20th wedding anniversary

James stood in the lounge of their apartment waiting for Alecia to come home after her meeting with Hou Yi.   Anna, when she had gone called him and explained what was happening.

His sister was great at keeping secrets, but this one was a big one.  However, he could see some of the motives behind their actions.  Yao Tan and his behaviour ever since the accident where Jasmine's was injured, he had become unbearable.  He blamed everyone, most particularly Anna and Hou Yi, closely followed by Alecia and him.  She was a stubborn little girl, who Yao Tan never said no to.

They had put up with the attitude, and Yao Tan's refusal to consider Alecia for a more senior position within the company, as Junior after years of drifting had a couple of years ago joined.  Unlike Alecia who worked her way up the corporate ladder, he walked into a Junior executive position, and just three months ago Yao Tan promoted him to a senior executive position.

Alecia was heartbroken with that.  She had worked so hard for nineteen years in the company, almost costing them their marriage three times because of the stress and strain it placed on them, plus the occasion when she was undertaking her graduate studies that his actions pushed her into being around a friend of Junior's who decided that trying to ruin their marriage was fair game.

She had said, that after Christmas this year, she wanted to leave.  That would allow her to finish up her current projects and leave with her head held high.  Now, Yi wanted to offer her this opportunity.

Before he could think more, Alecia walked in the door, and noticing James in the lounge headed straight in.  "I am guessing Anna has spoken to you?"

"She did.  After talking to Rose, who agreed to stay at their Villa tonight, she was able to convince Harrison and Christina to go as well, on the basis we needed to talk."

"What do you think?"

"Alecia, it is an opportunity, but just because is it my brother-in-law, your godfather offering it to you, you should not feel obliged to take it.  But the…"

"Choice will be mine, and you will support me.  James, after all my screw ups over the last twenty years I still wonder why you have remained in our marriage.  My father's actions have put so much pressure on our relationship, and then there is that incident when I was completing my graduate studies…"

"We both know none of that was your fault.  Yes, it caused us to have things to work through, but we did so, because we knew what we wanted, our relationship and our marriage.  And remember that it is not a one-way street.  You have had to deal with the deployments I have taken with medical teams on joining the Military Reserve Medical Corps.  As a male nurse…"

"Those more senior within the military have felt comfortable in sending you into situations where they would not send a male nurse.  I know, James."

Taking his hand Alecia dragged him to sit down on a couch in the lounge room.  Despite having the money her investments had given them, living here in the apartment where they started their life here was where they felt comfortable.  After they sat down, Alecia turned and asked "James, truthfully what do you think I should do?  Take the offer, or should we go ahead with our plans to take the children and leave?  Rose could study at University in Australia and there are plenty of good schools for Harrison and Christina to go to in Australia."

"Alecia, honestly we know you will not go any further now that Junior has joined the family company.  The question is, do you want to be a stay-at home mother until you can develop a Business in Australia or continue on the corporate ladder that you are, through taking this opportunity that Yi has offered you."

"James, you have been the one that has sacrificed your career more than me for the children…"

"And I do not regret that.  You took Maternity leave when they were born, and I have been lucky with working at Hou Enterprises Medical Centre to have a brother-in-law Boss that has been understanding to allow me to be flexible in my work.  Just do not think that you have to sacrifice your future career choices for me…"

"I do not know what I deserved to have you come into my life."

"It was fate." James then leant over and gave Alecia a kiss, before drawing her back into his arms.  "I guess you do not want to make a decision today."

"I do not, but I think if I do not it will ruin the night you have planned."

"How do you know I have things planned."

"James, every year you always do something special for our anniversary, why would out twentieth Anniversary be different?"


"So, what do you have planned?"

"Actually, a quiet night.  It has been so long since we have been to the movies, without the children, so I figured movie and dinner before coming home to …"

"No children and the ability to totally enjoy ourselves in bed."


"How about we change that.  Uncle Yi said we could use the home cinema in their apartment, and the staff have the night off there…"

"Alecia, I have arrangements at our favourite restaurant before the movies…"


"Come on, how often is it we go out without the children?  Unlike Anna and Yi, or your father and Amanda I have not, despite the money you have made from your investments, allowed you to employ a nanny.  We have cared for the children or made the arrangements."

Pausing Alecia responded "True, but I still think my suggestion is better,"

"It is, but that is a standing offer which we have used in the past when we want a little quite time but will not go far from the children.  I want a romantic date with my wife, and I splashed out at the movie cinema and booked a private cinema for us.  And we will eb seeing that movie you have said for the last couple of weeks you want to see."


"We still have a couple of hours before the dinner reservations, so we could have a shower together, and who knows what will happen there."

"You have a dirty mind James."

"You like many of my suggestions, so what is your complaint now?"

"You ask, you are forty-two years and I turn thirty-seven tomorrow, not particularly young and stupid when it comes to you s*x life…"

"But you love the fun."

"True.  But we need to make a decision on what we will do."

"Whatever you want.  I will support your decision."

"I really do not want to leave…"

"So, take the job."

"But what will dad think, I am abandoning the family company…"

"Forget that, he has made his choices, for his own reasons there, and if he wants to make your life difficult for taking the position, point out that you are joining your sister-in-law and her husband's company, not working for a complete stranger.  Then when everything ends up settling down in a few years' time we can make choices, to remain or leave.  Alecia, if you want to compete for the CEO position when your father steps down, having been Hou Enterprises CEO for a few years, will place you in a much better position to take it than Junior, who is being handed everything easily by your father."

"Are you certain?"

"If it is what you want, grab it.  You know we can survive anything.  My mother trying to continually wreck our marriage, the stress your father through work placed on it, Junior's friends trying to break us up, my time on deployment and even helping Ton deal with Sally's death."

"If you are certain."

Picking up his mobile, James immediately dialled Hou Yi, and as he answered placed it on speaker.  "James what can we do for you on your wedding anniversary."

"Alecia needs to speak to you, and I have you on speaker phone."

"Uncle Yi…" drew out Alecia.

"You have decided not to take the job.  Alecia as I told you, you do not have to feel obliged to take it…"

"Uncle Yi, just answer me one question, what made you offer me the position?"

"Anna suggested I should look at you for the position, but you know how I work.  In business I do not let emotions dictate what I do.  I apply logic, and make sure my decisions can be supported.  I did my due diligence before I made the offer and realised that you are quite capable of doing the job.  Junior over the last six months has taken so much credit for your work, that it has blinded your father to the truth, and you have carried on the work as you do not want to harm the company rather than exposing it.  That tells me I can trust you to do the right thing by Hou Enterprises in taking the position.  As I explained there will be some caveats on the role to allow you to move in and do it properly."

"You explained those to me, and after our discussions I understand those reasons."


"James and I have spoken.  I will take the role, but I want you to do something.  I want Hou Enterprises to continue to look for someone either to come in and take the CEO position if I feel over my head or to be my deputy.  I want to be sure that if there is an issue I can step back, plus we need to be ready in case I fall pregnant again…"

"I get it. But you need to tell your father in the next few days, as I suspect Anna and I will have to make some announcements in the next week or so."

"OK Uncle Yi.  We will catch up to finalise everything the day after dad's birthday."

Hou Yi, took the hint and ended the call.  James turned to Alecia and said, "Now come on, we have a shower to go and enjoy, before our anniversary celebrations."

"You better deliver James, or I will be so disappointed."

"When have I ever failed to deliver sweetheart."

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