with those internally trying to destabilise the company, and the threats have well and truly gone externally at this time. The only future threat might be Lu Corporation but given what you have done I suspect Lu Jinhu would do what he can to prevent it. We both know that Lu Corporation currently is a shell of its previous self, as they have had to sell off international projects and re-focus domestically on a couple of key areas simply to deal with all the damage that Lu Jingho did before his death. It will depend on who is the CEO at the time when that rebuilding finally pays dividends."
"You have your suspicions on who that will be, don't you?"
"You know me too well. The current CEO, for the money hungry family members is not making the profits they want. I suspect they will push Lu Jinhu to step in, as they will want money over any thanks for rebuilding the company. And Lu Jinhu will not be so stupid, as in the end he now owes you, not only for himself but his daughters."
"Speaking of them, I cannot believe that the court in the end when Yang Lin tried to get custody and overturned the pre-nuptial agreement gave her nothing."
"Well she deserved it, particularly given what has come out. Now, what do you want to do? I can put the president off for a few weeks, to allow you to recover."
"Yi, you know I had really reached the decision a couple of weeks ago. The idea of working as a lawyer, with Jang and Ting does not tempt me as much as I though it would. This allows me to make changes, and I have already demonstrated that I can do that with the trial program here, that has impressed so many within the country."
"Then you have your answer. You know I will support whatever you decide. We simply have to be careful so there can be no political blowback on you for what Hou Enterprises do."
"You have my board resignation anyway. There is no way with just on eighteen months between our children that I could stay on the board, this decision seals that call. "
"I will make the call and pass on the message but confirm that you will not formally take up the position for three to six months. You need to recover."
"Thank you, Yi. You spoil me so much, and from a chance encounter we have made such a dramatic change in our lives in just over two years."
Leaning over Hou YI gave Anna a brief kiss and said, "We are so lucky."