An hour and a half had passed since Davids arrival.
During that time David took it upon himself to introduce himself and retell the bank first from his perspective.
David, Theodore and the clones helped the six moving guys with moving boxes and furniture into the trucks.
At 10:45 am Theodore, Rose and Icy said their final goodbyes to what was known as home.
While in the car Theodore continued to entertain Rose and Chat.
Rose was in his arms as he told her the story \"Jack And The Beanstalk\" and next, he was a clone that was showing the drawings.
Not long after Rose fell into a deep slumber with her finger in her mouth with her little body cradled lovingly in Theodore's arms.
[ThiCCC-Rear]: Dad's so sweet ????????????????
[SmoothButter]: Sugar level maxed
[SmallMuffin]: ????????
[YesMan]: Wholesome moments with Dad part 3
[ThotPatrol]: ???????? @ThiCCC-Rear: All right Thot put your hands behind your back and your fake ass away????
[Love2Hate]: Wow an actual good kids story ????????
[LadyLuck]: Daddy Theo is mine ????????
[Coffee_N_D!K]: Give me some loving hubby ????????
[ThotPatrol]: ????Calling in backup, I'm outnumbered, 5 assailants, showing Thot behaviour I fear a possible cougar amongst them. In need of necessary backup????????????????
[SettleWithMe]: If dad doesn't want ya ladies I'll have ya ????
Theodore laughed quietly and said jokingly \"Thank you, officer. I was almost another victim\"
[ThotPatrol: Donated: $5: Just doing my job sir. Now the Department of have some questions]
\"Huh , what's that?\" Asked Theodore curiously
[: Donated $5: I'm with the department of Fock You Bro. I hear that you gained the attention of many thirsty hoes. Is this true]
\"Okay that's pretty cool, but yes, I have indeed experienced such things,\" Said Theodore
[: Donated $5: Understood, so it an indefinite sentence of Fock You. roll out and attack]
[]: ????????????
[ Fock you bro
\"Hahaha Well it's not like I sent out an invite and I also don't follow the regular a handsome look. Well how's about we continue the Sole Piece story as an apology\" Said, Theodore as his clone pulled it the Sole Piece sketchbook
\"Now where we're we? Hmm. . . ah yes Ussop said with tears in his eyes 'From now on there will be no more Ussop pirates' Luffy, Zorro and Nami were at the bar having a meal\" Said Theodore as he began to tell the story
Thirty-five minutes passed before Theodore, Rose, Icy and David arrived in .
Theodore had just gotten to the end of Chapter 49, Luffy was eating at Baratie the restaurant ship owned by Zeff.
Luffy and his crew run into Sanji the hormonal chef. They also run into another pirate who also tries to make trouble for Baratie.
The chapter ends with the vague shadow of a tall man on a raft as the pirate's ship around him sink due to them suddenly being to cut to pieces.
\"Theodore we're here\" Said, David
\"Oh okay we'll continue later,\" Said Theodore as he closed his clone closed the Sole Piece sketchbook.
[Love2Hate]: WTF cliff hanger NOoo!!????
[SoAmbiguous]: Come on just flip the page let me see how he looks ????
[xXQuickScope22Xx]: Bet $10 that its hawkeye
[SettleWithMe]: Why dude just leave the cam with the clone
[QuiteNoise]: I need to know, I'm addicted and it's your fault
[OtakuFPS]: Sensei please, show us the next page ????
[Sniff-It]: Who's shadow can be this fucking cool, I smell an op character ????
[]: Cliff-_ apology not accep..
Theodore just gave a light chuckle as he looked out the window.
They pull up outside of a tall automated steel gate connected to an 8ft tall hedge which Theodore presumed had the house behind it. Looking to the left he saw David's place.
David pulls out a key from the glove box and clicks a button on it causing the gate to begin moving.
*Creek* As the gate opens a harsh noise of deteriorating mechanical parts could be heard.
\"Don't worry about the gate I've rebuilt a brand new one back at the garage, I'll install it today?\" Said David as he drove through.
In front was a smooth sand road with freshly cut grass on either side.
The road was short as it wrapped around an egg-shaped stone that acted as a centrepiece.
The house was a two-story antique home that was older than Theodore's original home.
Theodore's original home was a 21st-century house without the builtin smart home automation that is now considered the standard.
The home in front of him looked to be from the Victorian era.
He doesn't have a problem with it as his main worries of coming to a new home is that it would be too big.
He really doesn't want to be cleaning that many rooms and a small house makes it easier for Rose to get around.
Theodore got out of the car while rocking Rose as the sudden change movement bothered her nap.
He made two clones, one to hold ice and the other to bring in the grocery from their original home.
The doors was a large dark mahogany door with no keyhole.
David pulled out a white plastic card and waved it randomly in front of the door causing it too open automatically.
\"Wow,\" Said Theodore
\"Yeah, the last owner was an architect and quiet the tech genius. This was a project and his home. He wanted to keep the feature of the home while giving it the feel of the modern and future era. He wasn't famous or anything he just had a lot of inheritance money and an ambition\" Said David as he leads them in.
Walking in Theodore immediately understood what he meant as the inside of the house followed the open room style with dividing walls being almost none existing.
\"BoxCam turnoff location sensor Said Theodore as the chat could finally see the surrounding.
[LordZzzz]: ????????
[KickAbout]: Dad got that cash
[TightZippy]: Dad, spare me some of that baller money????????
[Big-M-B!ch]: daddy just turned into sugar daddy????????
[BangMan]: Nice place
[GamerBod]: Gamer hours?? ????????
[ThotPratol]: Looks like I can expect gold diggers soon.
David turned to the standing mirror mounted on the wall and said \"Shoe rack open\"
Immediately after he said those words the mirror had showed an empty shoe rack video feed. The bottom portion of the mirror opened up showing a tray.
\"This thing will both store and clean your shoes, you just need to keep refilling the cleaning solution, shoe polish and wax. Let's take a look at the living room and so on\" Said David
I walk follow him while my feet made contact with the light tan floorboards replied with a welcoming floorboard heating.
On the left was the living room with a sunroom that went into the backyard. Rooms sealing was almost 9ft tall with a spacious room and a glass that popped out from the top of the open chimney.
Surrounding the chimney was an assortment of old leather chairs with a dark tacky rug and dark curtains to match.
'Nope, those gotta go' Thought Theodore while looking at what can stay and go
Along the wall was a bunch of video frames which was a picture frame that played a series of images much like a slide show.
Lighting wise it was file simple overhanging lights that had shades. Same thing in the sunroom portion.
Walking back the hallway the go to the right that was the kitchen and dining room with snooker table hidden off into the corner of the room.
The kitchen was a bright white with glossy granite countertops that seamlessly matched the dark mahogany wood cabinets.
The dining room had a black rectangular wooden table that could convert into a small version or even become a circular table.
They then walked out into the backyard to see the large green space that had a large tree in the corner and a rectangular swimming pool.
David then showed him the upstairs rooms. He had 5 and room 2 bathrooms with a personal bathroom for the master bedroom.
The moving guys were quick to move everything in under an hour.
\"Thanks, David for helping and special thanks to the moving company Shifting Homes for their assistance. I would recommend Shifting Homes if you're looking to move. Nice quick and simple. Right I'm gonna have to say my goodbyes today see you tomorrow for my morning exercise\" Said, Theodore while waving
\"Hey David do know where I can get some gym equipment like a pull-up bar, Farrell bars and more specifically for the outside,\" Said Theodore
\"Yeah, you can order and they'll be here in an hour to set it up for you,\" Said David
\"Well thanks, David, and here's the copy Sole Piece with my signature,\" Said Theodore while passing a thin sketchbook over
\"Thank, I'll be back in a bit I just have to get your gate,\" Said David as he left the house.
Theodore had put Rose down to sleep after they put a cot in the room closest to the master bedroom.
He had also put a Clone in the room as he knew that Rose would panic seeing the new surroundings.
It was just him now so he lent back on a rocking chair in the sunroom taking in all the sun possible while accepting task for skills he'll need.
[Task A: learn sign language: Time Limit: 1week]
[Task A: Teach Rose to count to 10: Time Limit: 2 weeks]
[Task A: Learn Piano: Time Limit: 5 days]
[Task A: Master Parkour: Time Limit: 2 weeks]
[Task A: Work at the soup kitchen for 5 days: Time Limit: 2 weeks]
[Task A: Get 600,000 follower on humming: Time Limit: 1 week]
[Note: Task will be accomplished without host directly advertising it and will take on a new alias to further add difficulty]
\"Well let's get this shit on the road,\" Said Theodore before creating 2 clones to begin learning sign language while he cooked lunch.
During that time David took it upon himself to introduce himself and retell the bank first from his perspective.
David, Theodore and the clones helped the six moving guys with moving boxes and furniture into the trucks.
At 10:45 am Theodore, Rose and Icy said their final goodbyes to what was known as home.
While in the car Theodore continued to entertain Rose and Chat.
Rose was in his arms as he told her the story \"Jack And The Beanstalk\" and next, he was a clone that was showing the drawings.
Not long after Rose fell into a deep slumber with her finger in her mouth with her little body cradled lovingly in Theodore's arms.
[ThiCCC-Rear]: Dad's so sweet ????????????????
[SmoothButter]: Sugar level maxed
[SmallMuffin]: ????????
[YesMan]: Wholesome moments with Dad part 3
[ThotPatrol]: ???????? @ThiCCC-Rear: All right Thot put your hands behind your back and your fake ass away????
[Love2Hate]: Wow an actual good kids story ????????
[LadyLuck]: Daddy Theo is mine ????????
[Coffee_N_D!K]: Give me some loving hubby ????????
[ThotPatrol]: ????Calling in backup, I'm outnumbered, 5 assailants, showing Thot behaviour I fear a possible cougar amongst them. In need of necessary backup????????????????
[SettleWithMe]: If dad doesn't want ya ladies I'll have ya ????
Theodore laughed quietly and said jokingly \"Thank you, officer. I was almost another victim\"
[ThotPatrol: Donated: $5: Just doing my job sir. Now the Department of have some questions]
\"Huh , what's that?\" Asked Theodore curiously
[: Donated $5: I'm with the department of Fock You Bro. I hear that you gained the attention of many thirsty hoes. Is this true]
\"Okay that's pretty cool, but yes, I have indeed experienced such things,\" Said Theodore
[: Donated $5: Understood, so it an indefinite sentence of Fock You. roll out and attack]
[]: ????????????
[ Fock you bro
\"Hahaha Well it's not like I sent out an invite and I also don't follow the regular a handsome look. Well how's about we continue the Sole Piece story as an apology\" Said, Theodore as his clone pulled it the Sole Piece sketchbook
\"Now where we're we? Hmm. . . ah yes Ussop said with tears in his eyes 'From now on there will be no more Ussop pirates' Luffy, Zorro and Nami were at the bar having a meal\" Said Theodore as he began to tell the story
Thirty-five minutes passed before Theodore, Rose, Icy and David arrived in .
Theodore had just gotten to the end of Chapter 49, Luffy was eating at Baratie the restaurant ship owned by Zeff.
Luffy and his crew run into Sanji the hormonal chef. They also run into another pirate who also tries to make trouble for Baratie.
The chapter ends with the vague shadow of a tall man on a raft as the pirate's ship around him sink due to them suddenly being to cut to pieces.
\"Theodore we're here\" Said, David
\"Oh okay we'll continue later,\" Said Theodore as he closed his clone closed the Sole Piece sketchbook.
[Love2Hate]: WTF cliff hanger NOoo!!????
[SoAmbiguous]: Come on just flip the page let me see how he looks ????
[xXQuickScope22Xx]: Bet $10 that its hawkeye
[SettleWithMe]: Why dude just leave the cam with the clone
[QuiteNoise]: I need to know, I'm addicted and it's your fault
[OtakuFPS]: Sensei please, show us the next page ????
[Sniff-It]: Who's shadow can be this fucking cool, I smell an op character ????
[]: Cliff-_ apology not accep..
Theodore just gave a light chuckle as he looked out the window.
They pull up outside of a tall automated steel gate connected to an 8ft tall hedge which Theodore presumed had the house behind it. Looking to the left he saw David's place.
David pulls out a key from the glove box and clicks a button on it causing the gate to begin moving.
*Creek* As the gate opens a harsh noise of deteriorating mechanical parts could be heard.
\"Don't worry about the gate I've rebuilt a brand new one back at the garage, I'll install it today?\" Said David as he drove through.
In front was a smooth sand road with freshly cut grass on either side.
The road was short as it wrapped around an egg-shaped stone that acted as a centrepiece.
The house was a two-story antique home that was older than Theodore's original home.
Theodore's original home was a 21st-century house without the builtin smart home automation that is now considered the standard.
The home in front of him looked to be from the Victorian era.
He doesn't have a problem with it as his main worries of coming to a new home is that it would be too big.
He really doesn't want to be cleaning that many rooms and a small house makes it easier for Rose to get around.
Theodore got out of the car while rocking Rose as the sudden change movement bothered her nap.
He made two clones, one to hold ice and the other to bring in the grocery from their original home.
The doors was a large dark mahogany door with no keyhole.
David pulled out a white plastic card and waved it randomly in front of the door causing it too open automatically.
\"Wow,\" Said Theodore
\"Yeah, the last owner was an architect and quiet the tech genius. This was a project and his home. He wanted to keep the feature of the home while giving it the feel of the modern and future era. He wasn't famous or anything he just had a lot of inheritance money and an ambition\" Said David as he leads them in.
Walking in Theodore immediately understood what he meant as the inside of the house followed the open room style with dividing walls being almost none existing.
\"BoxCam turnoff location sensor Said Theodore as the chat could finally see the surrounding.
[LordZzzz]: ????????
[KickAbout]: Dad got that cash
[TightZippy]: Dad, spare me some of that baller money????????
[Big-M-B!ch]: daddy just turned into sugar daddy????????
[BangMan]: Nice place
[GamerBod]: Gamer hours?? ????????
[ThotPratol]: Looks like I can expect gold diggers soon.
David turned to the standing mirror mounted on the wall and said \"Shoe rack open\"
Immediately after he said those words the mirror had showed an empty shoe rack video feed. The bottom portion of the mirror opened up showing a tray.
\"This thing will both store and clean your shoes, you just need to keep refilling the cleaning solution, shoe polish and wax. Let's take a look at the living room and so on\" Said David
I walk follow him while my feet made contact with the light tan floorboards replied with a welcoming floorboard heating.
On the left was the living room with a sunroom that went into the backyard. Rooms sealing was almost 9ft tall with a spacious room and a glass that popped out from the top of the open chimney.
Surrounding the chimney was an assortment of old leather chairs with a dark tacky rug and dark curtains to match.
'Nope, those gotta go' Thought Theodore while looking at what can stay and go
Along the wall was a bunch of video frames which was a picture frame that played a series of images much like a slide show.
Lighting wise it was file simple overhanging lights that had shades. Same thing in the sunroom portion.
Walking back the hallway the go to the right that was the kitchen and dining room with snooker table hidden off into the corner of the room.
The kitchen was a bright white with glossy granite countertops that seamlessly matched the dark mahogany wood cabinets.
The dining room had a black rectangular wooden table that could convert into a small version or even become a circular table.
They then walked out into the backyard to see the large green space that had a large tree in the corner and a rectangular swimming pool.
David then showed him the upstairs rooms. He had 5 and room 2 bathrooms with a personal bathroom for the master bedroom.
The moving guys were quick to move everything in under an hour.
\"Thanks, David for helping and special thanks to the moving company Shifting Homes for their assistance. I would recommend Shifting Homes if you're looking to move. Nice quick and simple. Right I'm gonna have to say my goodbyes today see you tomorrow for my morning exercise\" Said, Theodore while waving
\"Hey David do know where I can get some gym equipment like a pull-up bar, Farrell bars and more specifically for the outside,\" Said Theodore
\"Yeah, you can order and they'll be here in an hour to set it up for you,\" Said David
\"Well thanks, David, and here's the copy Sole Piece with my signature,\" Said Theodore while passing a thin sketchbook over
\"Thank, I'll be back in a bit I just have to get your gate,\" Said David as he left the house.
Theodore had put Rose down to sleep after they put a cot in the room closest to the master bedroom.
He had also put a Clone in the room as he knew that Rose would panic seeing the new surroundings.
It was just him now so he lent back on a rocking chair in the sunroom taking in all the sun possible while accepting task for skills he'll need.
[Task A: learn sign language: Time Limit: 1week]
[Task A: Teach Rose to count to 10: Time Limit: 2 weeks]
[Task A: Learn Piano: Time Limit: 5 days]
[Task A: Master Parkour: Time Limit: 2 weeks]
[Task A: Work at the soup kitchen for 5 days: Time Limit: 2 weeks]
[Task A: Get 600,000 follower on humming: Time Limit: 1 week]
[Note: Task will be accomplished without host directly advertising it and will take on a new alias to further add difficulty]
\"Well let's get this shit on the road,\" Said Theodore before creating 2 clones to begin learning sign language while he cooked lunch.